Friday, January 30, 2009
In just a few more hours time, my fate for 2 years will be sealed by an SMS - how ironic. I didn't want to think about it much, and i managed to keep it off my mind till now. People tell me i could get in with my points and i gradually believe so. As usual, i take the optimistic way. I can't really think of what's going to happen if the SMS i received later at 8am states otherwise. I am already looking forward to see people i know in National Junior College. Most of them could confirm get it; well if they don't, i won't even get a chance. Quite a number of people i know is going there, and it's a good thing isn't it? I just hope i can get it, along with those i want in as well. That would be totally great, wouldn't it?

Oh well. It hasn't been a good day really. From the very start of 2009, someone changed my life - the way i look at things. I didn't know that specific someone could deal that big impact on me, but it did happen. It feels really great to have that someone as a friend. I don't know if that someone is reading this or not, perhaps no or perhaps yes. Nevertheless, i just want to say that i am very grateful to the someone. Please stay happy alright... i don't really want to see you unhappy. =) Go ahead and guess who's that someone, just don't bother asking me who it is, because you wouldn't get an answer unless you're the one. I am sure that specific someone knows who i am referring to, if that someone reads this in the first place. And i am NOT trying to say here that my other friends are not important, because they are! They all are important! xD

Stay happy and bring the happy memories back with you! xD

I seriously hope i won't get "The Inconvenient Truth" later.
1:25:00 am

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Happy Birthday Warren!

LOL. I like which him at quite a lot of places - MSN, facebook and friendster. Everyone is having their 2nd day of Chinese New Year, and Warren's having his birthday as well. Yet another one born on the 27th. '07/'08 NCOs do have quite a number of people born on the 27th - Warren, John, Jerrell and yours truly. Well, hope he enjoys his birthday!
12:00:00 am

Monday, January 26, 2009
Well, it's another New Year... although it's the Chinese style. I wish all a

Happy "牛" Year! xD

2009 till now have been great! This is probably due to me having free time to do what i want to do - it feels great. I doubt many will agree with me, since most are busy with the start of 2009 and the upcoming examinations. My holidays are coming to a close soon, but i feel that at least this was a very fulfilling holiday - not even a tinge of regret. At least i completed quite a number of stuff, and that's enough already.

Anyway, having the Chinese New Year smack in this holiday is just nice. While the rest are busy with homework, we can have a peaceful Chinese New Year, although i never really do homework in the previous few Chinese New Year. xP Don't get jealous or what, it's like a reward after the chionging of a hectic Secondary 4 year.

To those mugging hard, or chionging homework, remember not to overstress yourself. If you ever overstress yourself, you would be wasting even more time then you are slacking. At least you get to rest when you're slacking, but when you're overstressed, you can't concentrate on anything, and you ended up having nothing accomplished, not even resting. All the best to everyone!

I just want to say thanks for everything. xD

Hope it'll continue! xD
11:16:00 am

Thursday, January 22, 2009

天气很热, 天空灰蒙蒙的. 太阳好像整天都待在那里一动不动, 无情地注视着一切. 有时候看起来在这个世界上真孤独, 只有你和太阳存在.

这短短几句话, 就好像把我现在的心情解释出来. 世上还有那么巧的事啊!

我觉得今天到目前为止, 我的心情仿佛是做了过山车; 从早上的期盼, 到紧张, 到开心, 到无奈, 又回到期盼, 到兴奋. 但是, 最后轮到的是现在的空虚和万分的无奈...

等等! 我的心情又要改变了. 我目前是在大巴窑的图书馆里, 用手机打出这些. 在这宁静严肃的气氛中, 我突然听到有人在吵架, 而且还吵的很大声. 他们的声音, 打破了图书馆里宁静严肃的气氛, 扰乱了我的思想, 不禁引起了我的注意. 吵架的人, 其中一个看起来大约有四十多, 五十岁的中年人, 拥有黑色的头发. 另一个看起来应该是五十多岁或六十多岁的中年人吧. 他剩下的头发, 大多数都已变白了. 我不知道事情的起因, 但我只知道, 无辜的图书馆馆员, 因为叫他们安静, 而被较年轻的那个人扯入争论之中. 那个比较年轻的人, 甚至吵着要见经理, 还大声的叫图书馆馆员和另一个中年人跟着他, 似乎在命令他们.

