Sunday, October 31, 2010
Yes yes.. AGAIN! I know. =X But it shall be the last time!! At least until A levels end! =D Garner all the strength and fight all the way till the end! It's the final battle Lord! With the intimidating A levels! But nothing is to be feared, because You'll walk me through it! I know You will! =D Let nothing worry me at all! Grant me Your strength and the discipline and determination, to turn my thoughts into words, and turn my words into actions, so that I may do You proud! =D

"I can do everything through him who gives me strength." -Philippians 4:13

This time I will do it! I will not let any single person that believes in me down AGAIN! NO WAY! NO MORE disappointments, NO MORE regrets, NO MORE procrastination, NO MORE late nights! Just GO GO GO! =D =D

Smile everyday like never before! =D For everyday is a brand new day worth living for, and definitely worth your smile! =D

Airport Runway! =D
3:01:00 am

Friday, October 29, 2010
Yes yes! This is a much much delayed post! =D I wanted to post this straight after my birthday, but i guess i was too tired so i ended up falling asleep! =X Oh please procrastination, don't EVER come back to haunt me! =X Anyway, i had an AWESOME, MAGNIFICENT, FANTASTIC, GREAT.. BIRTHDAY! =D It's really a GREAT way to celebrate the 18th Birthday! =D

Well it's really a great hiatus from all the work and the A levels and everything else and just let my hair down and enjoy the day! =D Not exactly the entire day actually. I started it off with going to school and do math Paper 1! HAHA! Yes a mock practice on my birthday! =D Well, it wasn't that bad. To think I was late for it but I didn't really bothered and continue to take my time! =P

*edit @ 31st Oct 2010
Woah it's not only delayed, it's super delayed now! =X Too bad there's A levels bothering me. I marked the paper, not a bad mark i guess! =D But procrastination is setting in! Omgosh i think i'm wasting too much time already. Sigh. It's just a little bit more to go! =D Well, my mind is blank now, but all I want to say is get HIGH! =D

It's not about what you do, it's about the company that matters! =D

Foxtrot Lima Yankee! =D
2:13:00 am

Thursday, October 14, 2010
Haha okay I simply cannot stand it! I'm way way way toooooo (nope, not sad or angry).. HAPPY already! :D Oh yea! I'm super duper high now! :D I'm online to spread the joy and cheer up as many people as I can! Come on! Let's all get high! =D Anyway, to be a spoiler, I seriously think the teachers are going to sing the song from 爱! Like seriously! 我问天! OMGOSH! I wasn't the only one who overheard them practising today i guess! Woah can't wait to see what kind of joke there is during farewell assembly tomorrow! =D

Actually, it's kind of hard to leave AJ after these short two years. Despite the short period of time, I guess this two years are the most eventful years in my life! =D Fun, laughter, and joy! Sadness, emoing, moping around! I guess it's really an emotional upheaval throughout this period. Well, it's not over! Not yet! There's still the big A levels and many more stuff before/after it! 2010's so going to be a blast! =D

It's never too late to try - it all depends on how HARD you try! =D

Live Life Laughing! God bless! =D
9:20:00 pm

Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Sleep more, Laugh more, Work more! =D

Okay I don't have much time, to be blogging that is. Anyway, just a little disclaimer. If you chance upon my tagboard and see the little 'conversation' down there, well, it's just someone crapping because she's bored. Haha. As the name goes, youknowwho! :)

Sigh. I'm losing steam. I feel like I'm going out of gas already, especially after today's mass civics. Yes. Principal talk again. The stress level shoots up like mad throughout the talk, and even when I am super tired, I just can't sleep. =X Oh and there's something seriously wrong nowadays. I've been thinking too much, or at least I hope I was, which meant that whatever I'm thinking isn't true at all. But I guess even if it is, there's really nothing I could do, can I? I just don't want things to go back to the start again, where it was all awkward. Silence may not be awkward, but sometimes it shows something. Then it can continue on and on, then agreements may start to vanish on it's own, just like how it did before. Maybe it's really my imagination because I feel insecure (someone tie me up please!). Hope so! =D

I guess at this point in time, I'll need support sometimes. I think probably I'll just smile to myself, looking all so silly. I don't care. That's the only way that can keep me going, so I shall do it - unless you have a way to suggest to me. Drop me a message then, because I really don't know when I'll be back checking my blog. I'm smiling to myself now actually, else those weird thoughts will start haunting me like nobodies' business. Well, solitary is a new way to learn! Shall be a no life mugger from now on! =D I have not much of a life to start with anyway. Haha.

