Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Halfway through the last hour of 2008 already. 2008 has been a rather eventful year that passed rather quickly. I shall not blog till next year. See you all next year! xD

P.S Not a year later... LOL
11:32:00 pm

Happy New Year Eve? LOL.

Oh by the way, I survived the 'Adventure Camp'! I didn't really go for an adventure camp though. Never mind, I'm lazy to explain. xP

This few days have been walking and walking and more walking. Ah well. Sprained my ankle yesterday, and it didn't seem to act up till yesterday. Now it's getting worse already. I hope I will feel much better after getting up later, because it will be another 'Walking Day'. I pity my legs. =X

The aftereffects of sleeping have been haunting me recently. What is so queer about this is that i continue to sleep late - i don't really know why. Natural Owl perhaps? It's called 慢性自杀. Not that i feel like dying, but it's really not good for the body, mentally and physically. Perhaps i know the reason why... Never mind.

I feel so exhausted now - both mentally and physically. I think i am getting real weak already. How am i going to survive through the tortures of the 2 years in JC? The first hurdles is coming soon - release of O levels results. We are still kept in suspense when exactly is the date they are going to release. It feels like us trying to guess what's our post after the interview last year. I got a strong feeling it will be on 7th; at least i hope it will be. The question NJC or AJC is starting to ring back in my mind again. I guess i can't really take the suspense of the results. I fear that i will keep silent after the results are released - the signal of bad news. Ahh i don't know.

The more you think, the worse it gets. But how to stop thinking?

Just go sleep. zZz.
1:30:00 am

Friday, December 26, 2008
Tagged by Clarissa... just when I'm bored. xP Aww... it's super long.


1. Are you single - Yup! But English says you is plural.

2. Are you happy - Nothing to happy about now... halfway there? o.O

3. Are you bored - Yup! Although i got things to do... =X

4. Are you fair - Don't know... some people say I'm dark. Mentally fair to a certain extent?

5. Are you Italian - Che? Buona giornata! Okay. Although that's italiano, I'm made in Singapore! xD

6. Are you intelligent - Wait till my O level result comes out then say...

7. Are you honest - I try my best to... but white lies are always around.

8. Are you nice - Yup! Definitely! xD What you think?

9. Are you Irish - Do Catholics and Protestants fight here? No? Then I'm not. xD

10. Are you Asian - Are Singaporeans Asian? At least i think so?! o.O


1. Full Name - Not telling you

2. Nickname - Hmm...
- SP
- Singapore Poly
- Super Puma
- SotOwl
- OWL! xD

3.Birth place - MADE IN SINGAPORE! xD

4. Hair color - Black

5. Natural hair style - I have totally no idea... except definitely NOT ALFRO!

6. Eye colour - Black round eyes that glow in the dark! xD

7. Birthday - 27th October! 30 years after Cuban Missile Crisis! =X

8. Mood - Swaying with the wind... o.O

9. Favorite colour - White, Black, Blue.

10. One place you'd like to visit - the sky~


1. Have you ever been in love - Well... yes?

2. Do you believe in love at first sight - I will when it happens...

3. Do you currently have a crush? - I don't know... all i know I'm crushed.

4. Have you ever been hurt emotionally - Duh!

5. Have you ever broken some one's heart - I don't commit murder... i hope not!

6. Have you ever had your heart broken - It's fixed back with glue... =X

7. Have you ever liked someone but never told them - Yeah...

8. Are you afraid of commitment - Sort of... sometimes it's 心有余而力不足. =X

9. Who was the last person you hugged - *searching* "Search complete. Nothing found."

10. Who was the last person you said I love you to? - This 3 words are very much heavy!


1. Love or lust - L O V E

2. Hard liquor or beer - Hard liquid and ROOT BEER! xP

3. Cats or dogs - Felines AND Canines! xD

4. A few best friends or any regular friends - I'm greedy for both. Please! o.O

5. Creamy or Crunchy - Crunchy!

6. Pencil or Pen - Pen. You pen down your thoughts... do you pencil them down? o.O

7. Wild night out or romantic night in - Romantic is so much better! xD

8. Money or Happiness - HAPPINESS! You want money also want to be happy what...

9. Night or day - NIGHT! Unless OWLS prefer days. xP

10. IM or phone - Phone! Haha. Though face to face is better? o.O


1. Been caught sneaking out - I don't really have to sneak...

2. Seen a polar bear - Long ago... in the zoo. Ah well, Changi Coast Adventure Centre has this instructor Polar... counted?

