Monday, March 29, 2010
E-learning at home today. It's really as i have predicted for myself. It's the MOMENT of SIANESS! LOL! It seems that i have been influenced to talk about the MOMENT all the time too huh. :) I hope i can at least win something this time round. :)

Anyway, being bored, i feel like viewing scholarships again. It seems like i'm more and more determined to apply for a scholarship next time, but it doesn't means that if i want means i will get. Sigh. I really need to work hard - both academically and at making my records look nicer! :) The latter seems much more interesting and possible than the former. LOL! Never mind. I seriously need to do work already. WORK WORK WORK! :)

If you continue to say what you don't mean, then perhaps one day you will really get what you don't want. Cherish what you have! :)

2:06:00 pm

Sunday, March 28, 2010
Okay since people keep asking me to blog, i shall not be lazy and blog! :) I came across something just now that made me think a little. Your personality determines your fate? o.O Not exactly true. There are still people that can accept your personality and some who cannot. So it doesn't means that you are a bad tempered person means people would ALL shun away from you. Maybe a few stupid (that's what people think they are) people will stay and let you scold them. :) Aren't these people very noble? :P

Anyway, i realised something recently. We are mostly selfish people in a way. We make conclusions most of the time without putting ourselves into other people's shoes. Just because we don't know what is the cause of how the other person is behaving, doesn't mean he/she doesn't have a valid reason to cause him/her to behave this way. The thing is, will you bother to go and find out what is this reason? Most people don't. Because of the lack of communication, some not good stuff just happen. Even if you know the reason, most people just believe that they themselves are right and give the verdict that the reason is invalid. But if it were you, would you behave in this way? Put yourself in the other party's shoe! Probably you weren't know, because you may not have experience what he/she has gone through before. Sigh. It all boils down to two words... understanding someone.

On the side note, i'm beginning to wonder does emotions overwhelm people that easily? o.O Does depression really makes people that heartless and make them forget about the good stuff that others did but remember all the negative stuff only? Haiz.

The feeling is just so different, so miraculous, so unbelievable, just so nice. :)

2:19:00 am

Saturday, March 20, 2010
My post are once again dragging and dragging on. Jeez! Even blogging i can procrastinate. It seems like i can procrastinate everything already. -.- Pro^2crastinator indeed! That is, if you can get what that means. =.= Anyway, don't you think that as a leader, when you ask someone to do something, you should probably be expected to do be willing to do it too if you are in the same situation right? Well, even it's just a game, and it's alright you didn't do it, but i don't see a point when you could use your authority to stop someone from 'helping you to do it' right? I mean, it's just a game! Never mind. Maybe it's just me that believes that you got to treat people how you want to be treated. Anyone out there believes this too? Drop me a tag! :)

As the March 'HOLIDAYS' is coming to an end, i'm finally having my FIRST day of 'HOLIDAY'. Haha. I was involved in the AB SI(Student Instructors) Camp from Saturday to Monday, and then wushu training for competition everyday since Tuesday. My knees were about to give way already, and i proudly say that i survived them all, despite having a few hiccups here and there. :) Oh and i found back my long lost smile on Thursday for 2 days, and apparently it got wiped off from me again today. =.= Nevertheless, i am kind of relieved that someone is catching up fine and seems like someone is coping well. But i'm not going to expect much again - after all, i'm trained not to. I just hope whatever i believe and held on to is true, else i really don't know what to do. I'm on a one way trip with no return - 破釜沉舟, 有进无退. That's what my heart tells me to do, and if i have to be foolish following that, then i shall be. :)

Anyway, finally the weather decided to cool down a bit. Maybe it's not just a bit, but a lot. I don't know about the rest, but i personally find this a good thing, as finally i can get better sleep and more clam feelings. :) Speaking of that, probably i should make full use of the time to do work already. But the question lies with where should i start? OMG. =.=

Many questions are left unanswered, but i do not need to know the answers to this questions to know what i want. Just follow the heart. :)

Long term battle.
2:00:00 pm

Sunday, March 07, 2010
It's been a rare sight to see me awake at such an early time in the morning on a weekend for a long time. I actually slept for 16 hours (getting up several times at night) till this morning. :) It seems like i have finally recovered from my serious lack of sleep, but i shall just hope it won't happen again.

Anyway, i had the best lunch ever yesterday, though it could be better if the weather wasn't that hot. I went to a coffee shop near my house and ate alone - sitting under the fan and eating my bowl of laksa. It's not because the laksa was very nice. It's the peace i got then, something which i have not been able to get recently. Now i know why someone likes peace so much. :) Too many things happening recently that got my mind working very very hard. Worried for this, worried for that, troubled over this, troubled over that. In addition to that, i get home only later and later. My mind just ain't getting enough rest. Hence, the vicious circle (hey i still remember it's not vicious cycle! :D) came again, which actually got me into more troubles. =.= Never mind. It's all over now and i shall not let it repeat again! :)

Oh and have you ever thought of how far you will go for something you really want? o.O I think the most important thing is to be optimistic that you will achieve what you want in the end. Although you will get disappointments this way, but at least that's what keep you going! :) If you're going to give up halfway, you're giving up any chances of you succeeding at all! Nothing is definite until you give up! Some things can wait, there's no hurry to give up now only to regret it later! :)

No matter what, i will wait till everything or at least most of the things are settled before any decisions are made. :)

Heart VS Mind... the YES or NO battle.
7:51:00 am

Wednesday, March 03, 2010
I realised how a pathetic state i am in now. I hope this time round i have really woken up, and it's for good. If i continue this pathetic state, i would bound to crumble some day and i am going to regret it. So since now i currently have a chance to fix my life (or rather i sincerely hope i do), i better fix it right NOW! :) I have been really really unlucky recently. Uncountable unfortunate events showered upon me. It was really tiring for me, but being the optimistic guy i am, i actually survived through it. I brought the trouble upon myself (for some cases), so i practically have no one to blame. So be it! I shall do something about it! :)

Sometimes i wish i could be emo more longer. I would really want to share some emoness from someone, then it'll much possibly be a win-win situation. But things aren't that easy, as usual, so i guess it can only be a daydream. I do hope despite this, things can turn out much better then it will be. I trust my feelings, and i believe that after everything, things will definitely be much better. :) I shall not stay here for too long. Time to do my work! :)

Seeing is believing. I will only believe it when i really hear it from the horse's mouth. :)

11:13:00 pm

Samuel Wong SP

the rest is for me to know and for you to find out! =D


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