Sunday, August 31, 2008
Okay i'm really in a dilemma now. By the way, the time below of this post would be the time i click on the create new post button, and not the time i finish typing this post and click the publish button. Lol. Talking about that, it's 12.42 already.

Back to my dilemma. The case is that my father's laptop is spoilt, for don't know what reason, and after much trouble cause by my father, as he was acting as if it's the end of the world, we headed down to the COMEX exhibition and then bought a new laptop. cheap de, i not that rich

To sidetrack a bit, the salesgirl there made an error. Well, the laptop suppose to come with a free upgrade to 2GB RAM but we were informed that it will be upgraded to 3GB with the same price. However, that wasn't the case. In order to get 3GB RAM, we have to pay the GST which is around $69. So we went down to check when we were informed it's only 2GB and then the boss say the salesgirl made a mistake and offered two solutions, we pay the GST and they upgrade to 3GB or take a free 4GB thumb drive. We chose the latter. The salesgirl keep saying she felt damn bad don't know real or not,jkjk but i say never mind, worh see i so good... ahem ahem as i expected that already.

Back on topic. Now with the new laptop, my father ask me choose which 1 i want to use, then the other 1 he use. Great. Although i'm more inclined to the new 1 with better specifications, but i reckon i would miss this very old 1 that i'm using now i very 念旧 de okay... as we can cross reference from ***** , adding to the fact that i'm used to this already, after all the 惊涛骇浪 we've been through together the months or years since i started using this. 舍不得.

So suggestions? o.O
11:57:00 pm

Thursday, August 28, 2008
"Yay! Exams are finally over! After much sleepless nights and all the work, finally it's all over! Let's celebrate!" I exclaimed as i jump about in delight.

Exams are over - not yet, at least not now.

*13 tonnes of mass fell on my eyelids*

Forget it. It's 1am+ now and i shall post later. -.-
11:47:00 pm

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
What are the chances of me getting back home at such an early time? 1.0 x 10^-(insert anything)

English Paper 1 and Paper 2 today. I spent a lot of time on speech. I don't like speech. Hope that O levels would come out like what Prelim 2 came out for situational writing - informal letter, i think. Now i can only hope my language is clean. No grammar mistakes or spelling errors, then there's better hope for English.

Paper 2 passage B they use the Secondary 3 English book or something. I am not very sure. The title is Lord of the Flies. Great. That very passage kills. I don't know about English as the it's hard to predict the marks as usual.

Lots more papers up next. Tomorrow would be Higher Chinese Paper 1 followed by Social Studies. Let's see how i die survive tomorrow.
2:45:00 pm

Monday, August 25, 2008
Ever thought you know the full story already but then you realised you actually just know a teeny weeny portion of it?

I just did.

It is hard for people to understand as well. When you don't clear the air in between, when people don't put themselves into the shoes of others, when people refuse to think or talk reasonably, that's why problems are always there. In fact we feed ourselves with problems, we never thought of it's actually our mind that provide us with the problems, not other factors. Anyone can simply disregard anything and hence all problems would be solved.

The truth is however the opposite. No one would forsaken any thoughts of any problems. The more you think, the bigger the problem. Yet one couldn't save themselves from thinking too deeply, it is why misunderstandings led to greater heights. True enough, it is hard to understand even the thoughts of the person standing right in front of you, face to face. Bleh. =X

Now then i realise why our air is getting choked, cause no one wants step up to clear the air. People are thus seen to be unreasonable. It's so queer, and that's an irony statement from a peculiar person like yours truly.

It's hard to make people understand the fact that i'm water.

That's why i'm neutral.
2:02:00 am

Sunday, August 24, 2008
As the cold wind caressed my cheeks, i felt a sense of relaxation. As i indulge in the brief moment of delectation, i felt a strong urge to lay myself on my bed and whizzed off to my dream land...


Back to reality. There's a tingling sensation inside my brain, telling me the coming Tuesday is the commencement of my Preliminary Examinations, and i should be preparing instead of slacking off. After which would already be hastily preparing for the big Ordinary Level Examinations.

Great. For human geography, i feel like i am starting from scratch. Maybe with a little knowledge, but i know my foundation ain't strong enough to keep me from forgetting everything inside the examination hall. Otherwise, the other content-based subjects just need a little push to recap everything, and they would be back on track, except for the languages of course.