3. Done something you regret - Yup! And the list goes down...

4. Bungee jumped - Not yet... i want to try! xP

5. Eaten food that fell on the floor - Yup! But depending on which floors...

6. Finished an entire jaw breaker - What's that? I don't think i want to break my jaw... xP

7. Been caught naked - By my parents when i was a tiny baby? o.O

8. Wanted an ex bf/gf back - Ex? I don't have... Neither do i have cheap ones...

9. Cried because you lost a pet - Pet? No pets yet... =X

10. Wanted to disappear - Well, i thought i DISAPPEARED before? o.O


1. Smile or eyes - Smile! xD

2. Light or dark hair - It doesn't really matter, does it?!

3. Hugs or kisses - Depending on the situation... Both? Tui tui tui~ LOL.

4. Shorter or taller - Well it really depends...

5. Intelligence or attraction - Attraction with a certain level of intelligence.

6. Topman or Zara - Catch no ball. Wait... where's the ball? o.O

7. Funny or serious - BOTH! and know when to be for each one.

8. Older or Younger - Age doesn't really matter... as long it ain't too big a gap.

9. Outgoing or quiet - Balance between the 2? 取长补短. xD

10. Sweet or Bad - Both. I agree with something i see! Haha.


1. Ever performed in front of a large crowd.
School, Sec 1 cohort... and recently to those who turned up for 56th POP?

2. Ever talked on the phone for longer than an hour.
Yup. Free incoming calls got use de hor... xP

3. Ever tried walking on your hands
Tried - yes. Success? NO.

4. Ever been to a rock concert
To see rocks? I still need my ears...

5. Ever been on a cheer leading team.
Depends on how you think... Sports Night?

6. Ever been on a dance team.
56th POP performance! xD

7. Ever been on a sports team.
Not for recognised competition though...

8. Ever been in a drama play/production.
Err... don't think so.

9. Ever owned a BMW, Mercedes Benz, Escalade, Hummer or Bentley?
No money, no license. Toy cars counted? xP

10. Ever been in a rap video?
Nope. And i won't take the rap! xP


1. Last phone call you made.
To SYFC - Singapore Youth Flying Club

2. Last person you hugged.
Nothing in my memory lane...

3. Last person you hung out with
Quite a lot... Warren, Wei Kit, Ernest, Xiang Kai, Nicholas Wee, Rayner, Dong Hong, Jacob, Yuk Tim, Wei Jie, Rong Xuan. Went to eat after training today. I hope i never forget anyone!

4. Last time you worked
I worked everyday... no pay only. =X

5. Last person you talked to.
My mother? Less then a minute ago.

6. Last person you IM'd.
Still talking to Wei Kit... after Jian Ming went off!

7. Last person you texted
Desmond? Ask him something.

8. Last person(s) you went to the movies with.
I seriously can't remember when was the last time. How pathetic.

9. Last person/thing you missed.
SAR 21 IMT miss 1 shot? Okay no...

10. Last website visited
My blog? o.O


1. I


3. NOT

4. TAG


6. TO

7. DO


9. QUIZ!

10. LOL. xP

FINALLY! Woah. Now is like 11.26pm already. LOL. I took more then 2 hours? Keep alt-tabbing mah. LOL. And that Jian Ming keep disturbing me. Bleh. xP

The key to not getting confused is not to think.

All the best to all those participating in the Change Of Command Parade tomorrow! Jiayou! xD
9:09:00 pm

Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas! xD

Smile everyone! Haha. That's kind of ironic since my mood is a little on the down side. LOL never mind. Eves are just not my DAYs. Anyway, I have changed my blog song to "I Thought I Lost You" from the movie Bolt, though ironically I have not watch it yet. I don't like watching movies alone, so anyone? o.O

Ah well, it's a cold Christmas this year, taking into account that I am still drinking cold water from the refrigerator. xP What you expect from someone that eats chilli despite having a cough? LOL. Nevermind.

