Thursday, January 31, 2008
woah... today amath paper only... time seems to pass dam fast today... amath paper was easy... if there is no careless mistake overlook... i mayb able to get 30/30... =D dunno lar... hope so... saved like ard quite a significant no. of marks... thankfully i checked... i can blur dao got 5a n 5c... where's my 5b? 5b is like 3 or 4 marks lar... sec x becomes sin x... cool... of coz i did change... n i forget factor formula... zzz i go expand... but still correct... phew... but today's paper is de only paper i have 15-20 mins left... amazing... most of de time is i have no time de lor... thank you whoeva set today's paper...

tmr hcl... mon el... last 2 or rather 4 papers... coz is full paper... means got paper 1 n 2... for all those get b3 for O lvl CL de... good luck n get B3 tmr ba... coz dat is de only way u can stay taking hcl... sch imposed tis 'rule'... as if MOE says so... but who call us to pick tis sch... no choice... heng i no nid... LOL... no offence... juz happy...

someone showed me smth funny... cool... i juz simply luv de way some of them put it... it's kinda 'cute'... no offence though... but some of them simply wrote with the mentality of pri sch kids... PRO!
10:31:00 pm

Wednesday, January 30, 2008
2.56am n i'm still not sleeping... lol i finally noe y i can write discussive essays better den argumentative essays liao... coz i dun usually take a stand... abit slow ar now den i get to realise... dat's y when most of the time u ask me eat wad... i will go like... anything lor... and of coz many things to prove but i dun bother saying down... no marks awarded here for proving...

let's talk abt history den... since i having history paper a few hours later... something is happening ard me dat i can relate to de 2 world wars... current situation now is aft de world war I ended... n de situation gets tense now... everybody rearming for world war II... well WWII may not come in tis sense as i'm much better den de league of nations... at least i'll do smth to stop it rather den juz condemning... LOL bad japan bad japan... haha... mr danny tan's actions... due to many contributing factors... de 2 superpowers see things in a biased manner... thinking is bad is bad... of coz solving it thru war is wad dey will choose... instead of solving it peacefully... n dat brought us back to ss... how important diplomatic ties are... bilateral relationships... regoinal relationships... n international relationships... let's see how i can solve tis ba... it's harder den solving de already banned by sch de rubrics cube... LOL

3.21am... y still typing so much crap... no choice... so gonna study earlier for prelim 2 much less dat i dun wanna waste de whole holidays studying... or even worse... de day b4... like japan... i'm lack of oil to burn already for my midnight oil... n i do not wish to embark on an expansionist policy... thanks for suffering with this post till d end!
2:56:00 am

Tuesday, January 29, 2008
woah... so 'early'... well i guess tis is 1 of de earliest time i can reach home... eva since aft sec 1... tis has been rarely happening... mayb i juz wan come home n get some slp... wad to do? tmr emath n history... dun slp will die de leh...

prelims so far so good? dunno... no confidence dat i will do well... oso no confidence dat i will fail... so dat means i have confidence dat i score average? NO... means i dun even noe how i will score... dun wanna expect too much frm it... but of coz still aiming high... whether i get it or not... dat's another qn... wad else to say? nth... it's juz prelim 1...
2:40:00 pm

Sunday, January 27, 2008
let's start wif a Happy Birthday to WARREN! couldn't sms him yet coz my phone is once again dead...

dam gong gong recently... tomorrow's prelim 1 liao... it's so fast... 1 month is going to b over... and it's going to CNY soon... juz too fast... 1 term has only 10 wks... n it's like 5 wks which is like half de term already... the way dey schedule the prelim dates is kinda weird... prelim 1 so early... n there's this huge gap between prelim 1 n 2... prelim 2 is tentatively last week of june holidays... which meant dat ppl r enjoying holidays n high likely we will b called back for remedials... n more remedials... n last week of de june holidays when ppl r busy chionging last min hw... we r having our prelim 2 already... prelim 3 is so near prelim 2... last week of term 3 n 1st week of term 4... wad's in between? some so called sept 'holidays'... which is high likely renamed into remedial week... den boom... it's de final O levels...