The 1st week would be a tough one. They had to arrange all my weak points first, let me suffer a crushing defeat i certainly hope not, and crush all my confidence for the other subjects. Great...

Where's the motivation??

I couldn't sense the burning fire in me... perhaps the rain put all my flames out.
3:59:00 pm

It's only when i read back at what i have wrote then i realised i seems to be possessed when i'm writing/posting. I don't think so, but i just didn't know my way of writing. Haha. The thing i know is it depends on my mood though, and of course the clarity of my mind.

Prelim 3 is commencing the coming Tuesday, so that means i have only 2 days left. The irony is that i am still not in 'ready' mode or 'working' mode. Although it's like the languages and only Social Studies and Human Geography for the week, but i really want to do well this time. It's just like what the teachers are saying, it's the last time for us to gauge how well we can perform already. Adding to that, if i can score well, it will benefit psychologically and acts as a confident boost. Of course is not about being complacent, since there isn't much time left after the announcing of Prelim 3 results. I don't know.

The year have been a fast year, and it's getting quieter as well. Maybe people thinks that we are all preparing for our O levels and so it's best not to disturb. I don't actually mind, but i think that's not the case. Sigh. Anyway, i have to take back that statement if it's in class. My class? Quiet? No way. LOL. That's one of the reason probably that i enjoy this class, but still don't like it when they don't keep quiet when they are suppose to.

Seen again how insensitive people can be. When someone is starting to get angry already, the guy is still rambling on and on, until BOOM! It's just so queer. Haha i don't know. Maybe through the MSN may not be that easy. It's not as if you can see through the screen all the way to the other person's screen although that may be ideal, but if it's face to face and you can't even sense something is wrong, then something is wrong with you. Perhaps, nothing is wrong. Perhaps, i'm the one that is wrong. Perhaps, it's so. I just did a repetition, a tool for speech. LOL.
2:57:00 am

Friday, August 22, 2008
What's with all the 2012 Doomsday on 21st December? If it have to come, it will come. If it won't come, it won't come. Why care about the future which is a mystery, when you can't even care about the present? Don't bite more than you can chew, don't think further than u can.

I like this quotation from the movie, Kungfu Panda.

"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift, that's why it's called the present."

Care about today before you worry so much for the future. If you want to give up before the actual Doomsday arrive, i'm certain you would perish much earlier...
1:26:00 am

Thursday, August 21, 2008
I think i'm one of the few crazy people that eats ice cream when having serious influenza. Sneezing since way early in the morning, a good way to start the day. Thanks to Mr Danny Tan being away on course, we had English from 7am all the way till 940, as Mrs Tang took over the 2 periods which was suppose to be Mr Danny Tan's. Then had Higher Chinese, and was suffering from direct air conditioning and continuous flowing of mucus from my nose as if it's some loose water pipe. In fact, it has been flowing all the way since 7am. Great.

Spam chilli padi during recess to counter the flu. I think it worked cause i stopped sneezing and the mucus stop flowing for the periods after that. The rest of the day is . Forget it.

useless + eccentric + invisible + extremely peculiar + crazy + ... = _ _
11:59:00 pm

Monday, August 18, 2008
Today's a slack day, cause it's O levels English oral for our class! First time can keep so calm, and it proves to help. I did not really preparing much right before the exam, i took my time to slack and read a book. Yes, your eyes didn't play trick on you, i read! lols. It's maybe due to the cooling hall that calm me down, felt not so tense and went on quite well to speak. Particularly the passage ain't very hard as well, not much traps and so on.

Picture discussion was about to kill me, until something came to my mind always had the last minute. I think i cork up the fluency for picture discussion for a while, probably deducted marks for that, hope not though. Well, the theme today is about SUBJECTS.

I have to thank firstly mrs tang for guiding me to make such improvements in reading aloud of course and so on, and mr danny tan. I somehow remembered what he said and it gave me ideas of what to say. Last but not least, thanks to all those who wished me all the best or good luck or etc. Thank you all! (:

Sorry if this sounds like a thank you speech or whatever, just glad that it's all over, till the day when the results are released that is.
10:30:00 pm

Sunday, August 17, 2008
Haha. Yu Cheng don't get mad, i can hear thunder already. Those who know him would get what i mean. I just hope i don't find myself swimming at the first break of dawn. Oh wait, i got to wake up before that!

