Sunday, February 28, 2010
I seriously don't know what's wrong with me recently. I only getting crazier and crazier, as though my mind has a screw loose. Why would i actually put it on the blog if i don't want someone to know huh? Stupid stupid stupid! And i really don't meant that as if i'm very important. I don't! =X

The weather is getting really hot recently. Perhaps it's due to the weather that it's making my mind so crazy. Rah! It's driving me mad! -.- I think it's because of the weather, it tempts me to slack in the day and then start my work at night. Of course, that will sacrifice my poor sleep. =X Never mind. I just don't know what else to say suddenly.

How am i going to win this long-term battle? o.O

2:16:00 pm

Thursday, February 25, 2010
Today didn't start off right. I was rushing to school and sprain my ankle on the way when i came down the stairs. I endured the pain and staggered to school only to end up being late yet again. -.- But i realised something! AJ teachers are actually very nice! :) Some teachers came to ask whether i was okay, and some really did what they could to help. Thanks a lot! :) :)

Alvan and Desmond came down to help me up to chemistry lab after i smsed them. I can't believe i actually managed to hop all the way up to 3rd floor with my left leg only. Good training. Haha. :) Desmond actually offered to piggy back me, which he did for a few times today, and the rest of the time i actually spent hopping from a place to another. I actually can hop quite fast, though is actually very tiring. I'm fortunate enough to have good friends helping me hold my bag and the shoe, else i really do not know how i am going to 'travel' around in school. I guess the most memorable 'jump' would be going from Blk 10 after Physics, all the way to Blk 4 for Math peer tutoring. The distance was incredibly far, though AJ isn't that big (luckily in this case), but i survived! :D

I was thinking of how in the world am i supposed to get home during Econs Clinic, but luckily Ms Cheng helped! Thanks Ms Cheng! :D Also not forgetting my good friends Alvan, Desmond and Jun Jie for helping me carrying my stuff around while i hopped. And thanks to everyone that showed any form of concern or helped me in some way or another! Thanks lots! You all rock! :D

Oh by the way, i asked my cousin for help and he fetched me to see a Chinese doctor already. I had my very first experience for acupuncture and the fire treatment. Woah the fire treatment is okay, but the acupuncture feels like having injections, not one, but many! And it's not only that, but when he tries to put the needle in further, i feel this shock waves sent through my right leg (the injured leg), all the way to my feet. It worked, for now. The doctor says it's nothing very serious and i do hope so, of course. I should be able to stagger around school tomorrow instead of hopping! :) Thanks Desmond again for volunteering to help carry my stuff tomorrow if i need help when going to school! I think i can manage. :)

Wishing that someone would be as fortunate as me - having a bunch of good people surrounding her too.

Talked for very very long today...
11:53:00 pm

Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Oh and i still didn't post the pictures. Haha. I'm just too lazy and busy. :P Contradicting eh? But that is exactly what i am now. Busy with a lot of stuff but whenever i have free time, i am lazy to continue doing the stuff again. Lols. I came across this video and decided to share here, since it has been rather tense lately. Hope you enjoy! :D

For those who doesn't appreciate Lady Gaga (not that i like her a lot), just treat this as a joke! :D Homework time!

I want to be the plaster that is able to heal all the wounds, but i know my limits. However, i still will do my utmost best! :D

2:05:00 am

Friday, February 19, 2010
I am going to start the first post in the year of the tiger with an emo post, how nice. I seriously need a place to relax myself, and i guess this would be the only place for now. I haven't been having enough sleep again, which probably explains the time i am blogging now. I know there isn't any time left actually, but i really need to express it out before i can concentrate. =X

Why not start the year with a happy post? I wished. However, this Chinese New Year seems extra weird - something is terribly missing. It's not really because of the Chinese New Year mood - I don't have that often, more like holiday mood only - but it's really something that is missing. Reunion dinner doesn't seems like one anymore. It has just simply become a situation where just everyone eats from the same dishes on the table, at a different time. It was so bad that i would rather be doing vectors. =.= I tried to stay awake the whole night, but ended up falling asleep at 4+ on the sofa, which actually marks the beginning of nights on the sofa again.

First day of new year already something bad happened. I don't wish to elaborate again - those who know will know. Second day was better, but not very good either. Is it me or is the taste of the food gone down? o.O Third day was more or less wasting time, nothing much, except going down to the floating platform to view the 春到河畔. I took some pictures, which i am kind of lazy to upload now. I shall upload next time. :)

Interestingly, when i started blogging, the emo feeling fades away and i tend to forget about it. Maybe is the weariness that is coming to take over my brain, resulting in me forgetting my emoness. It's not bad too - at least this post will not be that emo. :) I shall hope things get better along the way! But it seems so hard to come true...

What you don't see, doesn't mean that it does not exist. Now i know what you mean by surreal.

Ticking time bombs...
1:53:00 am

Monday, February 08, 2010
Knew it isn't the perfect time to blog, but i just can't stop this sudden rush of emotions that i want to express out. Talking about this, what exactly is emotions? o.O What you see on the outer surface? I don't really think so, because what you see on the outside, may not be what is actually happening on the inside. I realised something - your environment shapes you. Of course it can't do anything to your personality in the first place, but apparently it can create a false image of you and just changed you without you noticing. Scary huh? Indeed it is scary. By then, people around you would realise that you have changed, and may misunderstood you and hence walk away. Just how many people will actually try to understand what in the world happened and why things turn out this way? There won't be many, and considering the fact that these people won't have the time to care about everyone, the numbers can only get lesser.

I had wanted to blog about a lot of stuff recently. Happy incidents, sad incidents, complaints and everything! But i didn't have the time to do so. I didn't even have the time to be myself anymore, so i chose to only concentrate on someone. Sorry but i can only take that much with the huge amount of stuff on top of me, but of course no matter what, i will only fork out time for someone. Anyone who knows me well enough will understand. :)

Two paragraphs of 'foreign language' up there ain't going to let my readers understand what is going on again, will they? Haha. This one should be easier to understand. I don't understand why i am getting so slack again. The "don't care" feeling is overwhelming me - so much that i can literally don't care about anything (except things related to someone, ain't you honoured xP). Come on Samuel Wong! Stop being so lazy would ya? Tsk tsk. Can't believe i scolded myself countless time here and it isn't working. It's 2010 already! WAKE UP! Maybe it will be better after Chinese New Year. Will it? o.O

If i were to forget everything just like him, would you be like her and try so hard just to make me remember everything again? o.O

林達浪与陳寶茱 Joanna Fung and Jacky Wu
3:28:00 am

Samuel Wong SP

the rest is for me to know and for you to find out! =D


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