Saturday, May 31, 2008
hmm. i'm wondering why i am posting now at this very time. shouldn't i be sleeping or something?! nope. i'm in school at the present moment. yes at this very time. quite a long day, and time seems to pass by quite quickly. started off with Social Studies mass lecture at the auditorium. guess what? mr tan actually cheated us saying that the lecture starts at 0815. no kidding. i'm like staring at that notice on the whiteboard now! hello?!

so i'm in class. obvious. my class that is. so it actually started at around 0850?! other classes were told it would start at 0830, when we were told 0815! what's this?! nice try. i was late at first, but after seeing 6 or 7 other sec 4s at the concourse of the mrt station, i decided to slowly take my time there. reach at around 0825. interesting. i was like considered damn early! whatever.

lecture finish walk around. then finally desmond answered my call and we went brian wong's house play mahjong. take note no money transactions are involved so it's definitely not considered as illegal gambling. can't arrest me! xP

then came back and have my physics remedial from 2-3+. ended early. so walked around the school watching my juniors (they having annual camp) have their PDS test and so on. after that was back to becoming a mechanic to repair rifles? LOL. and mr teo's the IC today. talks to him easier then mr goh. for some reason, maybe it's because he taught me before? who knows?

after that had dinner. went out to eat. then was the much awaited water bomb, which is exactly what i'm waiting for. it's my way of living. i don't enjoy being alone, yet most of the time i'm alone. that's why i do come up with these weird way of doing all this, like staying in school now just for the sake of staying. how interesting?

learnt a few things today. actually not today, but never mind. i should open a resort with the name The Last Resort, named after me. why not? at least i got the feeling i should.

wondering what should i do? sleep? homework? walk around? play games? just caugt a deer without eyes. no idea. =.=
3:48:00 am

Thursday, May 29, 2008
let us all give a round of applause to celebrate that i have officially screwed up my English oral!

hey why i dun hear anyone clapping?

oh i forgot. i'm blogging.

okay enough of the crap. i'm not exactly sure whether i did screw up my english oral exam or not, but i'm sure that i got drilled at due to my constant stoppages with "err... err..."

screw it. now i'm trying hard to correct all the bad habits. i'm just too used to making the "err... err..." sound when i'm thinking, and my mind practically black out when it was my turn. great!

so, of course as expected, well what else can you expect when my examiner is the HOD of English, Mr Edwin Heng and that Mr David Chen? i seriously don't see what is so 'heng' about his 'heng'. maybe he will just suck all the luck of you. that's crap!

he was like saying all uniform group people have this problem. is it so? that i wouldn't know, would i? all i can do now is just to cross my fingers and hope for the best. 2 months to O levels English oral, what to do?

oh if you do read until here and wondering whether my account has got hack or not. not exactly. whether i have changed thoroughly? not exactly. i'm still who i am, and i will still be who i am. as for the others, i don't know. back to the point, i'm trying to heed the advice here and settle my "err... err..." problem. at least for this two months before the O levels English oral. of course i won't want another power failure in my brain again.

well if anyone feels weird seeing me blogging like this, please do inform me. i'll try it elsewhere instead! (:
8:47:00 pm

Wednesday, May 28, 2008
okay since it's unspoken words... i finally took away the song... more and more quiet... i think many ppl will prefer the peace and not disturb whatever music or sound that is/are playing... dun think anyone would miss the song? anyone? nah... wonder who else would come? coz i really dunno... unspoken visitors too mayb...

still having lessons... holidays eh? it doesn't make much difference... except we dun follo the timetable that's all... nvm... getting used to it is easy... but 千里之行, 始于足下... every morning it's hard to wake up... especially on days with perfect temp to sleep... who would wan to wake up?

hoho... tmr oral... if really have any unspoken words then it's really gone case liao... but the thing is... how to get up and reach the sch hall at 745? lols... that's the 1st prob... juz hope tat tmr morning's condition would b so unsuitable for sleeping... it's hard coz the sun hasn't rise yet... but still can hope right? =.=

no time... really no time... wan slack oso no time slack... =X
11:42:00 pm

Monday, May 26, 2008
okay it's been sometime since i actually had the time to slacken down a bit... been all around for sat and sunday... mayb tat's why i ended up like tis... adapted from my msn nick...

