Thursday, December 31, 2009
It's officially 6+ am in the morning of the last day of 2009 and i'm still not sleeping! Haha. I am going to sleep soon though. I was thinking back about what happened throughout the year, and i had a good time reminiscing about the past. :) It's just good memories, be it sad or happy. I am really fortunate to be able to know someone that has changed my life this year. I was also unfortunate to have some stuff that happened to me that left me a bad memory. But no matter what, in the matter of hours, 2009 is going to be over, and 2010 is going to come! :) I wish 2010 would be a good brand new year! :) See you all next year! Nights. :D

Cherish the past, present and the future! :)

I want a miracle for 2010! :)
6:15:00 am

Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Are you in a situation where the words someone said mattered so much to you, so much more than the exact same words said by another person? If yes, sometimes don't you feel weird how you react to exactly the same words said by different person? o.O I realised that to some people, some words just matter to them a lot. Don't you agree? o.O They can sway their emotions high up, or likewise, all the way deep down.

Anyway, this December has been the weirdest month. It just feel so different! Christmas wasn't like Christmas. I forgot about it until i heard people shouting 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! And i was still wondering what they shouting for, until i heard Merry Christmas! LOL! I am like having 'suicidal thoughts' too! Don't be scared, i don't want to die yet, but they say sleeping late is actually 慢性自杀. Guess what? Some nights i don't even sleep at all! Haha. And i just survived Wushu training with just one hour of sleep yesterday! =.= Now i really don't feel good. Isn't that considered as having 'suicidal thoughts'? xP Come on it's time to wake up! 2009 is going to be over soon!!

2009 is quite a long year. It feels so long, because there are so many things that happened! Sad incidents, happy incidents - it's as though my mood was on a roller coaster ride. I shall not reflect back on them, since it will probably spoil my mood by remembering those sad incidents. Although some of them remains vividly in my mind, it's still better not to think about them right? :) It was an eventful year, and it's about to come to a close. How would next year be? Like sec 4 where it's all study, study, study and nothing else? I doubt so, and i don't want it to be like this. I don't want to exclude some things out of my life, else it'll be an empty life, just like how i am in this December. I can mask it up all i want, but inside will be still as hollow as ever. The only difference is that i'll not end up in some pathetic state, that's all. And i promised i wouldn't be. :)

It's up to me to be strong, to be happy myself - else how would i be able to be the support? o.O

Looking forward to break the 'eves curse' of mine. :)
5:16:00 pm

Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas everyone! :) Since it's Christmas, what about Christmas carols? Haha. I am sick of those original ones, so how about these two 'carols' that i found? Enjoy! :)

Have an extraordinary Christmas! Don't be like me! :)

Everyone is special. You have beaten 10 million other possible individuals since the day you were born! :)

What will happen? o.O
8:07:00 pm

Thursday, December 17, 2009
OMG! I slept for the whole day! Yep. That's what happened yesterday (December 16th). I guess i am more and more like a full time owl, that i actually didn't even see daylight at all. I actually woke up at 12+pm and every hour plus after that, but i didn't actually got out of bed. Crazy huh. :) It's getting super duper unhealthy for me if i carry on like this, and i am already feeling the effects of it. I was feeling super duper sick when i woke up, having a huge headache and flu and so on. That got me really stressed up which in turn adds to my headache! Irritating huh. Haha. And amazingly, after it sort of disappeared now. It does help not thinking about it. :)

I feel like i am rotting now. It's time to wake up; actually it's past the time to wake up, but apparently i am still in my 'rotting' state. I have a lot of things awaiting me to do, and i just can't seem to get the motivation to do them. Of course! That's because i don't even get the motivation to wake up now. What a failure! =X This can't go on. I am just like ignoring whatever things that is happening around me, like as though i am escaping from something, and diving into my own world. Am i? o.O WAKE UP SAMUEL WONG SUI PENG!!

I chance upon this somewhere:

Letting go of someone dear to you is hard, but holding on to someone who doesn't even feel the same is much harder. Giving up doesn't mean you are weak! It only means that you are strong enough to let go!

Is giving up the only option? o.O or perhaps there are other options? Haha. I guess ultimately it is up to you to judge whether it is worth it or not. Am i right? As long as i feel it's worth it, why not? :) Perhaps i am really just not strong enough to let go, but i'm happier this way - it's just not my style by giving up. Ain't i weird? xP

Now i'm finally posting what i saw in my trip to malacca in a gift shop. They have those kind of keychains with a tag on them. You know what i mean.

A friend is someone who chooses to understand you,
care for you, help you, without any reason.
A friend is someone,
who is by your side in each and every season.
A friend is someone who can be trusted
without doubt tell him a secret
and it will never come out.

Ain't that nice? :) I have one more.

A friend should be someone who will always be there;
to take time to listen, to help out to care.
A friend should be someone who makes you feel good;
Who is able to cheer you when no one else also could.
A friend should be warm, understanding and true;
Someone you trust
Who will let you be you.

Don't you think that's true? :) I wonder whether i could be like that, or perhaps better. :) Oh it's going to be daybreak soon, and i wonder how i am going to react to my dad's face as soon as he wakes up and see me not sleeping. Full time owl? Nope. Please get back to normal soon!