No matter what happens, just smile and you'll feel better! xD

A big big smile! xD
2:26:00 am

Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Lesson learnt while frying ham and bacon: DON'T EVER FRY HAM AND BACON WITH A BIG FIRE! =X

Well if you do so, the oil will go splashing around - and it's hot! The hot oil splash until my hand ain't a big problem for me though, it's the mess around the stove that you got to clean up after that! =X What's a little hot oil compared to a mess to clean up? And that mess included the mess my mother made this morning before going to work. LOL. What to do? o.O

I better start training up soon. ALWAYS say want to do so, yet didn't. I SHALL start on Friday morning; better remember to bring my shoes along. How am i going to run with slippers? Will be running in school first before they come for the NAPFA test/retest. Anyone want to come is welcomed! DUH! I don't really like training alone though. xP
4:28:00 pm

Merry Christmas Eve? LOL.

I am just super super super super super super super super super super super super super super super super super super super super super super super super super super bored! LOL.

Anyway, what's the point of working 'half day' on eves of Christmas, New Year and Chinese New Year when most don't actually just work half day? o.O

Problems are self sought. But if they can be avoided, they won't be called problems anymore.

3:40:00 pm

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Woah 400th post already. Big deal.

Happy Birthday Jesmond! xD

Haha. Thanks for being a great brother. Enjoy your birthday!

Well, yesterday had my medical check up for SYFC. My father and i got scammed by the 'map' that have only a building hidden so inside and unclear instructions. "Alight at the second bus stop along Airport Road." Well that's what's stated there, and we did just that. We ended up walking for around 4 bus stops before we reach the place. What the instructions there meant was to alight at the second bus stop after you passed a damn cross junction ALONG AIRPORT ROAD! =.= By stating just alight at the second bus stop, who knows what they meant? And they kindly provided only 1 single building on that 'map', when there's clearly so many buildings there... Never mind. Treated that as a walk after lunch?

By the way, for those who still have no idea what SYFC is, it's Singapore Youth Flying Club. You see, you can learnt something here! Crab Crap. So it was a FULL check up; by FULL i mean really FULL - from top to toe. Had to do rather weird actions to measure the length of your hand, legs and so on; even had my first X-ray done there. Well, i have not much of medical records and have not broken any part on my body, YET. The check up even included dental! Too bad it's just checking a little and never wash for me. xP Their equipment can really make your teeth clean; well, too bad. There's also auditory check, where they put you in a room and ask you press the buzzer when you hear sounds - sounds that are SUPER SOFT. I can hear my heart beat louder than the sound - much louder.

Of course not missing out the eyes check. My eyes passed perfectly! Haha. I almost got a shock when they were testing for colour blind. There's this book where the person will flip and ask me read the numbers. I was stunned when suddenly i cannot see any numbers from the mess. I went like "huh?" Then the person asked me, "Nothing?" and i said yea. Phew. I was not suppose to see anything. =.= I should have trusted my perfect eyes. Don't get jealous. xP I can read one line below the perfect standard though. Haha.

I realised i love to use the word "well" a lot. LOL. So i hope that i have nothing wrong, and i passed the medical check up. xD

Somethings are just hard to comprehend.

What happened?
5:56:00 pm

Sunday, December 21, 2008
One hit down the memory lane again today. It's just like the press of a button; any incident can trigger a chain of memories - those that stay deep dark inside my brain. I never would know they existed till today, unless they replay right in front of me - everything all over again. Sometimes, it's a torture...

Maybe the high fever i had on Wednesday burnt my brain or something. I am getting more and more blur. Medical checkup tomorrow for SYFC. With my throat like this, i wonder how could i go? Haiz.

*edit* crashing down... crumbling down... why is this happening?
9:57:00 pm

Saturday, December 20, 2008
Woke up after a few hours of sleep again, as usual, for my SYFC interview. I think today is the earliest time i reached my destination before the stated time already. Okay la, it's due to a miscommunication of the stated time. Well, i clearly remembered that i was told to reach by 8am, but when i check the paper, it wrote 8.30am. So i just took it as 8am, and reached there at around 7.50am - turn out i was the earliest there out of the 8 people. I don't exactly know why there are so many 8 also. =X 1 was late and never ever appeared i think.