wad's a sneezing machine with biodegrading brain? ME!

yup! i'm non-stop sneezing since abt 12 noon... i dunno why oso... so chem lesson was kinda 'interesting' for me... sneezing like mad... and my brain is like half dead like that... it always is... b4 tat i still can multi-task... ans qns for HCL and doing amath tys at the same time... so what exactly happened? i dunno... 回光反照? dunno...

i think i nid ard 48 hours of consecutive sleep for me to get back to normal... i juz dun wanna be like a walking zombie now... dam freaking blur... but where i'm going to get that 48 hours? prelim 2 is nearing... all the hardcore remedials... haiz dunno... it's already amazing i can survive... dunno how...

now i juz hope aft i wake up later... tat is if i do so... my sneezing can stop... rah! =X
4:24:00 pm

Thursday, May 22, 2008
wahaha! i dunno whether i'm psychic or i'm juz psychopathic... relax... i'm not someone who juz ran out frm IMH or something... my brain is back on track... making links at an amazing speed again... like some construction worker like that... feel so sensitive that i kinda will lead to wasting my time... sort of... mayb due to the fact that i have a large amount of brain juice in the bulb (skull)... or my bore (blood vessels) are very thin... which results in high sensitivity? but i'm certain my bulb (skull) is very thick... as my response time is very slow... ahahas revising physics... LOL another link...

back to the point... if there is point in the 1st place... whatever it is... it's juz mayb pure coincidence that i can infer things right... yea link to SBQ again... nah not talking abt SBQ... something else... or mayb some other things... nvm i shall post tmr...
11:44:00 pm

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
still can't keep some things out of my mind... they juz keep repeating in my head... till i can memorise them already... if only history n ss essays were so easy to memorise... haha.

another 3 days idled away... come to think of it... how many days do i have left to idle?! why can't i just geared up and stuck my gear up there to stop myself from wasting time... i can't... i juz can't...

i just hope nothing will happen this week to screw me up again... i got a feeling things won't be as normal... and it ain't good coz when u accustomed to something... it wun be easy to just to adapt to the changes... 习惯成自然... that sounds like an excuse... but it is tis very excuse that is stopping me from facing the truth and adapting to it... lagging behind... failing to accept the reality... whole day guessing some things that may not be true... i'm no psychic...

is it really time? i dun think it ever will... coz it's just me... oh btw... to all those who are tired out there... rest well... especially to those who are sick... get well soon! (: mayb that's for me... coz i have been coughing for a few weeks already... adding some sneezing in during some periods... nvm... i dun matter... for the rest... get well soon! (:
12:22:00 am

Monday, May 19, 2008
19th May 2008, Monday, 1428 hours. Let us all express our regards to those who have unfortunately lost their lives in the Si Chuan Province earthquake recently. The whole of China will keep 3 minutes of silence from this very moment onwards.

It's just happens that my father had been watching CCTV4 which I happen to follow a bit also as I using my laptop outside. Let's just hope nothing of this ever happen again.
2:28:00 pm

memories all flowed back to me... some things u can juz never ever forget...
kept reading something... dun b mistaken... it's definitely not a book since i dun usually read... kept guessing aft dat... 难道又是我在异想天开吗? nvm it's really time to sleep... =.=
2:22:00 am

Sunday, May 18, 2008
wasting my time doing very unproductive things... gave up and sleep instead... wad's the problem with me arh? want to noe somethings... wanna noe yet dun wanna ask... keep guessing and guessing... sooner or later i turn into gas... sublimation... =.=

let's see whether i'll do smth productive tmr... really ran out of fuel... juz hope i dun go in negative velocity... =X

anyway... real sorry if i have daoed anyone on msn messenger... if u are daoed by me on msn... sry! =X msn doesn't show me the messages sometimes... so i totally have no idea... now i seriously hope the new version dun screw up... *cross fingers*
11:59:00 pm

Saturday, May 17, 2008
lost the mind to think... it's just as wad i expected... can things juz STOP happening in the way i expected?! expected good things all dun happen... expect all the bad things... i dared not say all... but most happened... wad is tis?

