Tuesday, August 31, 2010
I think i forgot to mention I had my first ever First Aid experience last Saturday when my certification is about to expire! Haha. I was certified as a First Aider in Nov 2008 when i went for the 56th NCC Cadet Officer Course. I know not many people knew about this. The certification expires every 2 years, so mine is expiring soon. I guess it's a good system since i also almost forgotten a lot of the first aid knowledge.

Anyway, what happen was that i was playing basketball with a group of people. A small kid was around the area and would always run to help us pick up the ball. But he slipped and fell once while picking the ball. He had quite a deep cut, which fortunately, didn't hit his bone. I shall not go into the exact story of what i did, but i was really trying hard to recall what i have learnt. Fortunately i did the right stuff and that Primary 2 boy's wound stopped bleeding and before long he can run! Lols. That guy really brave - not only he didn't cry when the wound is like so deep, he actually can run after that! Haha.

Tomorrow's teacher's day! Though i doubt any teacher would chance upon my blog and actually read it, but Happy Teacher's Day to all teachers out there! =D For once there wasn't any lessons in AJ today. I went back to Catholic High along with Desmond and the rest, and finally ate that beef noodles that we missed so much! Haha. AJ's canteen is nothing like Catholic High's one! Oh and we met quite a lot of teachers too. I go back sometimes, but i don't see them normally. Maybe because they're always in the staff room busy with their work. Wonderful memories. :)

Oh and blogger has this new feature. I just realised it today. It actually shows the statistics of your blog - traffic sources, audiences and so on. It's quite amazing to see i have audiences from Australia, United States, Luxembourg, China, Russia, Canada, Malaysia, Taiwan and Ukraine! Lols! Where do this people come from? I wonder. Maybe it's just random clicks that end up at my blog! Haha. Strangely, my tagboard is still quite deserted. Oh and there's actually silent people who still reads my blog post! It's great to know that! :) Well, it's a holiday, so it's time to catch up with work! Till next time! :)

There is an unlimited supply of changes in each and everyone of our lives, but it is how we change ourselves to adapt to it that is important. =D

Amazed =D
6:00:00 pm

Sunday, August 29, 2010
This post is done slightly late. I actually wanted to post this yesterday, but was a little too tired and wanted to sleep earlier. Anyway, the euphoria in me died down already, so i may forgot some of the stuff i wanted to blog about, especially after sleeping so much this morning! =X

I realised i have been feeling quite happy recently, which is a good sign! The optimistic, happy-go-lucky guy is back? Haha. I actually don't really realise that he's gone. Actually, did he go in the first place? I don't know! I think the most important thing is that i am happy now, and i hope this will continue all the way! :)

Well, things start to end one by one as i start to prepare for the upcoming battles against examiners. By how much i won them, they will have to award me with grades, and then my rank points will rise together with them. Sounds so much like a game huh? That's what i see it as - a challenge that i only have one option - to win! Haha. That's how i motivate myself, along with a secret plan. Credit goes to the creator of this plan though, and i'm making good use of it! =D

Back to what happened yesterday. Started off with travelling from places to places and studying for like 2 hours. After that it was the last session of CDAC for me, at least till the end of this year. First it was piano that ended, and now it's CDAC. I guess before long, it'll be full fledged mugging spree already. What to do? Guess i'll have to look on the bright side! =D Then it was badminton! Yay! Haven't played for a long long time already, so was quite enjoying it! =D I took some pictures of the sunset as well as the shipyard! Always love the lights from the shipyard when it's dark. =D But that doesn't mean i don't like the lights of airports! I guess i only like things when the sky's dark? HAHA! An OWL indeed! =D I really love yesterday a lot! Super relaxing day in the midst of all the preparations for the battles. =D

I really cherish things like this, especially knowing that the time i can spent on stuff like this is going to dwindle until i complete my A levels. Who says you need to have a super duper exciting event to make you really happy? Sometimes little things like this are enough already. =D Well, i guess this poor JC 2 guy has to go and settle his stuff already. Till next time! =D

When your life is going at an incredibly high speed, slow down your pace and perhaps you will catch something worth your attention. =D

