Saturday, November 29, 2008
It seems that i have been MIA-ing this week. Well, i was at the 56th Cadet Officer Course, or rather i still am, since there's 2 more weeks left. At least the course up till now, isn't as soporific as what i originally think it would be; in contrast, it's much better! xD

The course is way slack. I think 1 thing to complain is only about the food. Well, it's HQ NCC... so the food sucks of course! LOL. Friday's lunch at NEE SOON CAMP was much better! xD I would not actually go into detail what i have learnt and went through, but at least i learnt cubing. CUBERS! Well, our syndicate name is Cubers and we were like playing Rubiks Cubes when we have free time. Told you the course was slack.

Oh i am a 'qualified' first aider now, since Friday. Well, at least i remembered how to do the CPR and how to save the person that is choking. As for the rest, well it's conducted after the nice lunch inside air con room, so... you know. xP My nose wasn't listening to me. It kept flowing like some tap that is leaking. So i was rather busy trying to multitask - stoping my mucus from flowing, trying not to fall asleep and listening. Maybe that's why i can't really listen much. At least CPR is the most vital thing to do. So anyone want faint and be my model? Just joking! xD

Oh ya! I was much more confident at the adventure course on thursday, doing all the high elements, flying fox, rock wall, rapelling and so on. No kicks! xD Maybe because of the lecture on Monday. Really helps you know! Actually, you don't. Unless you attended 56th as well! xP But i'm telling you it do helps! I got lots of ideas now. Just wondering whether it will work or not. No use having all the ideas, and then it's all wishful thinkings. =X

Know your limits - then ignore them.

2 more weeks and we'll be through. xD
5:26:00 pm

Sunday, November 23, 2008
Realised once again i'm the lucky one. Haha. It's kind of sad that parents could no longer understand their children. Well, 无风不起浪, 事出必有因; 冰冻三尺, 非一日之寒. Haha, i guess i won't have the chance to write those anymore. Anyway, everything have it's reason. I realised all sorts of problems develop with the lack of communication. I always believe that communications will sort out problems. It's always both parties refuse to talk it out; even one party refusing is already enough to make things worse. It takes two hands to clap. It's not like i have seen the world or anything, but based on the stories i know, it's always this case.

Communication can help solve the problem. Then it's a win-win situation already. However, looks like no one likes this win-win thing. Face it, the world ain't perfect. Nothing will go according to plan perfectly - absolutely nothing. I still held on to that hope that at least with communications, things will turn out better. If you say between parents and children, it's generation gap, that's an excuse. What about between other relationships? Friends and so on? It's still the lack of communication. I don't know. It won't be surprising if i become a social worker next time, along with a pilot! xD Maybe then it will be easier to help people communicate. At least the certification is there, there's a higher chance people might listen.

I used to judge people by how they appear to me - their attitude and so on. Although now i still do, it's only to strangers only. You can't expect me to find out more about everyone i see right? LOL. People i know, i try to find out the reason behind it all. Maybe sometimes i still judge by how they appear to me; well it's the most easiest method to do so. I'm kind of lazy you know. xP It's always after you understand the story behind it; that's when i look at things from another point of view. Somehow i can't stand misunderstandings. It ain't fair to both sides. Well, but i respect privacy a lot. So i won't say anything till i get the permission to do so. I want to clear the misunderstanding, in another way. Too bad, i don't go around telling others what people told me. I don't like people doing that to me as well, so yea.

Escaping is the easiest way to make you happier... but you will have to face your problems someday. Question is how?

Hope things will turn out better for them! All the best! xD
7:26:00 pm

I seriously can't stay angry for long. Haha. xD

And don't be afraid to tag. Have more confidence in yourself! LOL. Don't be afraid of saying the wrong things. We all learnt from our mistakes, don't we? Anyway, there's no need to be serious all the time; just know when to be and when not to be. We will have to make decisions all the time, even so after you all take over. Jiayou! xD
2:28:00 am

Friday, November 21, 2008

I am still unable to get rid of that PSP. Not Pangseh Sui Peng or whatever things that got to do with my name. It's Playstation Portable SLIM. I know i'm stating the obvious... but there are blur people like me around you know. Anyway, anyone wants to buy, feel free to contact me. My MSN is on the right if you still haven't notice. xD

Anyway, it's been an eventful week, and i'm getting lazier day by day. NONO. CANNOT SLACK! =X Growing fat already. Fat OWL.


