Friday, July 24, 2009
*I started this post at this time, but didn't have time to finish it.*

This post is in memory of my dearest maternal grandfather, who has just passed on this monday, 20th July 2009. This was the reason why i was pretty much MIA during the whole week. On Sunday night, i didn't managed to finish the linear equation quiz before the clock struck 12, and it blocked me from submitting my answer as i have exceeded the deadline. After which i went to start on my EoM for about an hour, when i received a call from my aunt that shocked me. My grandfather didn't seem like he is going to survive for long!

My grandfather was admitted to the hospital on somewhere in the end of June. I forgot the exact date, since i wasn't sure in the first place. On the night of 30th June, my mother came back, sounding extremely not alright. I asked her what happened, and to my horror, i was told that my grandfather had liver cancer. It's already in the last stage and he only had around 3 months more to live. I cried that night.

I went to visit my grandfather whenever i could spare the time, since at that time i was going to have my mid year exams too. There was once actually we were told that my grandfather didn't look right. It was last tuesday (14/7), where i was about to start wu shu. I rushed down that day, and was glad it's a false alarm. On monday night it was different. He was really on the last lap of his life. My grandmother, mother, and my aunts were there the whole night, and i didn't sleep a wink. All of us cried a few times that night. I didn't go school on monday.

I went home to sleep in the afternoon, thinking i would come down again at night and since i have to do my EoM too. I was woken up my a call from my mother, informing me that my aunt's husband who was at the hospice then told her that my grandfather's breaths are getting weaker. I was rushing to get up and prepare to rush down, when soon after i got another call - my grandfather passed away at 6.35pm. I cried again. I forced myself to swallow down my dinner, which i only took half a bowl, because i knew it's not time for me to get sick by not eating. I rushed down after that. I went home late that night after pei-ing my grandmother while my mother and my aunts went around to settle matters.

I didn't go to school on tuesday as i was emotionally and physically exhausted. I finished my EoM when i woke up, and i went down to the wake. Helped out a little around there. Nothing much happened that day except i cried again after seeing my grandfather lying in the coffin. I went back to school on Wednesday and Thursday, and i went down to the wake after school. There was memorial service on both nights, which i broke down on both nights. =X Friday was the funeral, didn't go to school again, and i my head was aching terribly in the morning. I supposed that was the day where i broke down the most number of times. =X

This whole week i had the minimum hours of sleep. Reached home after 12 and woke up really early. It wasn't easy to pull through. Some may say it's just my grandfather - but it's not just my grandfather, it's someone who brought me up since young! My grandparents looked after me since i was born and i stayed with them on weekdays. Only on weekends then my parents would come to fetch me home. I was greatly doted by my grandparents. For that, i thank my grandfather for how he care for me, how he doted me since young, how he used to bring me out to Bugis Junction, how he brought me the food that i like to eat, and many many other numerous things he had done for me. I sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, thank him. He was a great and strong man. I hope he is able to rest in peace.

I also wished to thank someone. Someone has accompanied me through all these things, right from the start where i first know of what my grandfather was suffering from. Someone that cheered me up this whole week. Someone that helped me pull through all this. By any chance if that someone is reading this, from the bottom of my heart, thank you very very much! Merci beaucoup! :) And to all those who know about this ultimately and offer their condolences, thank you too! :) Sorry to those that didn't know. I didn't want to tell anyone actually because i don't want too much attention.

Thank you for everything! :)

Gone peacefully.
11:34:00 pm

Thursday, July 16, 2009
My luck has changed for the worse. This few days i have been getting seriously very very very unlucky. A lot of unlucky things happened to me, which now i have neither the time nor the mood to talk about them. I just hope everything can change for the better as soon as possible, else i can only get more and more stress. It seems that the smile on my face has been appearing less frequently then before, which obviously it ain't a good sign. Can everything be good all over again? o.O

Time is seriously running out!