Haha. Winds would be greatly appreciated to make my sleep comfortable, but please don't descend water droplets on me. I know water means wealth, but not cold water when i sleep right? Feeling all heated up for the oral so don't ' 泼我冷水'... sleep!

bangala power xP
11:55:00 pm

CONGRATULATIONS Singapore for attaining a Silver medal in the Olympic Games! (:

Let's celebrate wildly and forget about everything! Oh wait, i still have my O levels English Oral Examinations tomorrow. Aww. Haha. It's a way to cool down and relax before the significant 20% for L1 tomorrow. It's about doing well, that's why is hard.

No no. Why must the National Day Rally Speech telecast be postponed? I would greatly welcome more sources for me to quote from tomorrow if it's relevant. Crap intelligently was what i was told to do. Aiming real high for this as it would ease my job for English in the written part of it. I would have to ameliorate all my 'uhh uhh' problems tomorrow, because it's only that ONE chance unless want retain and retake next year to get that mark. Grant me the power to crap intelligently tomorrow! rah!

On the other hand, as i flipped through the pages of Sunday Times today, i noticed nothing much of interest. Same old Russia - Georgian conflict. It is said that the war is a war between Russia and the west. I support that statement. Propaganda flying around and spreading like fireworks. BBC and CNN has become unreliable sources already. However, something caught my eye...

' There have been some reported cases where children under 10 have weighed up to 89kg.'

No offence to any obese or generally bigger-sized people out there, but i think even Singapore doesn't have such big problems, thanks to our TAF not track and field (Trim And Fit) programme. By the way, the cases are from UK. I've heard of the average mass of Americans by the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) to be somewhat around 190 pounds from what i remember, which is around 95kg. Well, that figure is including people from all ages. For children under that to have such great mass, i would say i was flabbergasted.

Unless they're damn tall to counter it, if not is really going way out of hand. The article mentioned that the government even planned to send those severe obesity cases to places where they would have all the 'special attention'.

Okay. I hope i can have a clear mind and speak better tomorrow. *cross fingers*
10:27:00 pm

Friday, August 15, 2008
While walking home today, i realised something peculiar as i saw thick smoke and smelt something burning. It was a choking smell, and it forced me to look around to locate the source of it. Well, i saw a huge pile of ashes and i immediately know what it for was. Ironically, only with the fact that along my way i saw even more people burning incense and remembering you zhe mentioning of seeing SOMEONE while burning incense plus the fact that i took a look at my watch, then i recalled that today was the 15th day of the seventh lunar month... How muddleheaded can i get?!

If you have noticed, i'm starting to practise grammar here. Grammar holds a high percentage in essays, so i have no choice. Caution. It's going to be a long post.

Finally, I had a good sleep yesterday. The results of it were simply amazing. I seemed to be full of life in the morning though i had to report to school at 7am for lessons sec 4 life, what to do? Mrs Tang had oral practice with a group so the rest of us were left in class. Somehow, i began to start reading through the articles she told us to read. It was especially astonishing, since i do not read much, other then compulsory passages, like the comprehension passages. I finished every single one of them and moved on to the stories. I was mesmerized by the first prize winning story and i do a hundred percent agree with the judges comments, that the writer had given a 'life' to the non living things. Kudos to the writer. I was also captivated by the works of the second prize winners, though i slightly preferred the one in local context. That was the story that john lau made small changes and posted on his blog.

After heading home, i decided to venture to the library. That was an impromptu decision, considering the fact that it had been ages since i last stepped into the library near my house and the last time i went to the library was woodlands library, and the intention was to study. As i have mentioned, you would not catch me reading a book other then the textbook, even if it is the latter, it would be rare as well. Ironically, i borrowed a book and read it. I do not know how long this will last but it is already a milestone achieved. Haha.

I went on to read through The Straits Times. I read quite a significant number of articles. Perhaps due to the fact that i'm having O Level English Oral Examinations next Monday, i may be sourcing for some ideas to 'crap intelligently' for the conversation part, or maybe even the picture discussion part.