当这三人走过我前方时, 那个比较年轻的中年人, 嘴里还不停地羞辱另一个中年人. 他 'ah pek' 来, 'ah pek' 去的, 好像自己很年轻, 甚至还说: "ah pek why? study primary school only ar? you are a typical Singaporean ah... such a disgrace." 他说的这几句活, 使我十分的气愤. 虽然被羞辱, 那个比较年长的人, 吭都不吭一声, 只有这个人嘴巴不停的大声说. 我已经心情不是很好了, 真想上前赏他几个耳光. 不! 我控制了我自己的情绪. 我不会和那个比较年轻的中年人一样, 降落自己的身份. 我为什么会那么生气? 因为我超级讨厌这些骄傲, 自高自大, 唯我独尊, 自以为是, 自以为了不起的人. 就算他首先没错, 他嘴里说出的那些话, 在别人的眼中, 足够给他自己戴上一个 "小丑" 的标签. 他只会说别人, 我不管他说的对不对, 但他这样一来, 自己还是丢新加坡人的脸, 是我们的羞愧. 世上有这些人在, 一定会没有安宁.

就说到这里吧. 我不是一个作家. 以上的故事是我亲眼目睹的经过, 无半点儿修补, 更没加盐加醋. 其实, 我应该早就把这个放上网. 但是, 我在刚要打完时, 网络切断了. 当我从新接回网络时, 只剩下不到一半的字, 使我在也没心情从打了. 所以, 到现在才放上网, 但时间不变.

希望越大, 失望越大. 但当你不抱着大的希望, 你得到高的回报的或然性就会变底. 真相在投资.

也许是我今天太累了吧. 我希望是我想太多, 而事实不是我想象的那样.
3:50:00 pm

Saturday, January 17, 2009
Today nothing much to talk about... so shall talk about yesterday's CCA Day!

The start was quite of a disaster, totally messy. There were lots of extra manpower - people having nothing to do. Everything was in a total chaos! Last year we were bad, but we weren't that bad! xP As i expected, they got ticked off by Mr Goh after the first Secondary 1 class came in.

After the scolding, they were much better - improved by leaps and bounds. LOL. At least they sort of 'woke up' after the scolding. Most of them were quite busy striking conversations with the Secondary 1s, and i walked around to see. We did a small showcase of PDS to all the Secondary 1 classes that came in. =)

And there was Operation Hentak Kaki! SHIOK! I had my fair share of shouting the cheer once again! xD There was a combined Operation Hentak Kaki along with NCC Land, and guess who's giving the command? Yours truly! xD SHIOK! Finally had a feeling of being the 'parade commander'! Although it was just a while, and i was about to 走音, that was really a great experience!

We went to have dinner after that at Bishan North. Guess what happened? There was this family there having dinner. Then the parents suddenly asked us about NCC Air, so the whole group of us were talking to them about NCC Air! Haha. The parents were so supportive of their child to join NCC Air, but the guy keep wanting to join Scouts! LOL. Let's see how it turns out then. xD

Alright... Now for the PDS Performance from UG talk. A little low quality though, thanks to the conversion of file format. Never mind. Enjoy!

Though it wasn't really that well done, but it's a good way to replace another full stop to mark another end of my PDS performances. Although i didn't really have the chance to perform that much, that was the only regret i have left. Oh well.

Things are getting complicated... hmm...

10:59:00 pm

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Well i guess that's it. They are my choices. From what i think, most probably i'll ended up in either my first or second choice. Of course i wish i can get into my first choice, if not why did i put it for? No ARTS for me, although i'm still forced to take 1 as contrasting subject. Oh well. 30th January shall be the day.

I wish it will go on forever.