It feels so weird to be overly early - especially for interviews. Well, time flew yesterday, and today it crawled past me. I feel years older in that room while waiting till 8.30am. =.= Second by second, minute by minute; that's mental torture!

Ahh finally to the interview. It was quite easy though. Frankly speaking, i wasn't that nervous either. Maybe 56th Cadet Officer Course really made me a lot more confident. The interview went quite smoothly and i proceed home after that. Reached home and ate breakfast; apparently it was just like around 10am then, though it felt like a long time have passed. I received a call after that, notifying me i passed the interview! YaY! xD They are efficient, aren't they? And i fell into hibernation after that - recovering from my weeks of having not enough sleep; make that a month. xP

Communication is the key to a strong relationship.

How and what to communicate? o.O Hello and bye bye? Maybe LOL.
11:29:00 pm

Okay. It's finally here after almost a whole year of 2008. 20th December 2008. LOL.

To You Zhe and Desmond,


Maybe i'm just kind of happy for them to be born on the same day, same month and same year. LOL. Sudden 'highness' overshadowed my anxiety for my SYFC interview later. Well, the fever never burnt my brain; it just abandon it's counterpart Mr Cough with me, so i'm still coughing.

Quite a number of people getting sick already, probably due to the ever changing weather in the mysterious skies above. To all who are feeling unwell: Get well soon! Take care! xD
12:20:00 am

Thursday, December 18, 2008
Looks like my body's immunity ain't that bad after all. Took fever medicine once only and most of my sickness recovered, at least i think so. Hope there isn't any 'aftershocks'. *cross fingers* Now left my bad cough only. =X Woah. Trust me, that feeling when i was sick ain't good. It's 5 in 1 - totally owned the Super 3 in 1 coffee and the OWL 3 in 1 coffee! 39 degree Celsius high fever, flu, sore throat, dry cough, wet cough - all combine together.

Thanks for all the regards, and especially thanks to Warren for accompanying me home! xD He helped me buy lunch as well (when i asked him to), which provide me with the energy to go see a doctor. Thanks Warren! xD

Okay. Now for the quiz that Nicholas tagged me a long time ago, and i never did. Busy mah. xD

1. My friends are those whom i value a lot.
2. I am listening to my parents conversation.
3. Maybe i should learn to have more confidence.
4. I love outdoor activities, and...
5. My plan is to become a pilot! xD
6. I don't understand why i'm still dao-ed.
7. I lost my body to the virus; and won it back! xD
8. People say okay mah? (yesterday)
9. I am missing the fellow Cubers! CUBE CUBE! xD
10. Love is complicated, and cannot be describe with words.
11. Somewhere, someone, somehow.
12. I am always searching for ways to be happy, and make people happy!
13. Forever i'm a guy... and that's not going to change! xP
14. I never want to see people unhappy. (:
15. My mobile phone is something which i on 24 hours a day.
16. When i wake up in the morning, I will check my phone for the time.
17. I get annoyed when i get accused of something that i never did.
18. Parties stands for gatherings where you are suppose to have fun! xD
19. Hugs or kisses? That depends. xP
20. Today i recovered. xD
21. Tomorrow i am going to don upon my uniform again.
22. I really want a reply.
23. I love to be happy! and... xP
24. What is your phone brand? Nokia
25. What is the last 3 digits in your phone number? 638
26. What does the 2nd message in your inbox say? Lols really?
27. Who was the last person you rang? My mother? o.O
28. Who was the last missed call from? My grandmother.
29. What does the oldest msg in your inbox say? "So how? U gng sch for physics?" By Desmond, on the 8th of November. In the end, I didn't go. xP
30. Who comes after J? Jack?
31. Go to your sent messages - What does the tenth message say? Somewhere ard 9+ to 10? Mr teo ask me when start 2.4 run. In the end...
32. Who is your network provider? Singtel
33. How many messages are there in your inbox? 327 - lazy delete. =X
34. Who do you have on speed dail 3? No one. I don't use speed dial.
35. If you are on prepaid card, how much credict do you have? I am not on prepaid card.
36. Who's the first person who comes after C? Calvin. Ain't you honoured? xP
37. What do you have as your main ringtone? 周大侠 by 周杰伦. Long time since i changed.
38. Pass this quiz to 10 people
3) HAS
5) AND
7) TO
8) DO
10) QUIZ

P.S I still see Senior in front of my name in quite many places... am i that old? Haha.

