Wednesday, November 28, 2007
dunno why these days i juz hardcore on my com... spoiling my eyes at tis rate man... dunno lar... my com seems very tempting nowadays... i'm crazy enough to slp now knowing that i have to wake up at 8am latest tmr... OMG!
3:37:00 am

Monday, November 26, 2007
did blogger change it's style? it looks kinda weird...
10:01:00 pm

Sunday, November 25, 2007
well time actually flies... =D 4.37am now... dots... been sleeping at tis time for 2 days le... i'm becoming an owl soon at tis rate... maple 4th job skill for bow master i think... got a skill called freezer... release an eagle that is ice based attack... hey that's me! =.= wad a nice time to reply tags... hey maybe i noe how to regain my concentration... piss me off! then i'll concentrate all my energy to whack u! then concentrated le! =P gosh... concentrated acid can't conduct electricity well... maybe that's good... so i wun get electrocuted or get shock by lightning when i go out! YaYs! i dunno why i type this crap at tis fantastic time... but i juz feel like it... crazy liaoz... =D
4:37:00 am

Friday, November 23, 2007
first i muz say that no mood doesn't means emo or anything... so yup... i have totally no mood to do anything now... or rather i dun bother to do anything... lost... dunno wad i'm thinking abt... my mind is empty... blank... i juz feel like stoning... dunno why... this is wad i call lost concentration okay richie?

*edit: okay... perhaps i noe why... the stupid drilling ard my blk the area is driving me crazy & drilling my soul off!! yup... MAYBE THAT IS WHY!
10:59:00 pm

Wednesday, November 21, 2007
i'm getting pissed off already... why is the world so F***ing UNFAIR?! i know people who is putting effort yet in d end due to some things got dragged down... i know people who tried... but got influenced by those who slacked... wad for do so much in d end u get to do more stuff n yet for ppl who slack they dun get affected much! those selfish bastards out there dun even put in d effort n some of dem got the recognition... where is wad 善有善报, 恶有恶报?! those who put in d effort got screwed... those who dun get the recognition... is not that the recognition always matters... is people lost the motivation to put in effort upon seeing this situation... why do people always do things the hard way & people that always do things the easy way got the same results? we have people working behind de scenes all de time... & no 1 will eva notice dem... den de slackers up front who will claim de credit... there seems to b no way to help de people that puts in the effort... coz like fate will never come their way... or rather... in most cases...

screw those who influenced others to slack... screw those people who dragged de better people down... i seen b4 people that struggle... yet some people dun even help... if they dun help nvm... why add in to his troubles? okay it's my class alright... some people juz refuse to keep their mouth shut... they themselves can score well in d end... but dragging other people down... like WTF is this... i swear i challenged fate no matter wad! mayb it's destined that i do that... who knows?!
3:47:00 pm

Sunday, November 18, 2007
bored... all the events all over le... nth constuctive left to do? any suggestions? should i start on my holiday hw? NOOO i dun even noe wad they are?!!
6:06:00 pm

Saturday, November 17, 2007
today archery course... zZz made me wake up at 7am... took my time to prepare... den leave home at 7.30am... reached northbrooks at 7.40am... wad u expect... 5 stops away frm my house by feeder bus only? okay so start learning how to fix the bow n de stand... it's idiot proof alright! it's juz screwing the thing in... as for which is top which is btm... it's juz de btm got logo... n if u put it on top... de logo would b inverted... saw a bow wif inverted logo b4? wad for they make it inverted anyway?! den was shoot n shoot... whole day shoot... not bad... starting was dam sad... den later getting better n better... somehow my bow seems to have a life on it's own... at 1st was no error at all... den de error started to change... no kidding... my grouping is all together de lor... if is i not good... den how come grouping all can together? nvm...

so aft the shooting... went eat lunch wif wei shan, marcus, jerrell n warren... den aft eat lunch... went back home took laptop n cycle to warren's house... somehow taught warren n jerrell how to play dota... den in d end dey play monopoly... play until bank no $... dam nice... while i play dota... at 1st i thrashed AI+... den played wif rayner, yuk tim & wei kun against 5 AIs... thrashed the AIs... den we played against rayner's bro n his frens... tio owned... den went home n here i m blogging... bored... no more events for the holidays le... here comes de boring part liaoz... -_-
6:59:00 pm

Friday, November 16, 2007
YaYs! Changed keyboard & no need reformat com! well for those who dunno... my com has been auto restarting sometime... all of a sudden... imagine i'm doing something for a few hours then i never save... & finishing le... den poof... it auto restart! waa... den i go whack de com liaoz... well so somehow it started not to auto restart le... -_- aft i call dell n wasted so much time... nvm... since it's okay le... it better stay okay!!

alright... some people may know... my keyboard some letters have been falling off very often... so it's changed! under warranty so free! =D yeps that's it... but wasted my time backing up all the files... nvm... juz in case like last time de old com crash all of a sudden... den all my old pics in de com all gone... dam sianz la... anyway... let's hope no more problem happen again! =D
7:55:00 pm

Wednesday, November 14, 2007
YaYs! 3 days RSAF attachment is over... actually not bad la... juz the briefings abit dry... DUH! hardly any briefings are not dry de lor... well ytd too tired... gave up on my com coz it kept restarting... so i somehow fell asleep at 7+pm... dam early lor...