My father took leave. He wanted go swimming at SAFRA Yishun, so i tagged along. Realised i really didn't swim for a long long time. My stamina really sucks now! Seriously. The pool there got the 'water massage thing'. It was damn shiok! xD After that, we went shower. My father told me the shower cream they provide there can use for washing hair, which was what i did. But, IT'S CANNOT WASH HAIR DE! =X I knew it when my hair became damn dry and dam hard to separate. Bleh.


Went down to my grandmother's house there at Farrer Park. Waited at Pei Kio market for you zhe to come. I thought he would be quite fast so i ordered prawn mee soup first. Sat down and stare at it. Slowly eat the bean sprout ONE BY ONE. Waited. Still not there. My longest breakfast ever! LOL. He told me 5 minutes, and took triple the time - 15 minutes. =.=

We went running later as planned. I thought he was just kidding when he said want to run to East Coast Park from Farrer Park, but it turned out so that we ran there. Apparently i caused him to stop quite a few times. I admit my stamina sucks! LOL. We rent a bike for 2 hours, since it's rent 1 hour at $7 and get another hour free. So we cycled all the way to Changi Coast Adventure Centre and saw people from National Junior College (i think) there having their camp. And we cycled back through and fro waiting for the time to return. xD

Ate at Macdonalds after staring at the playground while we're inside the restaurant. LOL. Then my mother called me from my grandmother's house that they brought KFC. SUCH NICE TIMING... =.= Walked home after that. Took a long long time to do so, like 2 to 3 hours i think, and the road seems endless. =X In the end, ate the KFC as dinner and went to cut my hair without taking money! LOL. Fortunately, i always go there so the boss knows me well. xD


Originally intended to attend PDS AI Course Graduation, because i think that it's TODAY. Somehow the course Administrative Instructions put ends at 25th. BLEH! GOT SCAMMED! =X WTH! I had a feeling that that is wrong and it will end today, but i choose to doubt it. And whenever i doubt it, the prediction becomes true. =.=

Went SYFC to summit my application. The stupid taxi uncle want scam me, maybe cause i just ask which route faster. Turn left at the junction at yishun ave 1 instead of right. WTH. 1 big round then U-turn back. Want money then say, don't have to try this kind of thing de, plus i was getting late already. What got me angry was that he even said after a while that there got another road and tried to act blur. WTH! It goes all the way in back to my house there la! Further in a bit more it will be a dead end already. =.= I told him which way he should go using the road names, then i think he don't dare scam me le.

I think he caught me trying to look at his taxi's number plate board in the taxi. Probably he got scared that i will complain so he reimbursed me back 40 cents. Aiya whatever, since i wasn't late in the end, i gave him the benefit of doubt that he really blur. See i so good! xD

Anyway, anyone interested in joining SYFC? MSN me. I will tell you more. By the way, SYFC stands for Singapore Youth Flying Club. xD


Finally finished typing, after alternate tabbing so many times, and it's 2.30am already! LOL. Microsoft Word tells me this post is 700+ words again. I was lazy to elaborate more about my experience at the youth flying club and what i did after that though; told you i'm getting lazier. xP

Communication is the bridge between people. But why do people always wait for the other person to start building first?

Why can't Singaporeans be more kiasu here and start the conversation? o.O
11:59:00 pm

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Nothing better to do... so do this quiz that Nicholas tagged me.

1.What would you do if a handsome guy confess to you?
OMG! I better run! I'm NOT GAY! xD

2.Would u fall in love wth the guy not more than 3 yrs younger then you?
Which part of i'm NOT GAY DO U NOT UNDERSTAND?!

3.How do you find school?
Hmm... let's see. There's street directory, bus guide etc.

4.What would you do with a billion dollars?
Maybe donate some to charity? Provided that money is mine.