Relax. Take your time to relink. xP
8:19:00 pm

Monday, December 15, 2008
Here's our performance video! Credits to Hafiy's parents that took it. Haha. Maybe because he's standing on the other side so his parents only took half of us in the video most of the time. Nevertheless, the video bring back memories. The performance is so damn fun! xD Seriously it rocks! Enjoy the video! Check out my solo along with Deyi at 7.11! xD

Cubers ROCKS! xD
4:42:00 am

Sunday, December 14, 2008
Okay. I think i am one of the last few to blog about this already. The 56th Cadet Officer Course Passing Out Parade was officially held on 12th December 2008! Wa seh. Other then our Staff Sergeant Chew Hui Yang, who's name was mention yet wasn't really the Colours RSM, appeared there, no one else from our school came. Aww i feel so sad la. Jkjk. Maybe i didn't do a proper invitation ba. Too tired to do so; maybe just lazy. xP Xue Feng did came though. Hui Qing as well. For those that went Camp FEAST 2 years ago, remember what happened? xD Thanks for all the congratulations!

The parade was great okay! It's always like that. We always save for the real thing. Chairman NCC and the Guest Of Honour really took their time to come. Haha. I don't really mind actually; just standing there only. (: After the parade, everyone was damn high, including yours truly. I was super glad that the performance went on so smoothly, including the solo by Deyi together with me! Just perfect! xD Can't wait for Hafiy to send me the video of our performance taken by his parents.

Meanwhile, here's the 56th Cadet Officer Graduation Video! xD Snaaaaaake! xP

I am starting to miss Cubers already - all the 'special claps' along with the actions, and that super unique way of laughing by Faliq etc. I think this is the best HQ level course i ever had, with PDS AI Course hanging second. xD Although i didn't get to hold the ceremonial sword for the parade, something which i very much wanted to, the whole course was still great! Anyway, the reason why i didn't get for Parade Commander is in the post below. As for Contingent Commander, Sir Hariz said to allow those that never go for Parade Commander selections to have a chance; i went for Parade Commander selections - so that's why. Haha never mind. I will get my chance someday. xD I think what matters most is Cubers being together, ain't it Cubers? Cube Cube! xD

The last week activities nothing much to talk about ba. So i won't talk about it. Photos will be uploaded to both my friendster and facebook - when i feel like it. Actually, the photos from Graduation Night i also haven't upload there yet. Busy arh. xP

56th! Respect and Humility! CUBE CUBE! xD

All good things come to an end. Though we shall part, but we would stay together as ONE Cubers! xD
12:17:00 pm

Sunday, December 07, 2008
Ah yes. 2nd weeks down; 4 more days to go! (: This should be a long post - caution!


Monday we went to Pasir Laba Camp. That was one cool day! Haha. I was expecting to see the people going for Camp Pinnacle, but didn't see them exactly, with the exception of the morning when they are falling in only - we were on the bus then.

That morning we went to have an IMT for SAR 21 first. Cool! They never zero the weapon, so our shots was like crap, and they say we shoot lousy. Bleh! How can shoot lousy with the scope? My lane was way off and they gave me a re-shoot! xP Well, my results for the re-shoot was much better - almost full marks! xD Then we went to the Infantry Gunnery and Tactical Simulator (IGTS). Damn cool. There's the IMT for the Matador (anti tank weapon), General Purpose Machine Gun (GPMG), and M203 Grenade Launcher. I tried GPMG and M203, never got a chance to try out Matador, probably cause i was lazy to go try again. xP It's really like the real one, except for it was shot in an air conditioned room. LOL. We had demonstrations for the SPIKE, MILAN ATGM and the Mortar weapons as well.

