Friday, October 31, 2008
Waste time... waste time... waste time...

Yawn! I just can't shrug off my forte, can i? Looking at the speed how time flies, no i meant velocity, cause time only fies in one direction and NEVER reverse, i feel damn guilty.

History shall not repeats itself! (pun not intended) RAH!

Sian. Now so early (both meaning applies). I don't know whether i should sleep or not. Caught right in the middle again. I'm always the filling between two sandwiches, maybe even more. By the way, the previous sentence was a metaphor, so please don't eat me!

It's been a long long long x10^infinity time since i became very very lame. Looks like my legs are both of equal length now, and my temperature is back to normal, or is it? Must use THERMOCOUPLE to measure... ZZZ! I just keep harping over it. I don't know how my cert will looks like when it's given out on January. Haiz.

Later still must go school, even though no paper. I don't feel like going for the lesson leh. My confidence abandoned me and ran away again. HOW?! =.=
3:50:00 am

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Tomorrow like that again ar...



i want to sleep well! =X
10:27:00 pm

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Hey i swear i heard the song "children" on CCTV just now when my father watch. What the hell la. Reminded me of my this year's UG talk PDS performance; so nostalgic.

Anyway, thanks a lot to Yu Cheng, Benedict, Jonathan and Wei Kit!

Congratulate me la. I think i got off from the wrong side of the bed today. But if i can get off on the other side, i bang wall and see stars already. History O levels today. All those i study damn hard never came out; all those i browse through all came out. I got some facts wrong liao, so can only hope that the markers can be more kind liao. Haiz. Show hand on Social Studies le - that's all i can do. The tension is escalating as the papers get more and more content based. RAH!

Walk out of hall after the paper. Slipped right on the stairs and fell on my old injury. Thankfully it's not something serious, cause it's x2 on an old injury. Bleh. What did i do wrong?!

Tomorrow's Physics. I can not afford to screw up anymore.

Don't know what to say...

11:30:00 pm

Monday, October 27, 2008
Nice timing again. LOL.

Okay la. It's almost time to the end of my birthday. But i'm more concern about it's almost time for my history exam! I am least confident in my geography, so i have to depend on my combine humanities for the L1R5 le. Bleh. So many essays to remember. Hope i don't screw it up! *cross fingers*

Okay. In addition to the list, in no order of merit, thanks a lot to Janet, Mei Hui, Beng Heng, Brian, Mei Lin, Yong Liang, Bryan, Nicholas, Sandy, Sin Ying, Siau Ming Hao, Wen Xuan, Hui Yang, Tzai Wei, Yu Qian, Richie, Xiang Kai, Heng Ling, Warren and Hui Ting. If i accidentally left your name out, sorry! :( Please don't come kill me! xP

Now it's already past my birthday liao, and i still can't remember much for the history exam later (28/10). Bleh.

At least all these 'Happy Birthdays' make me feel less sian to study history. Feeling the immediate stress la, cause it's like my L1R5 stakes on the paper. What to do?

Anyway, just thank you to all!

Thank You!
Dank u!

11 languages. LOL! xD
11:26:00 pm

Wow! 2.26am le. So fast. 2+ hours down.

Happy Birthday to

Me, Cody and Jia Han!

Haha. We 3 same day, same month, same year. Cody still same hospital! So we were actually neighbours in the hospital huh. LOL.

Anyway, in no order of merit, mostly according to time, thanks to Jesmond di, Desmond, Cindy, You Zhe, MunchyDonuts nu'er, Heavenxanqel nu'er, Tea er'zi, Fight43x er'zi and many more later, at least i hope so. Haha. =)

Happy Birthday to me,
I am gonna study History!
And get A1 for everything...
The birthday present for me! xD

Congratulate me. I am going to spend my birthday studying for the History O levels paper tomorrow, all the Stalin, Hitler and Cold War. Last year went to visit Terminal 3, this year stuck at home studying History; can't even go library as it is Deevapali as well, so librarians want slack, then never open.

I am going to lie on my bed and study the essays. Hope i don't fall asleep; that is, if i wake up in the first place.


2:26:00 am

Sunday, October 26, 2008
Waaa! Such a time i'm posting now; such a coincidence! Haha, if you get what i mean.