5. Would u fall in love with your best friend?
I'm NOT GAY and he's already attached. Although i won't say who. xD

6.Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved?
It all depends on the situation... the worst is when you don't even know! =X

7. Who is your favourite singer?
Not exactly have any favourite singers.

8.If the person you like is already attached, what would you do?
I don't know... it's not really the end of the world... but...

9.Is there anything that has made you extremely happy?
Yup! But i know there is something that has not happened YET that will make me even happier! xD

10.What makes you angry?
Don't accuse me of something i didn't do. You won't like it! =X

11.What would you see yourself in 10 yrs time?
I would see me, myself and I. xD

12. Who are your top 5 darlings?
1. Darling Number 1
2. Darling Number 2
3. Darling Number 3
4. Darling Number 4
5. Darling Number 5

13. What is the most important in life?
Living happily! xD

14. would you be single but rich or married but poor?
Neither! No need to be really rich... just average would do. But i want more free time! xD

15. What is your favourite colour?
Blue, black, white. No wonder when you get bruises, all you can see is white!

16. Would you give your all in a relationship?
What you want to keep? Don't trust people? o.O

17. If you fall in love with 2 people simultaneously, and both of them do the same, who would you pick?
Are they clones or what? How to do the same?

18. Are you someone who gets along with others easily?
I think it's a yes. Provided you don't digust me! xD

19. What do you want to tell the someone you like?
Can I have an answer? o.O

20. 5 people i tagged.
Anyone that sees this, that has nothing better to do, that wants to do this quiz, and most important of all, have a blog! xD

Okay done. xD
7:46:00 pm

Monday, November 17, 2008
I have been rather busy lately; actually no. However, wasting time is my forte. It seems like my pace has slowed down by a lot - from running to crawling; leopard crawling. But time still travels so quickly - at a speed of 31 536 000 seconds per year! Every four year, it will still accelerate to 31 622 400 seconds per year! Maybe that's why the events are so packed up, on alternate days. As far as i can remember, the next few days should be quite okay, but i still got things to do. Well this is kind of out of my expectations, but whatever.

I think after this post, somehow the tags will stop again. I don't know why, but it seems like there are more people tagging when i don't post. Never mind. I know there are a lot of quiet people around here that view (got read or not i don't know), but they don't tag. True la. What to tag about huh?

I just remembered something. Did warren and i see our CPE outside yio chu kang swimming complex on Saturday? o.O It really looks like him. Well, maybe not. Apparently there are lots of people that look about the same, but are not the same. I have seen before too many cases. xD

Realised recently i can predict stuff. No fortune numbers, toto, 4-D etc. so don't ask me for that. Somehow at least i don't only predict bad things that happen; at least some good things as well. It's still the same though, nothing could prevent the thing from happening. Weird. So be it. I'm a weird guy anyway.

Tango Whiskey Echo November Tango Yankee - Sierra Indian Xray

I should revert back from owl someday. Owls are called 猫头鹰 for a reason you know.
3:59:00 pm

Friday, November 14, 2008
Candidates are not allowed to bring into the examination hall, any unauthorised materials - bags, handphones, pagers, or any other electronic devices, capable of storing or displaying verbal and visual information. You are warned that if any of the devices mentioned are found in your possession, it would be deemed as a dishonest act. If you have now in your possession, any unauthorised materials, please place them at the font, back, or side of the hall. If you do not have a bag to keep your electronic devices, please raise your hand now, and the invigilators will pass an envelope to you. You are required to put your electronic devices into the envelope and surrender it to the invigilator. Please write your name, NRIC number, centre and index number on the envelope. The invigilators will return to you the envelope at the end of the examination. Please check that you have received the question paper of the correct subject code and paper number. If the wrong question paper have been issued to you, please raise your hand. Now I will pass the mic to your teacher for a prayer.


Candidates, time now is ___ am/pm. You may begin.


Candidates, you have 15 minutes left. From now onwards, no one is allowed to go to the toilet.


Candidates, time now is ___ am/pm. Please stop writing.