Oh and taken from my facebook status, "Seriously what's wrong these days? Even the chocolate milk i just drank for lunch turned SOUR and tasted as if it had been left to decompose for months. To add on, it was stored in the refrigerator all the while till it was JUST opened, and had a EXPIRY DATE of 25th OCTOBER! =.=" Nice milk huh. And i sort of fainted this morning during GP when greeting the teacher. He didn't even know, except Jun Jie, because apparently I was grabbing onto him to prevent myself from collapsing to the ground (and spoiling the floor). I don't care actually, because I don't really see a need to. Do I need to care? Self torture. -.- Lols! God bless! =D

Sometimes I wish I can safely apply the Ceteris Paribus assumption on some things that seemed so uncertain.

Demand-pull inflation stress
4:00:00 pm

Sunday, October 10, 2010
Seriously, what's this world coming to? I don't know, and I don't have an answer.

Anyway, I don't know what's wrong with me. Awhile ago, I was calculating the hours left (never mind what hours), and I suddenly got very very stressed up. There's something seriously very very wrong with me, and I don't know exactly what is it. I can only guess here and there, but it's getting really irritating for me. Why have I become so dependent? What happened to the old me? I don't know. Vanished into thin air after that long saga? Sigh.

I don't like this period. Smiles are vanishing from faces that I would think it's the last place it would vanish from. But it seems like I'm wrong. It's getting increasingly disturbing that everyone around you have faces turning from =D to :) to :| or even :( or T_T . It just don't feel good seeing all these changes around you but you cannot do a single thing to salvage that very smile that used to cheer you up whenever you looked really down and sad. I really really want those radiant smiles to be back! Can't we just smile and face A levels instead of going towards it saying, "I'm going to die.. I'm so going to die!"? Die die die.. Why not ask those thoughts to go die? Lols! God bless! =D

I want to SMILE, and i want to see SMILES around me, much more than anything else in the world! =D


*edit @ 10.59PM
Then again, why can't i be the smile ambassador? =D For fun, laughter and joy! =D

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34
9:53:00 pm

Saturday, October 09, 2010
I'm back again! =D Haha. I'm officially back to normal as of now, and will try my very best not to fall (double meaning) again! =D I guess I really don't know what's wrong with me. Maybe I will understand some day. The time now should be used more efficiently by sorting out all my stuff and start having a organised schedule on my revision. It's like coming in one month!

Hmm... Somehow some things tends to happen when I really want to do something. Should I really exclude myself from the computer? Oh by the way, if anyone knows what I'm talking about, don't worry, it's not your fault. I can make my own choice and I choose to stay, and it feels good to be able to help too! Jiayou! =D

Sometimes we may not be in the exact situation where we want to be, but we will always have the choice to make whatever situation the best it can be for us. =D

9:52:00 pm

Friday, October 08, 2010
The feeling of guilt is really tormenting - absolutely, totally tormenting. Actually, I can't seem to blame anyone right? Sigh. Oh and I don't know what's wrong with me recently. Firstly, I fell and scratch myself. Secondly, I got a strong headache. Thirdly, I vomited yesterday due to gastric flu. I shall not go into details. If you had a little common sense, you would know that didn't assuage my pain - it intensified it. Oh well, it's okay. I won't fall so easily.

Oh and I realised I forgot to blog about something yesterday. I was too exhausted yesterday and I fell asleep. When I woke up, the headache + the gastric flu totally overwhelmed me, and I apparently wasn't in the right mind to blog. Anyway, I'm sure the word "EMO" isn't a foreign word to many. But what really is emoing?

Well I opine that there's two kinds of emoing - the controlled kind, and the uncontrollable kind. They pretty much explain themselves actually. Haha why does this sounds so much like a GP essay? Maybe I've been having too many timed practices till I become insane already. But anyway, I think I prefer the controlled kind of emoing. It really does help in settling myself down, though it's very easy to just cross over to the uncontrolled kind. I guess till this point, maybe you think that I am talking rubbish. Well, perhaps I am. I'm mad. Really.