i shall not waste de +1 n de -2... chionging all de way...
2:18:00 pm

Thursday, January 24, 2008
today's the judgement day... release of O lvl results... had a 'great' time going to sch... LOL shall noe elaborate more... den at ard 9+ mr lee use de PA system say our sch O lvl results improved tis year! looking forward to a half day liao... LOL since improved give full day lar... =P today mr danny tan dam weird... 1st period was carpe diem... he taking... coz he form teacher... den 2nd period oso his... hist elec... once de bell ring aft carpe diem... he was like saying, " i got to go... i've got a class now..." den he like in a hurry take his stuff den like wan walk out... dunno is de class forgot or on purpose la... wait till he almost walk out den tell him actually yes he does have a lesson... but is wif us! LOL

up next was math... mdm ee busy wif her giving of results... so got relief teacher come up give emath test... expected... screw it up... was falling asleep liao... how do? lols... anyway heard dat mdm ee noes abt wad ppl says on blog... true? i wonder... den suppose to b phy spa but got no spa tis week... so mr quay going thru de phy ws again... den was recess... aft recess went to audi to get results... dat CL HOD ar... dam idiotic leh... keep suaning... scold n scold like nobody's business... wad's her problem ar? anyway... i made it!~ YES! motivation to push me on for the rest of the year... i'll do it... for de sake of myself... and of course for de sake of u...

p.s i'm expecting ppl to ask me who's u? who ar? i dunno leh? u noe? can tell me?
10:24:00 pm

Tuesday, January 22, 2008
i juz realised i posted alot tis month... de 19th post liao... almost like everyday 1 lor... that's alot of things to write... hmm... i kinda like tuesdays... particularly dat i have geog den ss den double math n recess den double hcl... geog can slack... ss too... double math listen... den aft recess double hcl had 2 free periods... wanted to do my journal hw... but ended up helping siau ming hao on his math hw... LOL so i didn't finish mine... zzz

aft sch went air store... keep playing with the rifle... play n play... somehow de rifle dun lyk CHY... it should b declared BER soon... beyond economical repair... zzz dat's wad happen to my phone... LOL
9:07:00 pm

once again alot better then ytd... nowadays my mood keep going up and down eh? nope... not having pms or mood swing... mayb prs... post results stress... zzz... o lvl results coming out on de 24th... 2pm... as wad i heard... cross my fingers tight n hope dat i got a1 or at least a2... okay enough wories abt dat though... all i can do is juz hope...

thanks to all those who really cared... glad to know u all... once again... thanks for getting me back to normal... m i? or least much better den ytd... thanks...
1:35:00 am

Sunday, January 20, 2008
added a song finally... nth to do with anything... still find In The End by linkin park is a meaningful song... it should b sang to someone... LOL

*edit: dammit... i'm going deep down de mood ladder again... stressed... no meaning... no meaning at all... i should have juz stone alone... now i noe why japan n usa likes to practise isolationist policy so much... haiz =(

i'm just so useless... and so helpless... a perfectly dumb guy...

fighting a war with myself... if i lose this... that's the end of me from this world...

juz remembered it's january... tis january is killing me worse den de feb last year... really killing me...
6:31:00 pm

Saturday, January 19, 2008
to think that i trusted u all so much... sacrificing so much... it's not worth anything now... i juz treat it a lesson learnt... a harsh lesson dat i'll nvr forget ever in my life... unless someone can give me a good reason y not to... not frm anyone else... till de day u finally will understand... perhaps the day might never come...

something dat i saw dat i will never forget: friendship is not a 2 way road... it's a 1 way road travelled by 2 people hand in hand...

and for those who dunno wad happen... dun try to joke or agitate me... trust me... it will not b a pleasant 1... let me cool down...
11:42:00 pm