We have to hear him say this for EVERY SINGLE PAPER. Doesn't he get bored repeating all this? Well, MOE wants him to do that. Remember to read the graduation night post below. Warning! It's a long post! xD
4:58:00 am

Thursday, November 13, 2008
Graduation Night 2008 @ Marina Mandarin Hotel Ballroom


A Night Of All Stars! Indeed, it rocks! Much much much better then my expectations! xD

Today was a rushing day... much thanks to me getting up later then i expected. What? I got up at 6+ at first okay? But i fell back asleep again. xP In the end only got up from my bed at 12+ after a 'wake up call' from my mom. Bleh.

Took my time to have my lunch; didn't realise i'm going to regret wasting time later in the day. Finally got to Orchard Tangs to buy my clothes. Realised only at the eleventh hour that people are wearing more formally to the occasion, and so i have no choice but to get myself some better clothes. Went around and around; apparently, it's like a maze there, especially with the construction works at Wistma Atrium. Spent quite a long time there as well, since the prices are really steep. In the end decided to get a shirt from Tangs to go with my jeans since i got the Tangs voucher.

Bought and rushed back home. Rush rush rush. I need to meet Warren they all at yishun mrt as early as possible, so i was rushing like mad, and running in jeans. Showered and chiong right down to the bus stop and took the bus to the station. Left my earpiece that i originally intended to bring at home; ended up i don't need it at all.

Graduation Night. I can say it's well planned. The starting before dinner was rather dry though - the usual entrance of the people, in this case, the graduating batch. I sat at table 26! xD What was rather unexpected was that 4-6 won the MOST UNITED CLASS AWARD! xD Yong Yuan say if we get he would tok (cut something)... i wonder where he want to tok now... LOL. It was really unexpected. We were wondering whether it's sarcastic or what. Well, nevertheless, we got it? o.O

The food was nice. I think i lost my ability of eating a lot le. Maybe. I think i ate quite little only. The programme was nice and entertaining. It was a fun night! xD Actually wanted to take pictures with all the teachers that we know, but most ran off so fast we couldn't get pictures of all. Too bad. =( But at least we got some... and the others i think farewell assembly took pictures with them already. All pictures would be uploaded to both my friendster and facebook at a later time.

Something else i didn't expect. They took their time to draw the lucky draw. I thought i wasn't going to get anything, but good things are at the back...

0194! 1st prize! A PSP SLIM! xD I think from that moment everyone in the room knows me le. All eyeing on my prize. LOL. Sad thing is i bought mine on Saturday, so i ended up with 2 now! Exactly the same colour somemore! Bleh. Selling PSP SLIM... Haha. Oh yea. The emcee today was damn blur la. When he wanted to announce the 1st prize, he was going number my number. 0... 1... 9... Then he asked those 019 something de to raise their hands, and he asked them what number they are holding. Yong Yuan, Jun Ting, Desmond and me are 0191, 0192, 0193 and 0194 respectively. We sit together 1 row, in the same table. I was shouting like mad to the emcee that 0191, 2, 3, 4 all here, and he keep looking at the other direction. People behind me helped to shout. He still down there ask no more 019 something de? Yong Yuan ran in front of the stage to shout his 0191, then emcee say no. So i went and say 0194. It's me! xD

Oh and i pity John Lau. He got his prize taken away, just because the emcee make a stupid mistake. I think it's because some impostor claimed 0046's prize, and the real 0046 went to claim his prize, end up the emcee ask john to gave back his. Wth sia. Damn unfair. I feel unjust for him. Too bad. It's a pair of dining vouchers; he could go eat with you-know-who. Sad.

What a long post. 700 words only. Nothing compared to my 2000+ words post in last year june i think. Haha. It's like 4.54AM now. I think i wasted a lot of time already. Oh yea and i changed the time of this post to make the date 13/11. I reached home already after 12. Hmm...

I LOVE 26!! xD

You know what i mean. xD
11:26:00 pm

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Tomorrow marks the end of the 'once-in-a-lifetime' event; experience or torture, depends on how you look at it. Oh i only mean for those who doesn't takes Biology, but i doubt they really care about the last MCQ either, maybe except the extreme super muggers.

Ah yes. Please please please let tomorrow be a good ending to a whole month of O levels. Don't make me screw up and be depressed over the whole holiday. This time, it's really and finally a real holiday, without holiday homework at all. The results is going to haunt us all the way till it's released, but who cares?