Anyway, i hate the fact that my body automatically tune to slack mode during weekends - I simply don't feel like doing anything! I feel like i'm slapping my own mouth. Like i mention in the last post (down there vv), there's no time to slack. The fact is that i'm still slacking now! Isn't that like a direct slap to my mouth? Bleh. I want my A1s!! =X

Anyway, it's about 1 and a half more hours to the end of...

the 46th Anniversary of Khrushchev's 26th October Letter to Kennedy on the Cuban Missile Crisis!

Haha. Tuesday is my History Paper what...

Of course today's still... for me to know and for you to find out! xP

And, it's about 1 and a half more hours to the start of...

the 46th Anniversary of Khrushchev's 27th October Letter to Kennedy on the Cuban Missile Crisis!

LOL. Sorry la. I think Khrushchev love Kennedy too much le. Keep spamming him with letters. And this very Source took my A1 away lor for the Prelims. Such an irony.

Of course 27th October is still... again go find out yourself. But i think by the time anyone reads this, the answer is out already. I can tell you it's definitely not Deevapali! That doesn't concern me! LOL.

Bleh. I want to mug and i don't want to mug. Whatever...
10:27:00 pm

Friday, October 24, 2008
HIATUS to the O levels. but NOT time to slack! Where got time to?! =X

Up till now the papers are still okay, i hope. *cross fingers* Although i'm very satisfied with Amath, especially today's paper, i screwed up Emath due to CARELESS mistakes!! I just hope my Emath Paper 2 can save me from the terrible fate of A2!! RAH!

8 subjects - 16 papers; not evenly distributed. LOL. We finish like 7 papers in the first 5 days already. It's like slightly more/less than double of the papers we are doing in the next 3 weeks. At least i have time to study. xP Looks like i have to give up my birthday to History, which is like 1 day after my birthday! 30 years before my birthday was the Cuban Missile Crisis, and that came out as SBQ in Prelim 3, took my A1 away and left me with an A2. I can't screw it up this time! rah!

Okay. Joy or sorrow, wait till the day the results are release then say. No matter how well i have done, i have to look forward and mug for the rest of the papers! Just hope i don't turn into the shape of a mug! =X

Classics from the CPE (Chief Presiding Examiner):

CANDIDATES, please collect the answer script now...

sorry, i mean INVIGILATORS.

*edit: i have totally no idea why they provide us with a piece of graph paper when we totally don't need it at all. To scare us?? =.=

*edit: once again, it's proven that i do well when others don't; but i screw up when people do well.
8:04:00 pm

Sunday, October 19, 2008
Okay. Tomorrow is the start of it all. I feel like walking into a furnace. All the best to all! (:

Am i thinking too much?
10:22:00 pm

Saturday, October 18, 2008
There was a gang fight happening just right under my block. I just remembered how lucky i was to return home much earlier from library then i did usually, because i wanted to watch a television programme. Indirectly Mediacorp saved me, because the gang fight happened around the same time i usually would be approaching my block. LOL. I didn't see anything since it's directly under my block - i don't have a periscope. However, i heard people shouting 'Police...Police' very loudly opposite my block, most probably trying to scare the attackers away, and people start gathering to watch the 'show'. Then, i saw people running off on motorbikes. Thankfully, someone called for the police and ambulance, at least it's better then like nobody wanting to press the button at the traffic light, which i encountered today again.

Enough about the fight. It's not the first time; though it's the first time i indirectly witness it. Maybe if i'm lucky, i might be able to use it for my O levels English Paper 1. But my father ain't that lucky today. He's sick. He was vomiting when they're fighting right downstairs - such timing. He is still vomiting now. I hope he will listen to my mother and i and go to see the doctor; but he's still stubbornly refusing. Haiz.

On a lighter note, the green apple that i ate just now turned out sweet to me, literally. I have no idea whether i am hallucinating or not, but it did taste sweet. Maybe something's good happening - i hope so.
9:25:00 pm

Thursday, October 16, 2008
I am super hyped up and elated! xD

Yet i am super sad cause i am going to have around 5 hours of sleep only and *censored*... :(

What an irony!