30th January 2009. My neck is cracking... =X
11:48:00 pm

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Great. They actually really put my name up there in today's TODAY (not on purpose... Mediacorp want to name it TODAY what can i do?) newspaper. Don't be mistaken... I'm not one of the top students - not even close. It's just 1 line of comment and they have to even put my score down. Weird thing is the reporter asked quite a lot of questions. Never mind. Quite a lot of people know my results already anyway, since they were all asking. I'm actually glad that at least they care to know my results, and not go like 'YES, SP screwed it up!'. I'm thankful for that.

Well, i guess time really changes everything; i must get that in my head, and accept it. Somehow, i just can't really accept some things, for some reason. Guess my primary school teacher was right, i really can't play through my Secondary school years. Last minute push did help, but not that well. I suppose i got what i deserved? No offence to anyone who didn't do well, it's just my personal regret. I hope this thing won't happen two years later, when i fail to get my application approved. I seemed to have a high source of motivation now, but who knows for how long? Old habits just seem to stick along, and not wear off with time. It is these very bad habits that cause my downfall and of course i want to get rid of them, but things are easier said then done. Oh well.

Gosh. I think i seriously think too much sometimes - like how i spent 2 hours (it's already 2+ in the morning, going to 3am) thinking till now. Oh well, maybe because of probability... ahh never mind. I'm lazy to explain. I doubt anyone will understand anyway - I'm super lousy at explaining myself at times. Guess i shouldn't be a fishmonger... Oh well.

I can't believe i actually sort out my thoughts in the mere 2 hours!

Maybe is because the recent large positive side override the negative side. Optimistic RULES! xD
11:51:00 pm

Monday, January 12, 2009
Well i guess that's it. I am not going to say my results here. If you really want to know, then ask me on MSN. I shall say i am a little disappointed. Thanks for all the good luck. Somehow, i sort of expected my results. Nevertheless, there is still a chance. I will keep pressing on! xD

I shall not bow down this time!

Thanks. I'm jaded. I need time to recover.
3:35:00 pm

Sunday, January 11, 2009
I guess it all boils down to tomorrow. Looking back 4 years ago, when i was waiting for my PSLE results, I didn't even feel any tension till the last minute. Just recently last year at the release of Chinese O level results, it was only until we entered the Auditorium and the Head Of Department keep scaring us with how 'well' we have done, then i feel the stress.

No matter how i keep myself busy, even a little free time will lead me to think about the release of results tomorrow. Looking at the clock, i will unconsciously use mental sums to calculate how many hours left to the release of results. It's like keep ringing in my mind. NJC or AJC? That's another big question.

I think i focused too much between NJC and AJC. I never really planned for any other choices. What if i couldn't even make it to AJC? I guess when that happens tomorrow (of course i hope it won't), probably i'll be at a loss and staring into blank space, fighting to hold back my tears. I want to laugh tomorrow; not only tomorrow, but all the time! xD

It will be a difficult decision... one that will determine how i spent my 2 years.

Guess i can only wait.
11:03:00 pm

Saturday, January 10, 2009
Had my SYFC 2nd medical assessment today - Chamber Run. Woke up early in the morning, not feeling my best of course. I took my time to prepare and then went off, as i realised today was a Saturday and there won't be much people taking 90. Went to Toa Payoh (don't know how many times recently) and took 90. Reached there on the dot at 7.50am. I saw another guy from Ang Mo Kio Secondary NCC Air there. I knew he looked familiar, and i confirmed with him that his is from NCC Air. Looks i know quite a number of people from Ang Mo Kio Secondary, and i keep seeing them for some reason that i don't know. LOL.