Can someone teach me how to draw my panda eyes tomorrow on the answer sheet? o.O

Just joking, although it ain't funny - it will never be...
11:44:00 pm

Sunday, November 09, 2008
Tomorrow is the start of the MCQs... hope i don't screw it up! *cross fingers extremely tightly*

I am speechless... the same as most of those who visit my blog.

Ain't it true? o.O
11:36:00 pm

Saturday, November 08, 2008
I made the stupidest mistake of my life. You're right. I'm such an idiot.

Sooner or later i'm gonna send my brain for a checkup - to find out why it's such an idiot.

I am really sorry! =X

4:45:00 am

Friday, November 07, 2008
Warning. If you do not wish to see any vulgarities or ranting or whatever, please do not read this post. I censored off those 'bombastic adjectives' though.

F***. I am damn pissed off by my father. He can take my stuff and anyhow put it until it gets damaged, and i can't even get angry?! WTF. I'm not even shouting like mad over it. I'm just a little angry nia. AND HE CAN'T LEAVE ME ALONE and started saying me getting mad over a small thing. YEA MY THINGS ARE OF UNIMPORTANCE LA! F***. I USED MY OWN MONEY TO BUY MY STUFF AND THAT IS WHAT I GET. HEY! IT's LIKE MY THINGS LA! WHAT YOU EXPECT WHEN I SUDDENLY SEE MY STUFF SPOIL? ASK NICELY IN A VERY VERY GOOD TONE THAT WHO DID IT? WTF. I JUST SOUND KINDA PISS ONLY. WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL? AND I GET SCOLDED?! WTH. PLEASE LA. F***. NEXT TIME I'M GONNA LOCK ALL MY THINGS UP ALREADY. PUT IN MY ROOM ALSO CAN ENDED UP LIKE THIS. THIS TIME IS SOMETHING CHEAP. WHAT ABOUT NXT TIME?!! ARGH!


7:59:00 pm

Sleep heals! xD Haha. Now my focus should be on the 2 MCQ papers left and secure my A1s for both of them! xP

I forgot about the going through of MCQ tomorrow at the LT from 9am to 1pm. Bleh. Thanks to Mr Quay for reminding me! But i don't know whether i'll go or not... cause i haven't even touch the MCQ book or stack or whatever at all lor! Hmm... where is it in the first place? xP

I'm expecting the turnout tomorrow to be less then 10, perhaps less then 5. Haha. Since so many people also don't bother le. Maybe i go act guai lor. See whether i got questions first or not. Wait. Should say see whether i can wake up or not! OWL mah. What u expect? o.O

Bleh. Anyway, i'm left all alone at home for the weekends also. Whole family except me is going overseas. The company that my father is working in organise de, to some resort i think. Waste of time de la. They call it family day; i rather like few years ago go Wild Wild Wet or something. It's been a long time since i last swam also.

The happiest person in the world is the person who thinks the least.

Stay happy everyone! But i'm not trying to say don't use your brain ar! xP
6:33:00 pm

Long time never hear the sound of the crows outside le. Don't exactly remember how long ago since i last heard them. The sound made by the crows signals the time for owls like me to go to bed and sleep.

We care so much about others - so much that we never actually cared for ourselves.

Forget it la. I'll just keep my mouth shut and stone somewhere.
4:26:00 am

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Bleh i forgot what i want to type. My brain's turning negative. RAH! GEOGRAPHY! Most are slacking; only left us the poor pure Geography students slogging for the last paper, but i bet many are slacking. But i don't want it to taint my cert. Argh!

Before i forgot, CPE made another mistake today. While they collect the Chinese paper 2, (the Higher Chinese people are still doing, cause our paper got more time), i heard the CPE said...

Invigilators, please ensure that the candidate write the name of the dictionary on the answer booklet.

We have to do that for Paper 1 since we're using the dictionary because we're allowed to; but since when Paper 2 can use dictionary?! LOL.

Rain rain rain. So many people running in the rain. Felt damn bad never took out my umbrella and lend them; but how was i going to get it back for me to cross the road myself to library? Good question. So i was stoning there with the big gulp that seemed so impossible to finish drinking. In the end i smuggled the big gulp in, cause the rain got smaller already.