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade! When you feel like no one actually cares, I do. :)

5:12:00 am

Saturday, December 12, 2009
My 4th finger on my right hand hurts! Maybe not that much, but when i used it to press backspace, it hurts a little now. Injure it by the basketball yesterday. Now it really feels a little out of place. Haha. xP It feels really good to be playing basketball again with you zhe after so long. Once again i realised how i suck in basketball, but it doesn't really matter. The one that mattered more is more of how unfit i am. Been so slack recently that i rarely even move, much less exercise. Adding to it, there's no jobs for this whole week, which apparently screwed up my sleeping hours - not sleeping at night, and sleeping in the day. Going to become full time owl at this rate. But it should be okay, because i am trying to get back to normal. :)

Oh revision hits my mind again. Crap. I should really stop being so lazy, but does anyone have any tips on how to be not lazy? o.O I guess wasting time is still my forte, with days passing in a flash. Did i do this purposely in my subconscious mind so that the days seemed shorter and much easier to pass? Because i want January to faster reach and someone to come back? I don't know. =X

I feel like the post O levels days again - this time much lazier. Like i am so lazy that i don't feel like doing anything. Don't know why i am like this - maybe because it's too quiet nowadays. Who knows? Hope i'll get back on my feet soon! How?! o.O Oh and i changed the layout of my blog. Wonder do i still get visitors - my tagboard seems to be quite dead. Haha. I added a few songs to my playlist. Anyway, i chose a light blue ipod nano as my music player is because someone happens to have that. xP I placed a 'Christmas clock' on top since it will be Christmas soon. :)

I am TRUE! Everything here is and will be true! True enough to be waiting for you to be back! :)

Quiet days...
5:03:00 pm

Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Wow i just reached home from work. Finally home sweet home! :) I think this job is changing me back to an owl - only getting home at wee hours of the day, but it's a great job and the pay is not bad. The best thing is that you are provided taxi home from work, and it just feels good that you need not take the mrt or bus home and can watch the taxi meter tick like nobodies' business. :)

For the benefit of those who don't know, i'm actually packing drinks in supermarkets. So do be nice if you ever visit the shop and save in greenridge, ntuc in hougang, toa payoh or kallang bahru. These are the supermarkets that i packed before. It's a good work out carrying the drinks - at least some exercise rather than stay at home 24/7. And you get pay for exercising, so why not? Haha. Actually the job is quite enjoyable, especially when i am doing with you zhe. See i mention you leh you zhe! You are supposed to be honoured! xP

Work aside (pun intended), i have been quite busy lately - busy slacking. xP I told myself i am suppose to start studying in December but i just couldn't take the first step to start doing so. My first steps are always the hardest, and when i get the momentum going, i could go for quite long. Too bad most of the time i didn't even start. xP Actually i got to catch up on some sleep first, and so hopefully i will start studying by this week, HOPEFULLY! I really have lots to catch up. :) Oh and about the post on my Malacca trip and my class chalet, you got to see whether i get the mood to talk about it. Else i am getting lazy to go and recall and type it out. xP

No matter the distance, no matter where you are, i will definitely be here waiting... waiting for you to be back. :)

Have fun! :)
5:17:00 am

Monday, December 07, 2009
Well, i am supposed to post this like yesterday, but somehow someone is faster yet again, as usual. xP

Actually i'm quite slow, like what i heard from the news yesterday. Someone actually 'copied' my idea and started a company! Not really copied mine, since he doesn't even know what i am thinking about anyway. What i think about is actually for my own personal use, not commercially. So what i was thinking about? Well, sometimes i do have thoughts that what would happen if i just suddenly left this world; what would happen to all my stuff in the virtual world? How would all my friends know about it? I have no idea. And the fact that when my grandfather passed away, my piano teacher, who was a neighbour before, didn't know about it, despite her moving to only a few blocks away. So how will anyone know that i have passed on? o.O

Haha. I actually thought of writing down a 'will' to settle all my stuff and keep it somewhere safe, but i didn't bother to in the end - i wasn't really planning to die anytime soon, and i have to make sure i don't! :) Too many things i haven't done, so i couldn't really die. Okay what a way to start my post, but can i just end it here, since i'm kind of tired since i didn't sleep the whole night because of some unexpected incident popping out that scare the hell out of me. Can't really remember much about malacca now anyway, so i shall rest first! xD

Life is full of unpredictable stuff - even two parallel lines may meet someday. :)

1:15:00 pm

Saturday, December 05, 2009
Since i was requested, i would update this pathetic blog. :) I was planning to anyway, but someone is always faster. xP

5th of December 2009 - it's one of those days again...

I bet no one could understand that sentence. Haha. A question to ponder. Have you heard before people saying that when you are sneezing all out of a sudden, perhaps someone is thinking about you or missing you somewhere? Do you believe in the saying? o.O I sort of believe it, but not totally. Imagine having to sneeze like mad when people start thinking of you - so is it a good thing or a bad thing? Haha. Well, that question actually came because i am sneezing badly at times, and at different times, i am perfectly alright! This is weird. I would like to think of it as flu, but do you recover from flu in just an hour and get it back the next hour? o.O I wonder...

Anyway, today is different from one of those days. This time round, it's not as bad. Actually it's much better. :) But this time round, it already got deeper; much much deeper. When i come home, i actually forgot to press the button for the lift! When i go out again, the same thing happened. And there's a lot of stuff to proof that i am actually not myself today - like totally in a daze. I think my mind and soul are not with me. It's somewhere else. Totally crazy! It's only 1 day, and there's still so many days left. I totally have no idea how i am going to survive. =X

Oh by the way, i was intending to blog about my trip to malacca last weekend and the class chalet, but i dragged till i actually starting to forgot details le. I think i will blog about them in a separate post tomorrow - if i ever will... xP

Looking back at all those post allows me to realise that it has gone way deep, and that how it all changed my life - totally. :)

Always in my mind...
11:36:00 pm

Samuel Wong SP

the rest is for me to know and for you to find out! =D


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