Thursday, January 17, 2008
kinda expected... nth will run smoothly in january... phone has 后遗症... nid a startup to run... de booster will b charging it for a while... den it will work... but it will crash... anytime... anywhere... w/o warning... haiz...

things are looking better... but as the day approach... i dun dare to imagine wad will happen...
7:39:00 pm

Tuesday, January 15, 2008
my hp is MIRACULOUSLY SAVED!!! OMG... even i myself couldn't believe it... as many may noe... my phone dropped into de water on the 9th jan... de whole thing... totally submerged in the water... thought it was gone case... normally electronics get in contact wif water = gone case... so i checked... really seems to be gone case... den sent to nokia repair center at causeway point... zzz... made me wait like 3h+... not fair... y not fair? coz someone i saw today when i went to collect de phone took only like 10 mins... wth... who's dat someone? read on... okay so aft waiting... got to de counter... was planning to cheat my way thru since nokia warranty cannot cover when u drop in water... so i tried to act blur... yet suay suay let dat guy discover some water droplets juz b4 i signed de paper... how nice... so was prepared to pay...

Sunday dey called me... telling me dat my phone was beyond repair... i was like sian diao... dey informed me dat i could collect my phone by mon... but read my prev post n u noe y i didn't go... so collected it today... yea... n guess wad? i met nah yao qi there... LOL... he called out to me... almost couldn't recognise him... well i guessed i didn't change much... n he still rmb me... when he was juz my part b spec... of coz duh when i was still part b (sec 1 aft POP to sec 2 POP)... n yea... he's de guy dat only took 10 mins... he went to repair... even faster den my collection... wth... so got my phone back... de "beyond repair" phone... so was like trying to on it... hoping dat it would on... but it dun giv me face n it refused to b on...

went home... tried to charge it... well a desperate person will try anything... dun think anything wrong... thx to my desperate actions (sounds wrong)... i managed to save my phone! dun ask me why... i oso have no idea... i juz tried to on aft charging... n it worked! for some reason... i really have no idea... dam cool... thankfully it worked... juz hope it wun cease to function (there is a reason y i bold this... LOL) sometime later again... juz dat now de mem card reader like cannot work... so making a trip down to woodlands again on thur... if it's still 3h... screw dem...

i hope everything will remain like this...
11:43:00 pm

Monday, January 14, 2008
it all came true today... d only hw i did was math... den end up teacher nvr come... no nid hand in... eng lesson copy corrections copy until suddenly green pen tip spoil... how nice... use like at least 6 years of G2 pens yet nvr spoil b4... keep getting caught for doing hw... was chionging phy ws aft sch n handed up... in d end got a msg frm phy rep dat tmr den he will hand in to mr quay... went to de wake... got the wrong place... it started raining dam heavily... we got totally wet... finally almost reach liao can't take it we took a cab... reach there awhile rain started to stop... dam cool... shared a cab back ended up in a traffic jam... now here i m... nvm... 大难不死, 必有后福... hope so ba... cross fingers...

it's all my fault... i deserve it...
6:59:00 pm

Sunday, January 13, 2008
looks like my suayness doesn't ends wif jan 9th... i've beginning to feel dat it's de whole of jan... n since alot of the bad feelings i had came true... haiz... last year was feb... now it's jan... shall i watch out for tis year dec too? since it's like moving up 1 month b4... prelims coming on jan 28... yea... n it has to end... b4 de last day of jan... how nice... dun wish to say anything liao... nth to say oso... will it makes a difference? totally agree wif life is full of ups and downs... i have experienced alot of ups and downs today... n i do meant alot... dun ask me why... as usual... u wun get anything... 1.38am... i shall continue rotting...
11:59:00 pm

Saturday, January 12, 2008
sorry to see wad i saw this morning... my condolences... dun b sad... cheer up... dun ask me who is tis for... or wad does it meant... juz dun think crooked... i have to respect privacy... not piracy arh... so i wouldn't say anything...
2:17:00 pm