Wait wait... i thought i forgot what i want to type? Never mind. It just came out naturally. Bleh. =X

By any chance you're looking at this, whatever it is, just tell me. Perhaps i'm thinking too much. Maybe it doesn't concern me at all.

Confused. Human Geography... :(
10:47:00 pm

Tuesday, November 04, 2008
接下来的两天, 明天是高级华文的两个考卷, 后天是地理的第二张考卷. 一个比一个难, 一个比一个没信心. 真不知道会有什么下场, 心情真糟糕. 不知道要说些什么, 就仿佛我不知道要怎么为明天和后天的考试准备一样. 这两天还真难熬过...

一片复杂的心情... 看是时候收拾收拾心情了

HCL and Human Geography... *corss fingers*
9:41:00 pm

Monday, November 03, 2008
How far is this blog post useful in showing that today was a lucky day for me? [7m]

The post is useful because it is reliable. The post states that "Today's SS papers were manageable. What i studied came out and i managed to tweak the essays to answer the question; or at least i hope i did". This suggest that i am lucky today to not screw up my SS. We can confirm this by cross referencing to the GCE O levels Combine Humanities, Social Studies, 2192/01 question paper. The question came out are mostly those that i studied, so suggesting that i probably didn't screw up the paper. Thus, this post is useful as it is reliable.

The post is not useful because it is unreliable. The post states that "Today was a peaceful day", suggesting that nothing unlucky happened to me. We can challenge this by cross referencing to my contextual knowledge of what happened today. Ever tried missing a train even though you waited at the platform for the train to come, but it came, the door opened, people came out, and it just closed before a single soul could get in? Well, John Lau, me and a few other commuters somehow got this experience thanks to the damn train driver! I bet he/she/it drives with his/her/its eyes close! =.= I got so annoyed! RAH! Even at those crowded MRT stations you could get in, but the train was rather empty and we couldn't. WTH. Thus, the post is not useful as it is UNRELIABLE!

However, despite the shortcomings, the post is still useful in telling us that at least i felt so relaxed after one big SS burden is taken off me. So now there is only 3 more burdens this week.


The above SBQ way of saying what happened today is entirely real; screw the driver. I realised i was so blur after the paper. I wanted to go woodlands library so i walk took train there. Ended up walking out of the train at Admiralty thinking that i have reached. It took me 3 WHOLE SECONDS to realise it's the wrong station and walk back into the train, just before it close its doors on me!

Secondly, upon arriving, my stomach's rebelling since i didn't ate anything since early in the morning. I planned to buy something at Causeway Point before walking to the library, but i ended up crossing the road towards the library and realised i made a blunder and crossed back again!

Thirdly, after the 'long journey', i reached Causeway Point AGAIN. I thought of buying something from Old Chang Kee and i didn't realise the shop was staring right at me if it has eyes, since it was just in front of me. So i went to check the directory and saw the unit number for the shop. Turned around and still didn't see it. Walked through the whole 1st level in vain back to where i started. Oh finally i see it! =.=

I guessed i deserved my name on the back of my class jersey; SotOwl. I am really a Sotong + Owl! =X Sorry for the length of the post. It's nothing compared to the length i wrote for the papers.

"Pepsi Cola 1, 2, 3" Nostalgic; but 12 midnight?

When can those idiots downstairs stop making noise at the playground, so loud that even someone staying on the 12th floor like me can hear, at 12 midnight?
11:39:00 pm

Sunday, November 02, 2008
Hmm... looks like the elastic potential energy has converted to gravitational potential energy.

I bet no one understands the previous line. Too bad. I am really 'good' at explaining; but i die also have to explain properly for Social Studies tomorrow. My whole L1R5 bank upon tomorrow's Social Studies paper. Apparently, i don't really have confidence for my pure Geography since my past few results were far from what i want, though i will still give it a try.

4 papers this week. After this 4, left only the 2 MCQs which will be rather slack. It should be over soon. The 'once-in-a-lifetime experience'. Frankly speaking, i am missing math. Sorry la. I just love counting. LOL.