Exhilarated =D
3:38:00 pm

Saturday, August 21, 2010
I'm enjoying myself today! =D Haha i'm sitting down at some random playground somewhere enjoying the peace and blogging! How nice is that?! It may not seem nice to you though, but trust me, after all the stress in school, it's nice to sit down somewhere to just relax. :) I'm listening to 88.3FM now and they're playing retro songs. They sound so familiar! Yea i know i sounded old this way, but i'm an OLD UNCLE what! :P It's not just retro songs, so it's a good mixture. :)

It seems like i'm in a relatively good mood today. That's good! It proves that my plan is working! Hope it stays this way throughout the day, though i already feel a little worn out because i only slept at like 3 plus am in the morning, and i got up like 7 plus. For once i woke up so early! Haha. I don't have a choice. Prelims are coming in less than a month, and my revision is no where near done. No more owling already. I can't afford to waste time owling at night and then feeling sleepy in the morning - i won't get things done this way. Shall hope I can do it! :)

*edited at 11.11pm

Haha my phone cannot type too many words. It ends at the previous paragraph. But actually, i can't think of anything else to write, especially my brain is like quite dead now because my stomach ain't cooperating. I'm feeling a little dizzy here and there, but strangely, it doesn't really come when i use the computer! Lols! Guess that's it. One more day of weekend only! AHH!

Life can be made much more interesting just by adding a little spice to your normal day! :)

Take care! :D
11:17:00 am

Monday, August 16, 2010
HAHA i'm happy all the way today since yesterday night! :D Perhaps it's partially due to the reason that i didn't go to school today, which relieve some stress off me for a moment. I went for my aeromedical checkup today for RSAF, and it went pretty fine i guess! I was especially satisfied with my eyes since i was told i got 6/5, which means what a normal person could see in 5 meters, i could see in 6 meters! According to some unknown source, i'm one of the lucky 10% of the population to have that! I really really love my eyes! :D And i don't get why they only draw blood from your left arm? I have quite a few holes there already. Haha.

Oh and i guess with every sense of happiness i got, i always have this down moment after it. It's coming already, but at least this time i'm getting worried about my work, so i guess at least it's sort of a good thing? I can even procrastinate my blogging. Well done huh! Take a look at the time i clicked on the new post, and you would see 7.20PM. Guess what's the time now? 1.25AM. I wasted 6 hours already when my initial plan was to start work right after i blogged. See what i mean? -.- I really don't know whether i will do it in the end. But i guess, it's only make it, or break it. Of course, i sincerely do hope is the former. Where's my motivation, dedication and determination?

Most of the time it's the little things in life that makes you really happy. If it doesn't, it's time to learn to be a little more appreciative.

7:20:00 pm

Monday, August 09, 2010
Happy National Day! :D

Well i got my rest, although my sick body demands for more. Now what? I seriously need a bottle of insecticide - one that is strong enough to kill both the flu bug and the lazy bug in me. I'm waiting for the chance to check more boxes on the right, but it seems like it's going to be tough, as usual. My mind has difficulty concentrating, even as i am typing this blog post. I think i would refer to my state now as the 'stoning mode', where i'm practically just dazing away, many thanks to the flu bug. -.-

Every morning i wake up feeling all better, and thinking that finally the flu bug is going to disappear. However, as the day goes on, it starts coming back to haunt me again. I feel like i'm on a drowsy medicine the whole day, even though i never took any medicine. I just don't want to go sleep and while my time away, not that staying awake is making me anymore productive, but still.. I just want to make myself more productive - like improve my PPC/LRAS if you get what i mean. I need to stop finding excuses for myself, stop blaming the computer, stop blaming stuff that doesn't even breathe to tempt me... It's all my own fault. And of course most importantly, I got to stop regretting. Time to wake up, before it's all too late. Prelims is coming already. No use getting stress with no actions. Sigh.

Effort may not always equals to results, but it is definitely part of the equation. What's left is to find out what is exactly missing that will make the equation valid.