I read about the issue of Georgia and Russia. It is said that Georgia started the war first and Russia acted in self defense, but overstepped the limit and went all the way in. I'm not going to elaborate the saga here, if not i would be doing a revision kit for the future generation taking history, don't you agree? So basically you can jolly well read today's Straits Times and you would know the story from what i believe is the neutral stand, London. Some may argue that London may help USA but it reported that Georgia had started the war, and not what USA claimed to be, isn't that ENHANCED RELIABILITY? So read today's Straits Times guys.

There's another point i want to pick out from this saga. From what i believe is who is USA to criticize Russia? The USA is the ones who invaded Iraq for oil in the first place and had jolly well trampled on international laws as well. Note that this is what the newspaper said, and i agree with them. Perhaps it's just biased thoughts against one another that create this saga. Come on, the cold war already proved it. Imagine Russia sending troops to Iraq to help against USA. Constant ceasefire violations still carries on, with them claiming that Russia is sabotaging and crippling Georgia's military bases like air fields etceteras. Civilians were used as targets, that's why both USA and Russia did. You call that inhumane, but war IS inhumane in the first place. What is the difference when you kill a soldier compared to when you kill a civilian? Both are lives and should be treated with respect. Go play some war games if you want kill anyone.

Now this is not propaganda, but didn't Singapore and Malaysia settled territorial conflicts via the international court? What is the difference is that these two superpowers have that ego in them. It is the ego that propels them into doing such things. It is like thinking, "i have nuclear, to hell with them, who are they to order me?" The other side would be thinking, "i have nuclear, to hell with them, who are they to not listen to me?" If both sides just spare a thought, just a little, for the other, nothing would happen. Let's face it. It's impossible.

We are now the audience of the saga. What we could do is to watch another crisis, probably named the Georgian Missile Crisis after the name Cuban Missile Crisis, and see how it develops. More essays for the syllabus that is if they decided not to hit the nuclear button and end the civilization. Men need not travel back to Mars and Women need not travel back to Venus, so do let the Earth remain here.

"With great power, come great responsibilities". However, it looks like the 'superpowers' aren’t managing their 'responsibilities' well.

I shall not talk about the education system. True enough they should make it fair for everyone if they want us to all take O levels or all ip. Some topic i came across was cyber-bullying. It may come out as the oral topic. What is defined by cyber-bullying shocks me. Even by scolding and criticizing someone over the Internet is considered cyber-bullying as well, so do think twice before you would want to hurt the fragile heart like mine of your victim. It is the anonymous status that we attain from our various accounts. No individuals will know who exactly you are, except those whom you wish to tell. This status makes us much bolder and people would do many things they won't do. At least i use someone or somebody when i'm fed up with whoever he/she is, even with a vice versa.

I came across something which i thought it's rather peculiar. It's the following:

'Forums such as The Straits Times online portal Stomp publicly lists banned and warned perpetrators and ban users. Stomp editor Serene Siew explained: "Stomp has a no-tolerance rule for flaming and bullying." '

From History or probably Social Studies we know that it's propaganda already. Where's the credibility when it's Straits Times own forum reported on The Straits Times newspaper? Furthermore, take a look at the comments if you have to, with the Singapore Seen, isn't that encouraging people to criticize on articles posted? I seriously do not know how many users they have to ban, just take a look at the comments and you'll get what i mean. Flaming.

Flaming is so common. With the anonymous status and the ability to recreate accounts and more accounts for free, seriously who would bother if they get banned? IP addresses can be changed, so it's another dead end. I agree it don't take much for one to start flaming, just boredom. Let's just face it. Whatever is invented with the original intention of being good would be misused sooner or later by people and then developed into problems. Take note that i'm just one of them as well. No one is perfect, so there's no perfect solution to any problems. It's still pretty much depending on you yourself.

I think that's all i wanted to say. Take note this post was created yesterday. I was so tired after settling so much stuff while typing; i fell asleep at about 4+ in the morning, while typing. So i completed this and post it up now. Don't be surprised by the date.

Anyway, i hope everyone's okay now, at least what i heard that is true. Cheer up! (: By the way, i seriously wonder who read finish the whole of this post without falling asleep or giving up. Haha, really curious to know. That's all. (:

By the way, including every singles word in this paragrah, the number of words is just slightly pass my record of 2614 words - the post on annual camp. Went back to read the post and the post before on Sec 3 camp. They bring back a lot of memories. Total number of words: 1482 words. (:
11:46:00 pm

Thursday, August 14, 2008
credits to john lau's blog. you seriously can tell that US doesn't have General Paper in their syllabus. i bet many would fail, no hasty generalisation here. how about almost all featured in the video except one that know so much about the terrorist group? history students probably would know why. US appeared too many times in history and social studies. well in fact you can listen to their pronounciation and practise for oral? haha.