Back to Chamber Run. I went there with all sorts of wrong ideas about what Chamber Run was. It goes like this. We went inside this chamber, that simulates the pressure change as we are flying. So of course as we ascend in altitude, the pressure drops; descend would be vice versa. First, we ascend at a rate of 4000 feet per minute to 10 000 feet. We need not do anything, since the pressure in our body will automatically 'pop' our ears to balance the pressure. Then, we descend at a rate of 2000 feet per minute to an altitude of 2000 feet. We have to do the action of pinching your nose and blowing out to 'pop' our ears to equalize the pressure once in a while, so as not to damage our ears. Then the doctor will check our ears and we carry on ascending to 18 000 feet at rate of 6000 feet per minute and then descend to sea level at a rate of 6000 feet per minute. While descending, we have to do the same action even more constantly. My ears passed the test! xD

I was bored after the test when i reached Toa Payoh, and decided to visit the people doing CIP at Bishan. I got there and realised quite a number of people actually know me when i don't know them. I think i will be recognise by the current 'red name tag' batch of Sec 1s as the 'PDS guy'. Actually, that's not a bad name! xD Wasted quite a lot of time waiting for the stupid lorry to come. =.=

Went to Bugis with Wei Kit accompanying me to shop for Chinese New Year clothes. We got stuck in the middle of the road - you know, the place where they have a pavement for you to stand. It was congested with people - i think it was worse then the traffic jams. We waited for the green man to appear for countless times, since Wei Kit suggested to be civilised and not climb over the railings to go over. Haha, civilised we shall be! xD

In the end, i bought nothing from Bugis. I travelled down to Chinatown while Wei Kit went home. Walk around at the OG and bought like 4 T-shirts costing in total only around $100. Can see how poor i am. LOL. All i can say is OG really knows how to do business alright. Went home after that to cure my poor legs. =X

Clueless at how to handle the situation... taking one step at a time.

Sss... Nevermind. Nothing. LOL! xD
11:16:00 pm

Friday, January 09, 2009
Today is quite interesting. Morning woke up and laze around before setting off to Anderson Junior College for their open house. Originally intended to reach at 9, just when they start, but thought that was too early later, and in the end reached there around 9.30am. Gosh. I think i was one of the few 'early birds' there. I went in and a whole group of facilitators swarm around me already, with lots of propaganda about their CCA of course. LOL. I was brought around, with an intention of only to look around the school. Later waited for Anthony to come tour me around the school (he offered to come, since he was too sian at home), and it took him ages to do so. I bet he spend most of the time styling his hair. Haha.

When i saw him, i finally realised what the current top 5s that went for the dinner that he treated them to meant on their blogs. He totally changed from top to toe! LOL. Not that he went for plastic surgery, but his whole outlook is just different. So after a long wait, he toured me around the school, with people asking him to take a look at their CCA! Haha. I laughed when he replied, "I was from this school last year!" Classic!

After that went to AMK Hub MacDonald's to meet up with JoJo and Azyan to eat brunch and then shared a cab to HQ. Theoretically, we reached HQ late, but we were still early. xP After a while, changed to no. 4 and then went down to wait for the schools. Only 3 schools from air distric today came for trainfire - Ang Mo Kio Secondary, Changkat Changi Girls and Swiss Cottage Secondary. Andrew and I was in charge of stripping and assembling the M16. It was overall quite interesting to teach them how to strip and assemble the rifle, though there were lots of mistakes! Haha. Some were blur but some were really good like me. LOL. I had my chances of stripping and assembling the rifle till i don't feel like doing so. At least i remembered the steps! xD

Living life smiling is the best thing ever! SMILE! xD

Intersting. xP
11:52:00 pm

Thursday, January 08, 2009
Today was the performance... shall not talk much about it until i get the video on Monday, after i get my results. =X

I guess everyone is feeling tense about their results; not only the Sec 4s, but the Higher Chinese Sec 3s that took their O levels Chinese Paper last year as well. I guess if i say i am not feeling tense about my results, I'm actually deluding myself. Perhaps the reason why i kept myself busy was to relive away the tension mix with a tinge of excitement while awaiting the results.

This few days have been largely spent in school. It feels great talking to seniors that come back from NS, awaiting NS, and talking to the teachers as well. I also played with the PDS rifles as well - my last few moments with it. Finally, I saw the OALs taking BURST as well. It's the most nostalgic i must say. Those OALs now are those whom i took for BURST when i was an OAL and they were just Sec 1s then. I still remember how i ran about as the AIC, helped in drills and even leading combine Physical Training. Haha. Who ever lead before Physical Training for like around 200+ people at a go? I did. LOL. And that's how i lose my voice and have people pleading me not to shout. xP

Well, i guess this whole month would be a month where I will look back into the past often - dig out all the old memories and settle all the problems. Next month onwards, it will be a fresh new start and i supposed a very busy and hectic year ahead. CHIONG AR!