Friday, January 11, 2008
well if u realise... i didn't post tis up ytd... which i intended to... but fell asleep... so i kinda change de date to ytd...

okay i shall start with... Happy 1 year anniversary to my blog! haha... finally 1 year liao... looking back at my old posts i realise i have change alot... even beginning to wonder is it me dat is typing all those stuff... but of coz is me lar... if not who? lol... another day of hw clearing... nth much abt lessons... same old stuff... but had emath test... which i totally screw de last qn... n dere's only 3 qn... how nice...

aft sch... cca day orientation... aft getting scolded by sir goh... well he actually does get angry... so we actually worked... well at least MOST of us did lar... once agian i m proven right for alot of things... lol... suggested d idea of doing hentakaki cheer... glad dat it works dam well... n many seems happy doing it... lol... i shout till almost no voice liao... n de bang is like... woah... downstairs oso can hear... dam nice... n bh had his suay day... dunno abt de rest he said... coz i can't rmb... but he dropped his rifle during rotation... n it broke... somehow i drop a few times yet it didn't broke... lol he is suay enough... not as suay as my 9th jan though... n he agreed aft i told him wad happened... so aft de orientation went to eat... aft talking to 4 ppl... dun ask me who, what, where, when... i told u when... de rest i wun say anything... ya so dun bother asking... nth else... bye
12:49:00 pm

Thursday, January 10, 2008
feeling alot better today... thanks alot to those ppl dat came... somehow i think... THINK only ar... quite a number of ppl come my blog... but... de tagboard is left alone... which i have no idea y lar... mayb someone would finally tag n tell me? no spamming like wad 10 cm on brian's blog... i greatly appreciate dat... even if really have... it juz meant dat u r a real idiot... nobody would actually bother... so u r wasting ur time... haiz... anyway... the temp phone SUX! i wan my phone back~~~ totally sick of de temp phone... manage to cleared quite a number of hw today... amazing... i've change frm b4... quite alot till i dunno myself... but in a way is good... isn't it? DUH... well mayb not to some ppl... coz dey will have another competitor... but it brings abt higher standards too right? haha
9:10:00 pm

Wednesday, January 09, 2008
i juz got another shock of my life... not the normal shock... but an electric shock... juz by switching off the light... lucky i took back my hand immediately... or who noes whether i'll still b here typing... now i can feel de charges flowing in my right hand... i'm charged~ no kidding... like i said... i'll b lucky enough to survive tis day...
9:00:00 pm

9th January 2008... darkest day ever... ever since de clock struck 12 n it's 9th Jan... it has always been real suay frm me... have been experiencing ups n downs lately... of coz wif more downs den up... but yet none was as suay as today... as for the process... i wouldn't wan to explain any further since it's nth good... so wad for i type out n let those ppl dat hate me laugh until they fall of their chair? no way... approx 7 more hours to go... it will b really lucky for me if i can make it to sch in 1 piece tmr... as they say... tmr would b a better day... well i hope dat comes true for me... i hope... haiz =(
5:14:00 pm

Tuesday, January 08, 2008
ever since start of sec4... i have never ending things to b worrying abt... wonder when den i can have a good chance to relax down... 1st 3 days was PDS all the way... den was HSK n CL Os results... today... PDS finally settled... started off with de day quite "luckily"... den aft a lesson on geo... went down during de 2nd period to change n get ready for PDS... den started practising... at 1st... wanted to go take my hp for de music... ended up hp low bat... how nice... den asked wei kit to use his hp... started practising... rotation... rifle knocked against de wall... turned 1 big round... muzzle flew off... great... juz great... went to ask sir goh for a new 1... got it... den ended up no time to practise yet again... so went into audi... aft npcc rehearse... we quickly occupy de stage to rehearse... 1st try i screwed up rotation... almost dropped... thankfully manage to get back in time... 2nd try... john spin too fast n i was stunned... coz i knew smth is wrong... n i thought i lagged... so screw it up oso... how nice... juz b4 de performance... yet none of de rehearsals gone well... finally was de performance... we were waiting backstage for warren to finish showing the videos n talking... thankfully... no screw ups at all... for me... phew... finally can heave a sigh of relief... den went for early recess... n got screwed aft dat coz of hcl... but got back hsk results anyway... got A... phew... but the total score abit weird... but nvm... den went home wif marcus... had to buy new sch shoes... my old 1 is pathetic... den went to buy my watch oso... lost it last year... which is like less den 1 month ago lar... came home... slept thinking dat can relax abit liao... but aft i wake up... de terrible thing happened... my hp got screwed n it's not working now... as for the process... i shall not explain in detail... OMG... now i juz hope my warranty card has it uses... dammit... another thing to worry abt... now cannot reply any SMS or calls... wan sms me still can... juz dat i wun reply till it's fix... SIAN
11:59:00 pm