12:20:00 am

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
inactive ACID lava volcano has become inactive yet again. haha. never erupted like that before. maybe due to the fuels from many different sources. too much magma already building up causing a rise in pressure and forcing the magma to rise to earth. geography revision. xP

motivation comes and goes. weird. i need sleep! rah!
11:27:00 pm

Tuesday, August 12, 2008
actually wanted to go and sleep already until someone pissed me off...

thanks mom. thanks a lot! zzz

yes yes it's all my fault. my fault for not being able to wake up immediately when the alarm clock rings like some zombie being summoned back (but i'm still not late for school), my fault for not being able to match up with your abilities to sleep at 3am and still wake up in the morning etc. all my fault!

thank you. 谢谢. dank u. merci. danke. grazie. ありがとう. 감사하십시오. obrigado. вы. gracias.

11 languages. happy?! yes yes. O levels nia. so slack. nothing compared to your work. O levels is stress free, ain't it? and yes yes... somebody is not refering to me. yes i 做贼心虚. i think too much... you must be refering to some ghost you saw right? yeah hor. now it's the 7th lunar month. orh not refering to me... YEAH RIGHT.

damn it. i've never got so fed up twice in a day before.

-inactive ACID lava volcano
11:26:00 pm

Monday, August 11, 2008
LOL. i had enough of dramatic episodes lately. there are really all sorts of people out there. duh. i don't understand why people can't stop comparing. that's the root cause of many problems i presume. compare and compare and compare. what's so nice to compare? sadly we are all doing so unknowingly and i won't deny the fact that probably sometimes i'm doing so too without my knowledge. as in things happened so quickly. but at least don't compare excessively?

well i just don't quite like the so called 'adults' or 'mature' people generalising what they call 'kids' and please take note that i'm not saying everyone, it's just the minority, i hope. it's stupid. don't tell me the day they're born they are adults already or so 'mature'... yeah right. i believe 自高自大, 唯我独尊 comes in here. yeah perhaps they grow taller so their ego goes up already huh. acting like 'mature' people condemning what kids do. true enough though, that what some of these 'kids' do aren't very right, but it's just the nature of them what. if you don't like or what, suit you. why do people like to comment so much?

haha. okay i know i'm like shooting myself here. reminds me of the speech day. "don't self-destruct" by mr quay. LOL. "如骨哽在喉, 不吐不快" arh. haha maybe i should change to condemning people. okay whatever. i should be doing something else more productive. that's society, ain't it? sadly the world is not perfect, far far and far away from it... what to do?
4:13:00 pm

forget to mention... i heard over the news some time ago. forgot yesterday night or the day before yesterday. only remember 1 name. guess how some restaurant in china translate the name for the dish " 童子鸡"? the answer is "chicken without sexual life"! amazing. i laughed like mad. got others but i forgot already...

我也学你... 哈哈.
12:27:00 am

Sunday, August 10, 2008
that's fast. it's the end of the weekend le. probably i just sianz away since friday. didn't manage to see someone on tv, camera mans' fault. lols. hard to find anyway. tried my best. =X

sian become some lazier then ever. noooo! cannot! where got so much time to sleep?! whole day blur like sotong. nothing register in the brain, like some zombie like that. where's the cure? haiz. so tired again. sleep and sleep...

friday watch Beijing Olympic opening ceremony. i must say it's simply marvellous. creative idea and magnificent enough. though the coming out of 1 country by 1 country is a bit dry la, but that's a normal process, isn't it?

national day parade was good as well. i heard it's quite short compared to the previous years. is it? i don't exactly remember. lols at least better then some who don't bother at all. not targetting at anyone though. it's their choice.

nothing much to say as well. lost all motivation again for no reason. i seriously should find a way to understand myself... but how?

11:48:00 pm

Saturday, August 09, 2008
Happy National Day! (: Hope all can enjoy their holidays! oops. i just wasted 1 day.