Some things are too confusing to comprehend.

11:08:00 pm

Wednesday, January 07, 2009
"Results for the 2008 GCE O-Level examination will be released on 12 Jan 2009 ( 2.00 pm ). "

Woohoo! I love that sentence. It just fits nicely into my schedule! LOL. xD Now all i await is that piece of paper that will decide my fate - AJ or NJ?! o.O

Tomorrow is PDS performance. I was somehow pulled in last minute to replace someone in the performance team to perform. This will be my 4th or 5th perfomance already, and i shall once again do my best for it. xD

Gosh i forgot what else i wanted to say. Blur owl! xP Okay. I shall go polish boots and prepare my uniform then.

I still hope i'm running somewhere! xP

Lost for words.
11:59:00 pm

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Okay. Someone forced me to draw my last straw (it's up there) already. I am being totally serious here despite me using that crap up there. Want to know why i used that crap? That's because i wanted to say i had enough of all that don't care and sianed attitude crap. Come on, once in a while is okay, but when it happens most of the time, then it is definitely not! It's not my duty to face your mood alright? As a friend, when you're not feeling that good probably i can understand, even don't mind being there for you to vent all your frustrations out. I am well okay with that! Now is just that the more i give in, the more you step forward. I hate being taken for granted - i seriously HATE that! Why do i always have to be the one that gives in and follow your mood? Come on, it's not even my fault in the first place! =.=

Please stop guessing who is the one i am referring to. *edit* He know who he is already... that is IF he BOTHERS to remember. *edit complete* I hesitate to post this at first, lest people misunderstood that it's them when it's not. I only know i will try one LAST time, and if things still don't improve, then I'll just disappear away; probably you don't even bother.

I seriously don't know what's happening already. Actually, i don't think i should really do much also, but i just can't bear to just let things stay the way it is. It will go on as a vicious cycle somehow, but i don't really know how to stop it. The thing is am i doing it the right way or not? Seriously, i think it needs synchronisation, if not everything will screw up. Why am i giving myself a headache when people don't even bother? My voice just ain't loud enough.

If things goes on like this, i rather just fade away and that's it. I cannot bear to see it crumble down, thus i got to leave and forget about it before it really does. No matter. I will still give myself headaches and make me sigh more times, until one day i really give it all up...

On a lighter note, i wonder why are there so many planes flying past the airspace south of area Alpha, which is like above Catholic High? o.O

I don't know why but i hope i'm running somewhere now. xP

Am i too kind? o.O
11:58:00 pm

Saturday, January 03, 2009
3rd day of 2009 already... I guess it's time for my belated reflections on the year 2008, plus maybe a little personal advice from myself to the juniors who read my blog. So, this will be yet another long post.

It was a year that passed rather quickly. I didn't believe that it would, no matter how seniors tell me it will. I believed it to be a slow torturous journey that we will be walking through all the way till our O levels. I guess i was wrong. =X Starting of the year was of much lamenting; everyone in the level is complaining about how we're going to die in Secondary 4. I wonder is it a trend to give comprehension for us the Secondary 4 students to do on the first day. Ours wasn't collected; i think only those in Mr Heng's class was collected. I didn't really bothered much before Prelim 1; i cared more about NCC Air instead. Probably that explains why i got an L1R5 of like 19 for Prelim 1. Nevertheless, i was not even called up for Parent-Teacher Meeting. There's way too many 20+ and 30+ people for the teachers to cater to. (No offence)

We had a change of teacher after Prelim 1. Our Mr Lawrence Tan aka Mario aka HB (not going to say what HB stands for) went to teach Secondary 3 instead, as Mr LHB feels that we need a more experience teacher. Too bad for him. So in came Mrs Tina Tang - much better then who Warren got already. On the NCC Air part, there was this sudden thing about PDS. John and I requested for 2 broken rifles that we I fixed to be placed in the store, and we got what we wanted. Somehow Beng Heng got into the picture, and together with John, they started practising during training. I couldn't really do that, since most of the time I am soloing the Part Bs then. I had few contact with the rifle - only could touch it outside training time, but i still managed rotation. I was left with much regrets that i didn't watch videos and learnt more advanced drills when it was time for POP. No more rifles.