The solitude and tranquility can be a hindrance sometimes.

Social Studies FTW! xD
10:59:00 pm

6 papers left - the very 6 that decides my fate.

Melancholy sets in; emptiness sets in - how am i going to concentrate?

Confused at what should i do. I don't control my mind. My mind controls me.

Sianzation. =.=
1:29:00 pm

I think i know what's wrong. Mood down again. Most probably that's why i can't concentrate.

Being invisible is no fun.

So dead...
1:27:00 am

Saturday, November 01, 2008
Why am i unable to concentrate on Social Studies and absorb fully here in the library? Explain your answer. [13m]

One reason why i am unable to concentrate on Social Studies and absorb fully here in the library is because of the extreme cold temperature here. The extreme temperature created a region of high pressure around my head. The warmer temperature in my brain results in a region of lower pressure. Thus, this results in the cold air exerting pressure on my head and crushing it, giving rise to me unable to concentrate.

Another reason would be still the cold temperature here. This results in my blood loses kinetic energy and flows more slowly. Due to the lack of blood in my brain, my brain will no longer able to function at its optimum velocity. Hence, i am unable to concentrate.

Another reason would be time is the limiting reagent in this reaction. Time travels at supersonic speed and even faster at such cold temperatures in the library. As a result, more effective collisions between the information in my brain occurs, giving rise to the increase in rate of reaction. Hence, as the information is being reacted away along with time, i will not be able to concentrate fully.

In conclusion, the most important reason that results in me not able to concentrate fully is the freezing temperature here. As owls like me go into hibernation in such cold temperatures, you can't really blame me for not being able to concentrate. Thus, that is why i type this whole essay using my phone here in the library.


Combination of geography, physics, chemistry and combine humanities. Who says after O levels, these subjects are useless? LOL. xD
2:31:00 pm

Samuel Wong SP

the rest is for me to know and for you to find out! =D


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- October 2014


Aik Loong
Astra! 10/09

Benedict Chan
Beng Heng
Brian Wong
Bryan Koh

Cheryl Thian
Cindy Ho
Clarence Chia
Clarence Jean
Clarissa Chiang
Clifton Tan

Damian Wong
Daniel Chua
De Zhan
Dennis Ngian
Dong Hong

Edmund Loo
Edmund Loo's New Blog


Hao Quan
Heng Ling
Huai Yue
Hui Min
Hui Min 10/09
Hui Yang
Hui Yi

Ivan Yak

Jacob Chin
Janice (RV NCC)
Jerrell Seah
Jesmond my di (:
Jia Han
Jia Hao
Jing Hui
John Lau
Jonathan Cheung
Jonathan Chew
Jun Kai
Jun Li
Jun Wei

Kah Koon
Kai Rong
Ken Seah
Kenneth Chua
Kenneth Lim
Kian Hee
Kian How


Ma'am Cheryl
Ma'am Jocelyn
Marcus Tan
Mei Hui
Mei Lin
Mr Soon Zheng Fei
Ms Chow Bick Yan
Munchy Donuts

Nicholas Wee


Qing Chang

Richie Yu
Rong Yang
Rui Min

Seng Yew
Senior Jian Fan
Senior Nicholas Quake
Senior Sheng Kang
Senior Si Chuan
Senior Qian Sheng
Senior Yi Liang
Shawn Woo
Shi Jie
Shu Jie
Shu Zhen
Sin Yee
Sin Ying
Sir Anthony
Sir Fahmy
Sir Hariz
Sir Hsyen Li
Sir Jia Hui
Sir Lester
Sir Xian Hui
Springsfield Ong

Terence Szeto
Timothy Lim


Wai Yinn
Wei Jian
Wei Jie
Wei Juan
Wei Kit
Wei Xuan
Wei Ting
Wei Yeat
Wen Xuan

Xing Yu
Xue Feng

Yan Ting
Yang Ru
Yann Yih
Yap Chien
Yi Bin
Yi Tong
Yong Hwee
Yong Liang
Yong Yuan
You Zhe
Yu Cheng
Yu Feng
Yu Qian
Yuk Tim

Zi Kang