-i'm made of Teflon =X
12:58:00 am

Friday, August 08, 2008
NDP celebrations today. had to wear no. 3 since i was receiving some UG award. not bad the parade, at least much better then the rehearsals which were totally crap. lol. pds was a little screwed at first but did well after that and much enough to recover back from the screw ups at first. congratulations all for a job well done! (:

let the video do the talking...

after NDP celebrations, sec 4s got to stay back for some speech day. every year also ask sec 4s be the audience. okay formal ceremony so either wear school uniform with tie or UG uniform, so might as well carry on wearing no. 3 for speech day. part of the speech day is hypnotising, i suppose many would agree with me. somehow managed to retain some information that could be probably use to crap out something for english oral, just like what mr heng said, crap intelligently.

then went for lunch with desmond and you zhe. see he so good wait for us. LOL. ate at yoshinoya. the sprite drink spoilt and i wanted to go ask for a change but desmond say never mind. lol he rich mah. then he go drink the ' carbonated ice water '... then i took both to change, he don't dare go ask. changed back 2 coke. lols the sprite machine spoil le never inform us. =.=

went back to school after that for oral practice and dragged you zhe along. saw mrs tang outside staff room with mdm ee. then she told me i'm the only 1 that came. lols. okay... so practised quite a lot and improved quite a lot according to what she said. yay! (: hope i can do well for the upcoming O level english oral! xP haha actually the rest turned up, but they stayed in the class so they didn't know anything and wasted their time. so they going on monday as well.

the video so many people want. FINALLY UPLOADED TO YOUTUBE! =D
7:25:00 pm

Thursday, August 07, 2008
不知怎么, 为什么看来看去都那么巧? 不是我胡思乱想, 肯定不是. 一模一样的哦. 除非某人读过下面那些, 要不然也不会那么巧. 还有其他的巧合, 实在太巧了. 在打字时全体集合了. 哈哈. 我看大家不知我在说什么, 哈哈. "无风不起浪, 事出必有因", 但别想那么多了吧. 我又再说废话了.

老天又在下雨了. 希望明天不要再下, 要不然又没检阅礼了. 不想挤进礼堂里, 浪费时间. 愿今晚能睡个好觉, 天气那么凉快, 但千千万万不要雷雨交加, 狂风暴雨, 风大到把雨水都吹进来, 那时我又要变成 "落汤鸡" 了. 期盼明天的到来! 所有表演的人加油! (:
9:40:00 pm

Tuesday, August 05, 2008
okay back to posting in english again. well the whole class practically scammed mr danny tan today as we obviously did not want the history SEQ test. speaking of that, oh crap! i forgot to read up again. bleh.

okay so after school we (say wei, yong yuan, desmond, you zhe and me) originally want to chiong to GV bishan and watch the 3pm show for Money Not Enough 2. no choice we can only watch on tuesdays since that's the ONLY day we need not stay back after school for lessons. went there and found out that left only the first four rows of seats so we never watch there in the end. i was never in favour of GV Bishan since the seats are on the same level plus the fact it's the first four rows means we would have to raise our heads higher. nah. i prefer eye level.

in the end went to amk hub watch the 4pm show. wasted a lot of time. i think the fairprice xtra there got some sale or something today. if not what's the explanation for such a huge amount of customers? lols. wanted to buy drink there but decided not to queue since it's extremely long. in the end bought 2 family combos, 1 for say wei and yong yuan, the other for you zhe and me. we share the payment of course. and desmond is left to buy on his own, of course that was his original intention. speaking of that, i think i forgot to return money to you zhe for that eh. LOL shhh! xP

the movie was simply just great! it's so realistic. don't know how many million times better than mediacorp dramas. i don't know about others, but i was touched a few times in some scenes. okay maybe i should use the word moved. LOL. both words can mean otherwise. but i think you can get what i meant. it's funny as well, duh it's suppose to be a comedy, but considering the fact i'm zoning off for the whole day and i still can enjoy the movie, simply amazing! recommended to watch. might cheer you up a little. (:

i was captivated by the movie la. followed the flow thoroughly, instead of already predicting what will happen next as what i always do when watching mediacorp dramas. it's so realistic about our lives that it actually sets me thinking of how i will react in that particular situation. i would ask myself would i really become like that, and it scares me to even think of it. maybe it's just me but i feel that jack neo showed us a lot in the film in that 126 minutes. time seems to pass very slowly. so it's like watching a lot, and practically nothing bores me. haha enjoyed it a lot!