I remember how i continued to go back to training, despite people saying that I'm crazy or other countless comments. I remember how disappointed i was when i saw the standard of the Part Bs 08 dropped. I remember what happened to me on the second night of last year's annual camp. It's way scary. After June, it was endless days of going school when the sky is dark, and coming back when it's also dark. Those days went by so quickly; we were too used to it already. I didn't have time to step back into their training already. Prelim 3 was the catalyst. My L1R5 dropped from Prelim 2's 11 to 13. I was even more devastated when people around me were expecting I would do much better. That marked the start of visiting Woodlands Library often.

I think that's more of a flashback then reflection. It's kind of nice to read my own blog's archives - to see how i crap. LOL. Many things evoked a sense of nostalgia in me. Memories... =X

Now for the advice for the NCC Air juniors...

Secondary 4

Don't fret over how this year will be. The more you are afraid of the O levels, the worse you would do. From what i think, the stress from the school pushes you well enough already, so don't keep scaring yourself. Don't be afraid to ask the teachers for help as well. Our school caters to the Secondary 4 students really well, and the Secondary 4 level will be always given priority. For now, put in your best for both NCC and your studies. Don't pass out leaving any regrets of your life in NCC Air. After you pass out, lesson time will be revising already. So you will have enough time to prepare. Jiayou and all the best for your O levels! xD

Secondary 3

This year would be a major change for you guys. I almost couldn't take it when i was promoted to Secondary 3. My OAL days were crap. I come back from Sec 2 camp not even knowing who are my teachers. At least now there's some changes to the dates of Sec 2 camp so that you guys would not have to miss much of lessons. As i have told those who have come for the training on Friday, it's the last year for you people to rest. When you take over as NCOs, especially top 5, you'll feel that suddenly everything changes. You no longer wait for instructions and then carry them out, you are the one giving instructions. I guess it'll be a challenge for you to balance between NCC Air and your studies, and even a greater challenge if your parents have high expectations of you academically. I have said what i wanted to say already. If you go all out for your studies, you may lost the motivation in Secondary 4. In Secondary 3, mostly is all learning. When you proceed to Secondary 4, it's mostly revising. After you pass out, you have plenty of time to revise. However, it's still up to you ultimately; just don't leave any regrets when you pass out. Remember, DON'T EVER FAIL ANYTHING. Like this, you won't retain. Cheers! xD

Secondary 2

Your streaming year is here - a year that you'll have to make choices. What are you aiming for? Triple science? Double science? What post you aiming for? All this should be in your head, and then start working on it. Most importantly, stay bonded as a part. It's always not easy to do things alone, but when you work for it together, you'll get there much easier. I don't have much advise for you all actually. I was fooling around during my Secondary 2 year - even getting like 20+ position in class. I ended up in double science in the end though. From what i think, it doesn't really matters how many sciences you take. It's only the L1R5 that matters in the end. However, a word of caution, in order to study a particular science in JC, you need to study it for O levels, so make your choices wisely. xD

That shall end my long winded post. I started typing the first word at around 6pm, and now it's like 12.07am already. Even i change the timing also cannot. LOL. Don't be mistaken, I'm not always typing though. That explains why i took so long. A thousand plus words only; maybe it can become a sample Commonwealth essay? Haha.

Staying happy is the best health product ever.