Saturday, January 05, 2008
kao... 1st 3 days finally over... dam hiong sia... 3 days straight training... lessons n hypnosis by some teachers... came home hw n hw... i slp alot wor... i think the total time i slept not even pass 8h... nice right? i dun think it even exceed 5... ytd aft training come home shower den slp... so dam shiok... finally not sleepy anymore...

prelims coming... wk 5 wor... end of january... dam sian... all subjects at least i noe how to study... is juz whether i wan study or not... but eng n especially GEO... how?!?!?! last yr CL Os de result coming out soon... HSK oso... waaa... stress wor...
2:40:00 pm

Friday, January 04, 2008
waaa seh... dat's wad happen when u do until so late lar... nice sia... it's all the clocks fault... i use [div] tags mah... for the clock... den forgot to [/div] ... n make the clock in center... so i [center]yet nvr [/center] wor... dam "clever"... btw i using [ ] instead of < > coz if use < > cannot see... will appear as html de tags... dun bother asking me wth is dat if u dun understand... juz noe dat i've fix de prob n firefox can once again view my blog... w/o any problem... but IE 7 good wor... auto rectify the problem de lehs... is it like dat? i oso dunno lar... but i use IE 7 to edit mah... so i dunno lor... nvr see until got ppl tell me today... ya aft 12mn tell me de so is today... ps arh...

anyway hor... ytd (3/1) which is de 2nd day of sch... i nvr die leh... didn't expect dat i'll manage to survive thru till today... kinda weird day la... 1st period carpe diem... mr danny tan say he nid settle wad admin stuff so let us do our own work... so i was "piaing" my chem ws lor... "pia" until dam sian... in d end only complete 1... den was his hist elec... he say wad change wif his SS de period... so let us complete our essay n SBQ... which i didn't do both... apparently i'm wif my majority of the class lar... EXPECTED... so i was like doing my SBQ lor... den was math... rmb de test on de 1st day of sch... des got the highest... guess wad's his score... 4/12 seh... so zai... i got 1... LOL... no choice... last min den rmb everything... 1st day of sch sleeping mah... where got rmb last year de work so fast de? but as usual mdm ee teach until kinda funny lar... wif her "accent"... den was physics... mr SQ today like abit weird lehs... dam joker in class... laugh like mad... den in d end he taught until static electricity de 1st page... which apparently mr ng went thru much more den him liao... so i wasn't actually listening... like some supplier like dat supply ans nia... though he nvr ask much qn oso... okay wadeva... recess... queue like foreva like dat den can get to eat... suddenly so many people... like some hungry ghost festival like dat... den chem... i nvr die seh... did 1 out of 3 of de ws... n ms qui only manage to went thru 1... MCQ only... diaoz... den was HCL... finally got to noe who's our teacher... mr suah... some teacher tat joke throughout de whole period... amazing...

aft sch... PDS... took de rifles n let de OALs go for their wadeva belaying thing... den we wait for like frm stone age to ice age... frm stoning... to become ice... stone too long... den freeze liao... ya right... but is stone age b4 ice age in de 1st place? i care? gky like some mother nvr see de son so long liao muz talk longer like dat... his speech r endless n boring... 2nd to of course our "fav" principal LHB lar... talk so much... at 1st say de OALs can come PDS 1st den go belaying... den later den jack me... make us wait like idiots... in d end we ended up practising wif alot spaces... while pretending de spaces r filled... n finally de OALs r freed frm de tortures by gky... it's like getting a parrot freed frm its cage... y parrot? coz muz listen to de owner keep talking n talking n wish de parrot to follo wad he says... isn't dat wad gky wans? okay wadeva...