9:00:00 pm

Sunday, July 12, 2009
Hmm... I seriously should STOP entertaining those negative thoughts whenever they come when i am tired. They spoils my mood - totally! But it's really hard to shake them off my mind, and it comes back to haunt me. -.- The worse part is, probably most, if not all, of what i think is absolutely rubbish! Bleh.

My first solo is dragging on and on and on. I wonder when i can eventually fly it and then get into PPL. Can i make it in the first place? o.O

You can never guess what is going on, but you can figure them out - somehow.

2:51:00 pm

Friday, July 10, 2009
Looks like i am wrong. It's only here for a short period of time. I should be satisfied. But i really can't be. Must it be like this? Or am i imagining things again? AHH! I shouldn't be thinking of it like this, but i can't help it now. I should keep myself occupied.

Bad memories stays vividly in the mind and good memories just vanish like that - or do they?

I don't know. =X
8:35:00 pm

Wednesday, July 08, 2009
I think my luck is turning for the better! :) Does one get luckier as one gets happier? Probably i can establish this relationship between the two factors, or maybe that just applies to me only. Who knows? o.O Let's write a paragraph using the PEEL method. Can practise for GP! xP

My luck is changing for the better! (Point) I was having bad luck that can go to a point where i am extremely unlucky for the past few days or weeks i don't remember. However, it seems to me that from yesterday, my luck seems to become good suddenly. (Elaboration) Yesterday, i was at novena square's taxi stand waiting for taxi. My father and mother were queueing up while i noticed there was a supermarket trolley not properly placed in the row of trolleys. I glanced and realised that the $1 coin was still inside. I tried to put it back properly and i realised how come the $1 coin was forsaken. The trolley was too big to be put in properly, which explains why the thing cannot be inserted and the $1 cannot be taken back. Thankfully, i came up with my own way of putting. I twist the trolley around and managed to put the lock back and i got the $1! :) Today was better. I was walking with Alvan, Jefferson and Jun Jie towards MRT there and i heard something dropped. I looked down and i saw $1 on the floor, and i picked it up. :) $1 per day is nice! Today was my flight too, but it rained like a while before my flight. Somehow the rain managed to stop in time and i got to fly! :) Although my first solo was cancelled (for the 3rd time) as the runway is wet, at least i shown my instructor i improved! :) (Examples) Now there's still other things i think, which is why i said my luck has change for the better! Hope it will continue to be good! xD (Link)

Haha. This is an interesting way to blog and say out what happen i suppose. Well now i still got econs case study to do. Yawns.

The key to overcome your fears is to relax as much as possible! xD

I still wish for miracles to happen.
9:48:00 pm

Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Tagboard's dead. Blog's dead. Laptop's dead. I'm dead. Just joking. :)

I am at Novena Square now waiting for my mother, and i am getting kind of bored. That's why i am here trying to 'revive' my blog a little. I didn't had the mood to blog because my laptop has been giving me quite a few problems - my charger keeps spoiling. I rang up the guy that sold me the charger and went down to Sim Lim Tower to get it changed for free just now. I was so glad that they are willing to change for me; else i would have to pay another $45 which ain't cheap. Now i just hope this charger don't spoil again. It feels so great to be using back my own laptop! Don't have to wait for my dad to finish using so i can use his laptop anymore! YaY! xD

Oh and did i mention my stomach is rumbling now? Haha. Had quite an early lunch during break, so apparently my stomach is telling me it's dinner time. Now i hope my mother will come soon. :) And good luck to myself for my first solo tomorrow! I want to get into Private Pilot License Course!! What an irony though. Tomorrow will be my 3rd time trying to fly my FIRST solo. First time my flight was cancelled due to weather, second time was cancelled due to strong crosswinds (i'm glad too, cause i screw that flight up pretty badly), and now i wish everything will be smooth sailing tomorrow! I want to fly my 9V-BOF! :)

Courage is not the absence of fear. It is to know what is more important than your own fears and you overcome them!

Okay my mother is here! :)
6:58:00 pm

Samuel Wong SP

the rest is for me to know and for you to find out! =D


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