so 2nd day... morning went there as usual & wasted time for de in processing... then was going to the tour ard... 1st went to had a look at the aircraft weapons... woah nice guns with rounds as big as 30mm!! it's the diameter hor... not the length... imagine that went thru ur body... OUCH! =D so next we went to the repairs side i think... where they do all the ABDR... i forgot what that stands for... coz i wasn't actually interested in the engineering part actually... finally went to the Chinook there... u noe the helicopter that flies the national flag during the national day... we went inside... den go to the cockpit n dat guy explain to us the basics lar... of coz he can't possibly go thru everything... den went to de Apache there... woah dam cool!! somehow it's quite nice lar... with a dam cool firepower... lols... that guy down there told us a dam good way to rmb the signal colours to tell in the night which side of the aircraft u r facing... coz de right is called starboard... left is port... den starboard is longer... so is the longer colour green... port is shorter... so is the shorter colour red...

then we went for lunch... not bad lar the lunch... then was playing inside the room... coz they had to prepare for the Chinook joy ride... so we had to wait... then warren, melvin & me was playing heart attack inside the room... dam funny lar... warren n melvin got hit the most... coz they were aiming at each other... then i got hit sometimes only... YaYs! =D then was finally the joy ride on Chinook... quite disappointing lar... at 1st we were quite excited & all... then coz we were only allowed to sit there... most of us fell asleep... coz we were too tired i think... then aft the ride went home lors...

today last day... went chong pang camp instead... was even nearer to my house... reach there coz was raining... went in abit messy lar... den went to the audi listen to some talk on de DAG... division of air defence group...aft the briefing went for some tour ard the camp... was all the way in the bus coz of wet weather... not bad arh the RT there... got swimming pool n soccer field de... lols... then split into 3 grps den dey showed us some weapons dey use... quite cool actually... den went back to audi sit 5 mins... den can go le... diaoz -_- dunno dey ask us go back in for what...

den we went to chong pang hawker center den eat our lunch... somehow dunno why... JOHN FELL DOWN! lols... okay i think when any sec 2s from ncc air read tis dey will go YES! hahas mayb i shall use most... later sweeping comments again... =P so we ate liaoz den i took my bus back lor & dey walk to mrt... same thing as wad dey had done for de past few days... so here i m blogging... sianz lehs... dunno what to do now... any suggestions from anyone??
12:31:00 pm

Monday, November 12, 2007
arh today 1st dat of the attachment... my button for no. 3 actually dropped right b4 i went out!! waa dam "heng"... somemore is de button to clip up the lanyard de... wakao... cannot ignore oso... den have to wait for my maid to resew back... waa sianz... den in d end let Marcus n jerrell waited for so long... really sorry hor... den saw the 167 when i was in 800... den somehow got 1 idiotic private bus park at de bus bay there then my 800 got stuck... saw the 167 left in front... den marcus n jerrell boarded at de nxt bus stop n left 1st!!! dam "heng" lor...

okay the attachment... when we reach there wasted a lot of time... then finally got in... listen to some briefing... until i almost fell asleep... yes of coz i dun have enough sleep... =P den went to de FDS (Field Defend Squadron) view some exhibition... nice dog... dam big sized... so aft that was lunch... not bad de lunch... den we group by group go to the Chinook stimulator there... but muz wait dam long... so we ended up keep talking & talking... actually we talked quite a lot la... to suan and to entertain ourselves! =D

okay so finally got to the Chinook stimulator place... dat stimulator is like 100 million! darn expensive! but is dam real lor... cool i got to sit in the pilot seat n follo the pilot! wohoo! not bad la actually... quite a nice experience... yays! okay tmr i heard going to sit on the real chinook... hmm awaiting that! =)
11:31:00 pm

Sunday, November 11, 2007
back from camp like ytd ard 11pm... actually they break camp at today 1pm... but i wanted to go early... supposed i can leave on the 1st day... aft the IFC, trainfire & arms drill... so i actually wanted to leave early on de 2nd day... somehow due to some selfish ppl dat luvs slacking... i had to stay back to help warren... though i didn't help much... but at least i stayed wif him to see whether he nid any help... hate list updated... i hate people that slack ard and not help people! & of course the old 1 on my hate list... i hate 2 faced people... somehow someone still dun understand and tries to act on both sides... OMG if u are reading tis now & finally realise that i'm talking abt you... you can go do some soul searching... change for the better... if u still dun realise it's u... den u can go jump since u r such a failure... oh wait... how can u go jump when u dun even noe u didn't realise it's u?

oh yeah... i oso hate those people that take peoples thing and use w/o permission... yes... i meant i hate! and for people to make a big fuss of it when people dun wan lend... it's not their fault lehs... is their thing... they have the choice to lend or not to... it's not that they are obliged to lend u! so dun eva take advantage of kind people...

okay i shall forget abt this & get on wif it! yeah right... as long as they dun piss me off again...

as for the sec 2s... well... not bonded well enough... people still have the dun care dun care attitude... i have people on time and people late... always de same people... rifles told them to take care some still dun care... got abit improvement but still not good enough... we are not expecting too much but there's no time!! arh forget it... back to my sec 1s... =)
8:07:00 pm

Thursday, November 08, 2007
going camp tmr... but i bringing my laptop to sch oso... so dun ask me why i can go online on MSN... =D
aiya but i oso wun talk too much de lehs... i sooo helpful... yea right... dun flame me for that...

gtg slp bye!
10:58:00 pm

Sunday, November 04, 2007
hmm... up there dun hav new events... boring...

somehow i forgotten abt the pics... all are not so good quality de... i juz spam in like 10 minutes?? nvm... they are here... click to enlarge... enjoy...

okay that's all i have... there's still SS mass lecture tmr... though i wouldn't sleep that early... =D
11:58:00 pm

Saturday, November 03, 2007
tis blog is getting more and more dead as my life gets more and more boring...

paintball?? we lost... but nevertheless... good game!

and i "killed" 5 people from the sniper tower! =)
9:01:00 pm

Samuel Wong SP

the rest is for me to know and for you to find out! =D


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