i seriously should stop guessing... is thinking optimistic wrong? i agree with the greater the expectations... the greater the disappointment... so should i juz think pessimistic all the time? then if it end up better then i still may have surprises? rather then getting disappointed? is tat so? is being who i m really and let some take me for granted good? should i totally dun care?

thought it over clearly... NO! i am who i am... nth is wrong with thinking optimistic... nth is wrong with being disappointed... i'm numb to that... the most get upset over a period of time and that's it... get on with it... wad for change the whole of myself to some other personality juz because of one or should i say a group of incidents? there are still people ard that differ... at least i hope there is... even there isn't... why not? i juz be me and happy tat i am me... and i'm definitely not talking abt the scene in rush hour 3... nvm if u dun get the meaning for rush hour 3...

so tat's it... all cleared... once again... one last thing... when i dun care abt something on the surface... it doesn't meant i really dun care... u nvr noe wad i m doing and how much i wish to care... is juz tat now i changed my strategies... some mayb able to notice ba... who noes?
10:44:00 pm

Mayday! Mayday! This is FO 977 calling to control. We have a emergency here. All 4 engines have failed. We request for emergency landing.

Control FO 977 Roger. Turn right 12 degrees and proceed 12km to land at runway 21.

FO 977 Control. Turn right 12 degrees and proceed 12km to land at runway 21. Roger and out.

Captain. We are falling at a rate of infinity feet per second!

Yes. I can feel it.

Captain. 2 of the engines have started to work again!

FO 977 Control. We have 2 engines back in working condition.

Control FO 977 Roger. Resume emergency landing on runway 21.

FO 977 Control. Resume emergency landing on runway 21. Roger and out.

Captain! Both 2 engines have failed again! We are descending at a rate of infinity feet per second again! At this rate, we will crash in no time!

Devastated. =X
4:59:00 pm

Wednesday, May 14, 2008
okay nvm... i totally forgotten what i wanted to post... stagnant brain... i could really use some sleep... =.= change... hmm yea right... it's time for a change...

oh and m i stupid or blur or whatever it is... thanks a lot to desmond for reminding me to get a calculator tmr... yes i haven't bought it yet since i 'lost' it... apparently i'm too 'busy' with other stuff which i dunno wad is it oso... mayb juz broke eh... back to point... it's the 2nd O level Physics SPA (Science Practical Assessment) tmr and i can actually totally forgot abt it... and even replied des tat tmr got test me... diaoz =.= then i realised aft pressing the sent button how stupid i was... dumb dumb dumb... a dumb owl... =X
11:22:00 pm

Monday, May 12, 2008
We are the champions... We are the champions! yup Manchester United won the championship trophy of the Barclays Premier League... not by goal difference... by points! it's like the trophy presentation ceremony now... kinda unusual that i would watch a soccer match since i dun have any of the sports channel... but since it's on preview channel 1... i might as well watch...

so Chelsea's match against Bolton was on channel 1... they draw with Bolton... rather unexpected since Chelsea had always win on their home ground and since they are the home team tis time round... everyone thought Chelsea would win 1-0 Bolton... but Manchester United would win as well since they have 2-0 wif Wigan... but somehow Bolton scored at the 92nd minute! 3 mins injury time was given and Bolton scored! LOL... no offence to the Chelsea supporters... juz kinda amazed to think that Chelsea eventually lost not by goal difference... but by 2 points cause they draw instead of win!

Manchester United's win owe it to C.Ronaldo making up with his miss at the match against Barcelona with his penalty kick and Ryan Giggs's goal! on Chelsea's side... Shevchenko scored during the 2nd half and then as i said... taylor scored for bolton in the 92nd minute!

let's hope i dun screw up my mock history essay test tmr... i meant later today since it's mon already... now forget abt soccer... back to studies... man utd's goalkeeper... van der sar has some relationship to the van der waals forces between the covalent molecules huh... LOL =.=
12:12:00 am