Just like the fact i wish O levels would be over soon, yet how i wish it never will come...
1:33:00 am

Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Still no response or clues...
STill no response or clues...
STIll no response or clues...
STILl no response or clues...
STILL no response or clues...
STILL No response or clues...
STILL NO response or clues...
STILL NO Response or clues...
STILL NO REsponse or clues...
STILL NO RESponse or clues...
STILL NO RESPonse or clues...
STILL NO RESPOnse or clues...
STILL NO RESPONse or clues...
STILL NO RESPONSe or clues...

Argh i'm going mad!! How i wish all could come true. =X

Losing motivation, dedication, concentration for O levels.

Can i really do it? o.O
11:13:00 pm

Monday, October 13, 2008
Any more scoldings? Haha. Looks like i got to resort to this then i can get tags on my tagboard ah, just kidding.

First day of the 'study break' that doesn't even feel an inch like a break. The only thing is just that we no need to wear school uniforms... what else?

I didn't actually realise that there are actually quite a lot of people taking O levels or A levels this year. Actually i do, but i didn't expect the crowd at woodlands library. It's a bit more then normal ba, but i still got a seat nevertheless. Open your mouth and ask mah! xD

Aiya don't know what to say also. Too tired from all the thinking to think.

If you can feel it, help me.

6 more days.
11:12:00 pm

Sunday, October 12, 2008
Someone SCOLD me and ask me go study instead of wasting time! Please!

Forget it. No one will bother... =X
2:27:00 pm

Kao. I can't get a good sleep, and it will lead to not being able to concentrate fully on studying. Damn. Whole day sian sian, wasting time again. This cannot continue!! I know it's weird... but it's out of my control. EMI.

Sometimes i wonder is something refering to me or not...
1:34:00 pm

Saturday, October 11, 2008
Yesterday was the last 'OFFICIAL' school day for the 2008 sec 4 batch. We had a farewell assembly - the very last assembly in catholic high. Well, it's kind of a nice day, despite it's the 'last' day. Actually not exactly, we still have 1 week of ENGLISH in school the next week, after which is the 4 mundane weeks of O levels. All the best for all who are taking.

Well, we finally got our class jersey. It's not bad, but i don't actually like the zip, and the fact that they printed my name as Sot.Owl instead of SotOwl which is what i wrote. But anyway, never mind that.

Memories is what we have left. All the chaos is particularly the trademark of our class. Now it's the time for every single one of the sec 4s to tune our gears to full speed forward; in preparation for the fight against 'evil one' (quote from Mr Jeffrey Goh). I am the weird one. People gearing to full gear, i gearing to full astern, not exactly. But i have been slacking for the past few days, in which made me feel damn guilty. Haha.

Dreaming and more dreaming...
1:25:00 pm

Thursday, October 09, 2008
Something out of ordinary happened today. We were back again at school after being released yesterday from English at around 1800 hours. Only sec 4 students were around; it was marking day for the rest of the levels. To our surprise, someone had apparently poured detergent into the fish pond, killing all the koi fish. Poor fishes. There's more to that. The whole school is filled with more than 10 graffiti; everywhere around the school. I got hold of the pictures that someone took, but i couldn't post it up cause i was told not to, and so i'll be a good boy and not post any pictures here.

The teachers said the deaths of all the koi fish signified a bad omen. Not that i'm particularly superstitious or bothered about it, it's just that i hope nothing will affect the school's O level results. Not only this - nothing at all.

Mr Danny Tan was particularly sad about the incident, for he feel that if it's done by the students of our school, it's the teacher's responsibility as they did not bring them up well. I don't think any teachers will feel good about this.

Well, in light of this, at least Mr Steven Quay said that he was sure the culprit was not from our class - sort of a compliment that we don't usually get from the teachers.

Anyway, that guy/girl/group must be idiot(s) to do such a thing.
6:21:00 pm

Wednesday, October 08, 2008
I am horrified to even think of the results of my endeavour just now. Till now, i am still feeling the shockwaves of the terror. Nope. I didn't summon a ghost; a ghost is not as important as the result of this. Of course i hope for a good reply, but i just hope it would not be a 'consequence' to bear. This is a huge step; forward or backward, i don't really know.

I have been slacking yesterday and today, because i am seriously jaded. My brain wouldn't be efficient, so i see no point. However, time seriously is running out. So how? I don't really know...