All the best! xD
10:43:00 pm

Thursday, January 01, 2009
Bye bye 2008! We'll miss you! xP And say hello to 2009! xD

Caution! Long post ahead! xP

I hereby which everyone who reads this,

A Happy 2009! xD

Okay i shall start with the mini Cubers outing last year, which was yesterday. xP Sir Hariz, Ma'am JoJo, Eugene, Kevin, Azyan, Haqiz, Fitri, Warren, and yours truly were the only ones that turned up. We were told to reach Dhoby Ghaut MRT by 11am. I finally got out of my bed after awakening for quite a few times at around 10, causing Warren to wait for me. Sorry! =X We thought we were late when we reached there around 11.26am, and had trouble contacting the others since we conveniently forgot to save Azyan's number in our phones. True enough, we were late, but turn out we were the first 2 to reach there?! LOL. Thankfully we saw Eugene and Kevin, if not who knows how many rounds we will be walking around Plaza Singapura? Haha.

So the four of us waited for the 2 ladies to arrive, which they did of course. The original plan was to catch a movie, not with our hands but $8.50 cash. I was actually glad that they realised it's seriously not worthwhile to watch movies today. We went to Burger King for lunch and started talking for quite a while before Sir Hariz came over. We met up with Haqiz at the train station and went to Minds Cafe at Raffles Place area. It's quite a nice place to go in a group actually. We started playing lots of board games there - those they supplied there of course. We had a great time there! xD

After that, we went to Macdonalds and talked, and then decided to hang around Raffles Place for quite a while. Actually not a while; we talked for quite some time, and took pictures!

Haha great day. I will do my 2008 reflection some time later... if i ever do it. xP

Don't give yourself trouble by thinking too much, staying happy is the key! xD

Looking forward to a great 2009! xD
2:36:00 am

Samuel Wong SP

the rest is for me to know and for you to find out! =D


- January 2007
- February 2007
- March 2007
- April 2007
- May 2007
- June 2007
- July 2007
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- December 2007
- January 2008
- February 2008
- March 2008
- April 2008
- May 2008
- June 2008
- July 2008
- August 2008
- September 2008
- October 2008
- November 2008
- December 2008
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Aik Loong
Astra! 10/09

Benedict Chan
Beng Heng
Brian Wong
Bryan Koh

Cheryl Thian
Cindy Ho
Clarence Chia
Clarence Jean
Clarissa Chiang
Clifton Tan

Damian Wong
Daniel Chua
De Zhan
Dennis Ngian
Dong Hong

Edmund Loo
Edmund Loo's New Blog


Hao Quan
Heng Ling
Huai Yue
Hui Min
Hui Min 10/09
Hui Yang
Hui Yi

Ivan Yak

Jacob Chin
Janice (RV NCC)
Jerrell Seah
Jesmond my di (:
Jia Han
Jia Hao
Jing Hui
John Lau
Jonathan Cheung
Jonathan Chew
Jun Kai
Jun Li
Jun Wei

Kah Koon
Kai Rong
Ken Seah
Kenneth Chua
Kenneth Lim
Kian Hee
Kian How


Ma'am Cheryl
Ma'am Jocelyn
Marcus Tan
Mei Hui
Mei Lin
Mr Soon Zheng Fei
Ms Chow Bick Yan
Munchy Donuts

Nicholas Wee


Qing Chang

Richie Yu
Rong Yang
Rui Min

Seng Yew
Senior Jian Fan
Senior Nicholas Quake
Senior Sheng Kang
Senior Si Chuan
Senior Qian Sheng
Senior Yi Liang
Shawn Woo
Shi Jie
Shu Jie
Shu Zhen
Sin Yee
Sin Ying
Sir Anthony
Sir Fahmy
Sir Hariz
Sir Hsyen Li
Sir Jia Hui
Sir Lester
Sir Xian Hui
Springsfield Ong

Terence Szeto
Timothy Lim


Wai Yinn
Wei Jian
Wei Jie
Wei Juan
Wei Kit
Wei Xuan
Wei Ting
Wei Yeat
Wen Xuan

Xing Yu
Xue Feng

Yan Ting
Yang Ru
Yann Yih
Yap Chien
Yi Bin
Yi Tong
Yong Hwee
Yong Liang
Yong Yuan
You Zhe
Yu Cheng
Yu Feng
Yu Qian
Yuk Tim

Zi Kang