Sunday, May 11, 2008
rah i hate blocked nose... the fact tat it will make everything taste so plain... my porridge is so tasteless even though i added so much soy sauce already... it's still so plain... dun wanna add anymore... later b4 i can taste anything... i'm dying of salt already... juz hope the jam in my nose would clear soon... *cross fingers*

juz by thinking of the amount of work i got to do today makes me dun feel lyk doing... dam sian... how m i going to finish everything? nevertheless... i'll forced myself to do it... later... yea i hate the word later... my symbol word... since i'm the Pro^2crastinator and procrastinating is my forte... DUH!
1:17:00 pm

Saturday, May 10, 2008
surprised, amazed and astonish abt the fact tat i could actually access the internet in sch... w/o using the lan cable... apparently i'm lyk sitting on the big cushion where they use for long jump on the curve of the track... so i'm definitely not using the sch's wireless because of the stupid password tat they imposed to stop ppl frm using... dam dumb la... even they wan to protect the sch's wireless system... oso let students noe the password so that they can use in sch? if not wad for make the whole sch wireless? waste money only... oh i forgot... wasting money is the sch's forte... or should i say the leader of our sch's forte? the impressive amount of stones in our sch could tell that it's a fact...

back to the point aft drifting off away so much... so i'm juz sitting here using some unknown wireless connection tat dunno came frm where... and the signal strength is acceptable... not say exactly very good... but at least can use and wun dc often... watching ppl fly planes while blogging is a new experience... dun b mistaken... it's aeromodelling... not real planes... nvm... shall post tis b4 i dc or smth... but it's still quite stable... now i noe where to use internet nxt time...
10:52:00 am

Real disappointed... dun wish to talk abt it... nah... it's not abt the sec 2s... and once again...


12:59:00 am

Thursday, May 08, 2008
got really pissed off today... but i actually managed to stop myself frm using all the 'fanciful language' with all the 'bombastic' hokkien words in this post despite how fed up i m... okay some retarded idiot actually took away my calculator n it's like missing now... b4 recess i was still using it... aft recess it was gone... wad is wrong with tat guy? out of all things... why my calculator? not trying to say tat other ppl thing's are not important... is juz tat why the hell take lyk tat? for the satisfaction? oh please...

tis calculator frm sch ain't cheap... $18 each is the last price i rmb... who noes whether they raised the price or smth... is already lyk my 3rd calculator? 1st 1 i think 'biodegraded'... it juz failed to work lyk dat... 2nd one coz of the stupid 2nd function key not working which is widely needed if not it wun b there in the 1st place... thus nid to get a new 1... so that's lyk $54 already... wth!

and there's not only 1 case... my class have ppl missing memory cards... money and wadeva... to hell with whoever took them... wad are tis idiots think they are doing huh? i juz really hope someone took my calculator by mistake i can get it back tmr... *cross fingers*

enough abt the calculator... today seems lyk a cursed day... 1st it was mr julian teo getting real pissed off in the morning with a sec 3 guy i think... dunno wad happened... but he was really shouting dam loudly... only the few sec 4 classes tat went for assemble knew abt tis... of coz i was there as well... nvr saw him so pissed b4... i'm sure he was holding back not to whack that guy already...

then mr danny tan got sian diao in class due to some ppl... someone called him a liar n so he once again felt tat how he caring he has been towards us has no uses... he didn't felt worth it once again and lost the mood to teach aft getting his charger for his tablet pc since it ran out of bat...

then mdm ee's lesson... she came in and placed her tablet pc on the teachers table but i think she didn't place it properly so it actually dropped... it sort of cracked and it juz hanged at a screen and windows refuse to load... if i'm not wrong it could be the hardisk crash... gosh tat would b serious for her if she has anything important inside her disk drive...

the other lessons were kinda normal ba... then aft sch sat for the amath specimen paper... but couldn't get any specimen ans frm my brain due to some insufficient of slp again... once again tested and proven tat w/o a working brain... math paper is a real torture... had numerous amount of careless mistakes... till i feel lyk i'm such an idiot myself... spammed correction tape lyk mad... then urgent wan go toilet so didn't forced myself to think of the qns dat i couldn't ans n hand in liao... think i screw it up... hit my confidence in amath real hard... and i thought i finished revising... no excuse... time to flip thru again... argh...