Catholic High is up on 早报 again. The last time was about Mr Lee buying a bicycle for the cleaning auntie. Now it's about the teachers becoming 'god parents' of the weaker Secondary 4 students. I hope the next time would be because of good O level results! (:

Oh and i become blacker thanks to the PE lesson today. xD

I hope i'll get a positive reply. Don't get irritated... please. =X
7:53:00 pm

Sunday, October 05, 2008
Movies, drama series, and whatever normally have a sad part in the middle; most of them will end with a happy ending - those which don't either have a part II or ends with an ending that no one understands.

We really do have the sad part too, but it may not be the same ending. We can only hope for it - though the truth may not be what we wanted.

As long as i never get a negative answer from you, i won't give up. Even if i do get that from you, that doesn't mean i will either.

As i continue to wait... 无时无刻的想...
1:12:00 am

Saturday, October 04, 2008
i'm blogging now with my phone because i just miss the train thanks to *censored*.

I'm on the north east line. Guess what is the censored yourself. I'm going to try getting into another train.
7:18:00 pm

"Next time i know i shouldn't post." Give 2 reasons why i say this. You must answer in your OWN WORDS.

Because then the tags will start flooding in.

Or maybe is because i didn't on the com for a long period of time.

走火入魔了. =.=

I work with the principle of Electromagnetic Induction. The more i am inclined to do something, the more i am compelled to do something against it, just like how a current is induced when u pass a magnet through a solenoid. You will get what i mean if you know the logic behind it.

两情若是久长时, 有岂在朝朝暮暮.

When should i send?

只有一个字能形容 - 乱

-I am still waiting...

衣带渐宽终不悔, 为伊消得人憔悴.
12:31:00 am

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

I'm not happy cause O levels are coming and i can't find a place to study / complete my homework later. =X

Apparently, i just can't seem to force myself to study / complete homework at home.
12:23:00 am

Samuel Wong SP

the rest is for me to know and for you to find out! =D


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Aik Loong
Astra! 10/09

Benedict Chan
Beng Heng
Brian Wong
Bryan Koh

Cheryl Thian
Cindy Ho
Clarence Chia
Clarence Jean
Clarissa Chiang
Clifton Tan

Damian Wong
Daniel Chua
De Zhan
Dennis Ngian
Dong Hong

Edmund Loo
Edmund Loo's New Blog


Hao Quan
Heng Ling
Huai Yue
Hui Min
Hui Min 10/09
Hui Yang
Hui Yi

Ivan Yak

Jacob Chin
Janice (RV NCC)
Jerrell Seah
Jesmond my di (:
Jia Han
Jia Hao
Jing Hui
John Lau
Jonathan Cheung
Jonathan Chew
Jun Kai
Jun Li
Jun Wei

Kah Koon
Kai Rong
Ken Seah
Kenneth Chua
Kenneth Lim
Kian Hee
Kian How


Ma'am Cheryl
Ma'am Jocelyn
Marcus Tan
Mei Hui
Mei Lin
Mr Soon Zheng Fei
Ms Chow Bick Yan
Munchy Donuts

Nicholas Wee


Qing Chang

Richie Yu
Rong Yang
Rui Min

Seng Yew
Senior Jian Fan
Senior Nicholas Quake
Senior Sheng Kang
Senior Si Chuan
Senior Qian Sheng
Senior Yi Liang
Shawn Woo
Shi Jie
Shu Jie
Shu Zhen
Sin Yee
Sin Ying
Sir Anthony
Sir Fahmy
Sir Hariz
Sir Hsyen Li
Sir Jia Hui
Sir Lester
Sir Xian Hui
Springsfield Ong

Terence Szeto
Timothy Lim


Wai Yinn
Wei Jian
Wei Jie
Wei Juan
Wei Kit
Wei Xuan
Wei Ting
Wei Yeat
Wen Xuan

Xing Yu
Xue Feng

Yan Ting
Yang Ru
Yann Yih
Yap Chien
Yi Bin
Yi Tong
Yong Hwee
Yong Liang
Yong Yuan
You Zhe
Yu Cheng
Yu Feng
Yu Qian
Yuk Tim

Zi Kang