1am liao seh... still got so many things undone... EXPECTED sia... no nid slp again... YAWN~
12:32:00 am

Thursday, January 03, 2008
changed blogskin liao... how? can mah? prefer something white now... but still black and white... simplicity is nice... now hands getting cramp all over... dunno why... face it... i'm weak...

0409... time to sleep liao... for 1 hour plus... yea right... and prepared to get screwed for chem tmr... or rather the whole day... DIE~
4:09:00 am

Wednesday, January 02, 2008
realised n press this for quite some time le... now is already 0017 liao... 1st day of school... kinda boring... but at least i wasn't late... LOL... quite early somemore wor... forget it... 1st period was eng n kenna hw right away... comprehension due fri... GG... den was phy... guess which teacher i got... Singapore Airlines... Mr SQ... ya... Mr Steven Quay... not bad lar actually... shall not comment anymore... nxt was PE... take height n weight on our own... school scale... i never ever trust it b4... at least it's still acceptable weight... den was chem... still the same... got back ms qui... okay... not bad... but somehow her holiday hw is due tmr... which is apparently today since it's pass 12 now... HOW? is the period aft recess... but actually i oso dunno how liaoz... den was recess... got down quite early... phew... it was filled wif people aft dat... got to eat at least... coz ms qui was like saying de SPA muz finish de corrections den file in... me n des dun have anything... so hand in... n she let us off... phew... den aft recess... math/amath... i think we still doing amath... no idea... got mdm ee as the teacher... not bad lar... but hor... she stunned us... 1st thing come in take out foolscap... diagnostic test... wa seh chim... the formulas... either mr lee nvr teach last year... or i have forgotten everything... high likely de 1st 1 applies more... nvm... she went thru wif us... abit... den times up liao... so assembly... as usual for every year... mr LHB talk n talk again... was sleeping in de hall... wif teachers sitting close by... i think they oso dun bother to catch coz dey can understand dat mr LHB speeches are dam "interesting"... ya right... so nth much again...

meeting in store aft dat wif sir goh... kinda fast... is the waiting for everyone to b dere 1st is slow... great... fri n sat... nvm... mayb sleep over every fri... lazy lehs... lol nah... unless dey give me 1 bed... so aft dat was PDS... actually quite okay liao lar... it's juz abt whether people will screw up during de performance... people including me... i dun expect much tis time... last minute rush is always not good... yet i'm always doing it... ya wadeva... went to eat mac aft dat... nth much special... den came home... fell asleep den woke up n typing tis now... should i do my chem or not? no idea~
11:59:00 pm

Tuesday, January 01, 2008
it's 2008 already... HENDRY SLEEPING YET? lol okay... quite a good accomplishment day... managed to do a lot of things that i always wanted to do... yet i always PROCRASTINATE... yes dat's de word... my pri sch teacher always scold me wif dat... nvm... dun wish to bring back de MEMORIES... as i said... 2007 is over liao... leave all de troubles behind... start a brand new year... how m i going to start it? played a game of generals... LOL... n it crashed for 3 times... nice 1 eh... fate looks like treating me better liao... mayb i'll call it truce wif fate... nah... see how 1st? i luv to see how alot eh... lols... okay... scanning for virus now... aft finish going to have my 1st slp in 2008... den aft dat... enjoy my SPA... not the normal SPA... but Phy Science Pratical Assessment SKILL TEST 3! enjoy... ya right...
3:46:00 am

Samuel Wong SP

the rest is for me to know and for you to find out! =D


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