KOing soon... feeling the hiongness now already... long ago la actually but getting hionger... haiz... jiayou to myself and all those out there who are struggling... all the best! (: most importantly stay happy! (:


rah! =X
10:27:00 pm

Tuesday, May 06, 2008
1 word to describe today... HIONG... 2 words to describe today... VERY HIONG... okay enough of the word hiong... considering the fact that i have not enough slp... unless u consider sleeping at 1am n waking up at 5+ having enough slp... then i have nth to say... i dunno why so late oso... so 7am have hcl till 815... den SS... den math... den double eng... do compre until lyk recess almost over... left 5 mins go down oso no use... so nvr eat anything... then double hcl... halfway thru go down for some health check up... at least still 6/06... perfect eyesight again :D ah yes... kinda wasted time outside while waiting... wanted to try memorising history essays... but nth went in... yea... feel lyk sleeping but couldn't... then aft tat got SS all the way till 3+... den went for Amath mock test paper 1... until 4+... den finally can relax... 9+ hours of non-stop... woah... nvr try b4... well at least i survived it... with an empty stomach... forget it...

oh tmr 7am got the EL mock exam again... everything mock mock mock... feel so lyk being mocked... homework dun stack up... projects dun even have... but test n exams or in wadeva form they call it are aplenty... nvm... sec 4... wad can i expect? i can't expect much frm other stuff as well... haiz nvm...
9:26:00 pm

Monday, May 05, 2008
wasting time away... seriously wasting... dunno wad i doing oso... waste waste waste... seriously in nid of some


okay not some... mayb nid a lot... well not mayb... is really nid a lot... argh wth is wrong wif my brain huh... jams often... mayb nid get some lubricant... now where can i get motivation frm?! mug mug mug... nth goes in... =.= i want mug... fully understood the meaning of 心有余而力不足... rah =X
6:45:00 pm

Sunday, May 04, 2008
*BOOM* something hit the ground... nvm... 10.10pm nice... i feel baked... BBQed... wadeva... juz well done and ready to b served... i'm red all over... could take a place of any red man in the traffic light... n juz stone down there... n i nvr anyhow flash like the green man... flasher... LOL... but i do disappear oso... of coz... when the green man comes out... i'm gone... n when he starts to flash... i make my way back... okay before u say dat's crap... let me tell u... that IS crap... but i'm truly red now... only the parts exposed to the sun la of coz... unless i'm fully exposed... ahem... which is CONFIRM NOT POSSIBLE?! yup so that's it... =.= oh yea... for those who are sad or unhappy or wadeva... cheer up! stay happy! (:
10:10:00 pm

well i suppose tis is the earliest time i woke up on a Sunday... 7.11 am... nice time... well i have slept for more then 12 hours already... yes i dunno why... but it seems it seems tat smth weird is happening again... nvm =.=
7:11:00 am

Friday, May 02, 2008
lost... losT... loST... lOST... LOST!

always being hit when its at rockbottom... now i fully understand the meaning of 落井下石... *BOOM*

forget it... i should juz go slp now... *KO*
11:42:00 pm

Thursday, May 01, 2008
ah yes... it's 12.48am now of 2/5... nvm... Labour Day... as expected... i Lay Blur my day away... feel so guilty... so many ppl ard mugging hard for exams liao... some exams in progress... some exams over liao... some exams going to b over... mine? waiting for prelim 2 in the last week of june holidays... and there i m slacking off... so 惭愧 lor...

oh n i woke up today morning n ask myself... m i dreaming? coz i actually felt wind... not coming frm my fan though... but there is actually WIND! something tat i didn't feel for the past 4 days... woah today not as hot liao... finally... or else i can't take something frm the fridge out to enjoy slowly... or else they would melt! everyone getting so heated up... relax... this shows how hot weather kills huh... come on cool down everyone... stay happy (:

juz hope i dun get sian diao/tired tmr... opps i meant later since it's lyk 1.01AM now... which is hardly posisble... *cross fingers*
11:58:00 pm

Samuel Wong SP

the rest is for me to know and for you to find out! =D


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