ahh looking for the songs currently. anyone has any? oh and there's some COLOURs award (i have no idea why it's called colours) tomorrow. yeah rehearsal. and as expected, sec 4s need to stay back after NDP for speech day. bleh. i want to pon leh. WOT! (waste of time) - mrs elaine goh's favourite abbreviate.
11:59:00 pm

Monday, August 04, 2008
"天塌下来我当被盖" 我坚信, 说出这句话十分容易, 但真正做得到的人是稀少的. 他们实在令我佩服得五体投地. 其实, 我也不清楚究竟是谁那么喜欢捉弄我, 老在最累的时候, 在头脑无法正常运作时, 在"火上加油", 把所有不好的事情都一次过通通都搬出来, 把我的心情拉到最低点.

咳嗽 + 感冒 + 超级累 + ... 哪里心情会好. 算了. 都习惯了不是吗? 死不了的. 睡一晚就没事了. 当然要睡的好, 不知能不能. 希望别再做梦了. 我还梦的不够多吗?

又一次的幻想不攻自破. 不知如何开口, 又是沉默地度过...

要进入一个你从未见过面的人或是一个你不知多久才见一次面的人的世界好比想攀登站立在几千米高的悬崖峭壁一样的难, 何况就算是天天见面也不见得能进入对方的世界里. 在对方的世界里, 最少流下一些脚步, 能记得地脚步, 是多么多么的困难. "只要在那崎岖的小路上, 不畏艰险, 奋勇攀登的人, 才有希望达到光辉的顶点". 会吗? 希望又有多大呢?

其实, 我的要求也不会很过分, 只是希望能在一些人的记忆中, 也同时希望能有人更了解我, 在我情绪低落时开导我, 那就大概够了. 我也不是只要求别人对我好, 我同时必然也会对他/她好的, 不是吗?

要把心里的话说出来还真不容易, 或许就是我们的自豪感在作祟吧. 但也请不要把所有事都悄悄地放在心里, 等到来不及了才说. 为时已晚, 就算是后悔莫及也没有用了. "千里之行始于足下", 就是那么难开口, 真的是"行百里者, 半九十".

好了. "如果错过太阳时你流了泪, 那么你也会错过群星". 我也不知遗漏了些什么, 只知我也得去睡了. 对那些看不懂的人, 真对不起!

明天会更好! (:
11:59:00 pm

Sunday, August 03, 2008
okay i didn't actually went to sleep yet. partially because there are still some people awake. and partially due to the fact that i'm an owl? and did i mentioned the fact i cut my hair on fri. decided to cut cause of the O level English Oral and don't want risk to get suspended from lessons and catch flies outside the general office. my hair is like so damn short now lor. but at least better then danny tan or maybe mr ng. haha mr ng's one can polish his head liao. he's so gonna kill me if he see's this. LOL. later he take his whistle and blow beside my ears how? how?! LOL.

seriously wonder why today got people don't want sleep leh. anyone can tell me the answer? o.O
2:12:00 am

Saturday, August 02, 2008
yawns~ let's start talking about yesterday.

ever fell asleep instantly and had a nightmare in just 1 minute?
yes that's what happened to me. well i was doing my comprehension and i instantly fell asleep while writing my answer. then immediately i have a nightmare that rudely shook me up from my slumber. it's like so instant that my head didn't even have the time to touch the table. i shall not elaborate on the details on the nightmare, just know that it shook me so greatly that i lost all concentration. spooky...

wasted my time in the morning going for HCL remedial. going through 报章报道. that one quite okay already. is paper 2 that need help severely. went because i was told by mu jun that she's going through paper 2. got scammed. did a bit math after that, just feel like doing. LOL. went home and celebrated my mom's birthday after that! (:

Happy Birthday Mommy! (:

haha although i doubt she will ever come here. cut the cake and sang the birthday song. lols. after that was shifting stuff in the living room. new arrangement! xP and i got a table outside finally. a place to do homework! haha at least i got help in planning the postitions and shifting the stuff around. (:

okay tired liao. got to slog and complete my work tomorrow. =X
11:59:00 pm

Samuel Wong SP

the rest is for me to know and for you to find out! =D


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