The worse you can feel, is when you don't feel anything at all.

Pro^2crastinator kills! Hate it.
11:41:00 pm

Thursday, October 07, 2010
"I don't know where to go I can't do it alone I've tried
And I don't know why"

This song kept, for some unknown reason, ringing in my brain today. Of course it's just not this two lines, but it's the whole stanza. It's just that i happen to forget the lyrics that's all. I actually forgot the title of the song too, and i found out. It's The Show by Lenka.

It's such a cheerful song, but it didn't match my mood today - totally the other way round. I don't understand. I really don't. There's just too many things to understand in this world, that one is not able to fully fathom everything. Haiz. I think maybe I'm just too tired and stressed up. The only thing that can really make me smile now is that baby. Don't ask me what baby. I didn't think it would work too, until i got a feeling it would when i was near, and it did, for a moment. Maybe i should go back and stare at it. Sigh. Oh and it's not that I don't feel it. It's just, nobody knows what I've felt before..

Oscar Lima India Victor Echo Yankee Oscar Uniform because you can make me smile when nobody else can.

4:23:00 pm

Sunday, October 03, 2010
Ever wonder how your own thoughts can influence your own thoughts? What you believe will actually influenced you to think in a certain way i guess, and from then onwards, even if you tried to bring yourself away from it, i guess it won't be easy. It's just like a vicious cycle that goes on and on. I think that's the power of your own thoughts. So start forgiving people and thinking positive! I guess that will make your everyday much much happier! =D

I think i got the sleeping bug on me again. I feel like sleeping almost all the time, even after sleeping a lot. I guess that's the after effects of sleeping too much. I really need to regain control of my brain, else i would be wasting time away, binging on junk sleep. Haha don't that sound familiar to the J2s of AJ? :P Anyway, i really do agree that idling too much will make your thoughts run wild on those nonsensical stuff, and the worse of all, it creates a domino effect that send you spiraling downhill. Scary? Then why start hitting down the first domino? Haha. Let's start thinking positive from now onwards. Look forward to everyday! =D

One of the greatest things to do is to transfer your wonderful thoughts into actions. For thoughts can be forgotten easily, actions will never fail to carve a memory. =D

Combination of the 3 departments! :P
5:09:00 pm

Saturday, October 02, 2010
Woah it's early Saturday morning! Looks like the song below worked! Haha. Actually i haven't set my alarm to be that yet. Lazy. Yes. Again. :P It's been a long time since you see the 'AM' before my time of posting, of course excluding those 3AM or 4AM kind of post. That's not exactly morning right? Haha.

Okay. Prelims are over already and we got most of our results back. Don't ask me what i got, because it has to be bad. I mean, it IS bad. But it won't stay bad for long. I'm not going to let the grades i get now appear on my A levels certificate! No way! It seems like i have to start practising more, and on the note that my language have been decreasing at a rapid rate, i shall blog in much better language, well that is if i can do it. My teachers all have high hopes on me, so i don't really want to disappoint them again. I must make true their predictions! :D

I'm starting to love math more and more again. Haha. Currently, i'm addicted to doing A levels Math Papers, which are comparatively so much easier than the AJ Prelim 2010. Then again, i think i should try the Prelim Papers again, on a clearer mind that is, so i won't really minus 20 marks per paper thanks to negative signs and squares again! -.- I think i shall share my affection with the rest too, namely Physics, Chemistry, Economics and yes i didn't forget again, GP! I really really want to get A for all, at least that i won't disappoint the hopes of the teachers as well as myself and of course, ya. :P Oh and i have another goal to work towards actually, and i shall start to sleep early! Wow that's a lot of changes to be made. I hope they are complementary so i will be able to do it! Jiayou to myself! =D

Oh and to any J1s reading my blog, especially those from AJ, jiayou for your Promos next week! AJ likes to set hard paper that diminish any confidence left in you, but if you believe you can't do it after studying so much, then you really cannot do it. But if you have the confidence in yourself and you have been consistently studying, unlike how i was last year, you definitely WILL be able to pass. All the best! =D

Don't wish people good luck for their exams; wish them all the best instead. Because when you wish them good luck you mean to say that if they do well is a matter of luck and not by their own effort.

Jiayou! =D
11:51:00 am

Samuel Wong SP

the rest is for me to know and for you to find out! =D


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