11:38:00 pm

Saturday, August 07, 2010
Oh great! My fever is gone, for the moment! :) It's too early to say it's gone forever, although how i wish it was the case, because the virus still lingers around my body - I can feel it. What a way to celebrate national day! Haha. I've slept for like more than 12 hours, but the virus still stays strong. Somehow it feels like a war in my body, after watching SALT yesterday. :P How nice could it be if i can go into my body and personally lead the battle against the virus? Haha.

Oh crap! I feel like playing metal gear solid again. It's something similar to SALT. But i don't think i got the time to do so. Adding on to the fact i need lots of rest now for my body to win the war. I guess i shall just go sleep again after a hot shower. Good night people! :)

When all things goes wrong, do not back down.. Stand back up and fight! :)

10:14:00 am

Thursday, August 05, 2010
I've passed my pilot selection interview!! :D Yay! :D Haha. I've been waiting for it for so long, but somehow i just can't get high for it. I think it's probably because of the flu i am having, plus the cough; it's really horrible! :( But then again, i'm still happy that i finally cleared my first hurdle to become a RSAF pilot! Shall work hard from now on to my remaining goals! Shall check the box one by one! :D

Oh and what's with the recent weather? Sometimes it's hot, sometimes it's cold. I think that's the perfect way to spread the influenza virus. I got it already, thanks to the serious lack of rest for my body. Poor body. Finally it will get some rest over this 'long' weekend. :) And i shall dedicate a song to this weather now! Can you guess what song?

Hot N Cold by Katy Perry! :) Haha. I can't embed the original MV with the starting, so this one with the song only would do. Enjoy! :)

No matter how strong anyone can be, we will still need someone to care about us, to show his or her concern for us.

Motivated. :)
11:49:00 pm

Monday, August 02, 2010
Is it me or is the weather recently suffering from mood swing? Or rather... weather swing? Lols. One moment it feels as though Singapore finally have some 'natural aircon', and the next moment, it gets back to the hot and stuffy days again. Interesting comment from our guest in AJC today - the Japanese guy said he feel that Singapore weather is quite cold - well i'm pretty sure he'll change his mind soon. :P

Oh good! I finally sounded more cheerful on my blog! :) I really don't want my blog to turn out into some random emo blog that serves its purpose for me to rant only. But the sad fact is that i'm only sounding so cheerful because my mind is practically almost in 'hibernation mode'. I never imagined how stress can change me in this way - last time i don't even feel much stress at all. I guess i can only throw all the blame to stress, else it would be really scary that i permanently changed to become this way. Those who know me well would have spot the change in me already, and for those who don't, too bad! :P It ain't a good thing anyway. :)

I guess good things can't stay for long recently. -.- Shall not talk about it. My body is taking it's toll on me already. I'm getting weaker as the days go by, or rather maybe the late nights go by. I used to be able to survive for quite some time, but i guess it's the amount of stress and 'workload' i gave to my body that shorten the 'working hours' of it. I guess if i ever have the chance, i would give it a proper rest. :) Dear body, you've worked really hard... Thanks a lot! :) And my mood's back up again! Strange huh! It's only like that when i'm super tired, though it can go to the same extent in the negative way. Thankfully today ain't that day. :) Well, seems like there's a lot of :) in this post, which is a good sign! Haha. Time for work!

The strongest enemies we often have to face is not anyone else around you - it is actually you yourself.

Fighting on.
11:49:00 pm

It's 4+ in the morning and i am still not sleeping. I just can't get to sleep. There's just too many things bothering me already, adding to the fact that i was rather affected by something i read a few hours ago. I realised my post has been all negative posts since June, so perhaps i shall try to make this less negative.

Someone wanted to sit on the plane i'll be flying (i hope) in the future. I think if i never remember wrongly, there's more than one who said that. But i wonder, when the time really comes, who will still come on board my plane? Well i actually wanted to link this to something, but i guess my mind is getting kind of dead, and i'm very very tired. Guess that's it. No, this is it! :P

We often regret our decisions, but what makes you think that the other way will bring better results?

4:36:00 am

Samuel Wong SP

the rest is for me to know and for you to find out! =D


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