Afternoon we went to the live firing area way inside. We watch the live firing exercise by the 1st Commando Battalion - at close proximity! xD It was damn cool and the sound was deafening! That's the reason for ear plugs. Thanks Yong Liang again! xD
We got a chance to shoot 1 live round with the classified weapon called P90, with the silencer on. Well, since i can find it stated so clearly on Wikipedia, it ain't so classified eh. My shot was so near the 5 points bulls eye lor! xD


Morning had a lecture by Retired Colonel Png. Woah he's fantastic. He's top for many of the course in Army and became a Colonel at 38. He's currently the Vice President of ST Electronics. I must say, he is really a good lecturer. xD Afternoon we had the DISC profiling again. There's a slight change since i last took it - more to the quiet side. The lecturer is a magician. His tricks was damn nice, just like his lecture! xD Something unpleasant happened after that, but i shall not comment. How hard is it to keep quiet?


Wednesday had leadership lecture again by Colonel Png. Afternoon was Change Of Command Parade. Well, their rehearsals were like crap, but the parade itself was much better, as usual. I was at the stretcher there. At least i ran with the stretcher and tried my part to save a guy that suddenly got heat exhaustion. 1 life save! xD


We had situational test. Well, the games were quite new and fun, most importantly can learn quite some leadership skills. Then was lecture on coaching, by yet another Retired Colonel that i don't exactly know his name though.


Lectures in the morning again. Then before lunch was the selection for Parade Commander for our Passing Out Parade on the 12th. I passed the first round of selections and it was lunch. Afternoon was lectures again. After the lectures ended, it was the 2nd round of selection, including uniform check. I can't believe i passed that as well. Sir Hariz was suppose to select 2 from our syndicate since each syndicate is suppose to have 2 to the final selection, but he couldn't choose between us so i'm in 1 of the 3 that made it to the last selection! xD The other 2 were Haiman and Fitri. I almost made it for the last selection. The sir said we 3 can beat the others from the rest of the syndicates already, and i feel honoured about that. Go Cubers! xD I was ranked 2nd out of the 3 at first but sadly dropped to 3rd and got kick out because i didn't pronounce my Kawalan Kehomatan properly. Aww... The sir said if the reserve cannot make it, then he would put me in. At least we still have 2 Cubers in the final 4 to go for the appointments of Parade Commander, Parade 2IC, reserved Parade Commander, and reserved Parade 2IC. All the best to them! At least i made it that far. If the any of the other 2 non-Cubers didn't get kick out, i am going fully for Contingent Commander! Wish me luck! xD


Went back to HQ for air syllabus test and saikang work. The test was relatively easy, and should be able to pass despite the passing percent to be 75%. After that was saikang work at the aeromodelling centre. It was really fun i must say, even though it's saikang. Water! Haha. Major Gary find us to do push ups with him, strictly on voluntary basis. Well, i joined him along with the others. Quite easy since we did 30 and recover and 30 again and so on. He say want to do until 200, but no idea why he stopped at 110 i think. Weak liao - feeling the strain; maybe because he did slowly and i held halfway sometimes to wait for his count. Must train up again! I want hit back my chin ups standard and go pass it! xD

After that slack at syndicate room until it was time for rehearsal for our POP Ceremony performance. Well we had fun alright - laughing around. Our POP is on the 12th of December. Anyone want come? Let me know okay? xD There's a free shuttle bus service to bring you all in and out of the camp at yio chu kang MRT station.

True communication begins by listening.

My post on communication was proven right by the lectures. xD
7:26:00 pm

Samuel Wong SP

the rest is for me to know and for you to find out! =D


- January 2007
- February 2007
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- January 2008
- February 2008
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- March 2013
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- July 2014
- October 2014


Aik Loong
Astra! 10/09

Benedict Chan
Beng Heng
Brian Wong
Bryan Koh

Cheryl Thian
Cindy Ho
Clarence Chia
Clarence Jean
Clarissa Chiang
Clifton Tan

Damian Wong
Daniel Chua
De Zhan
Dennis Ngian
Dong Hong

Edmund Loo
Edmund Loo's New Blog


Hao Quan
Heng Ling
Huai Yue
Hui Min
Hui Min 10/09
Hui Yang
Hui Yi

Ivan Yak

Jacob Chin
Janice (RV NCC)
Jerrell Seah
Jesmond my di (:
Jia Han
Jia Hao
Jing Hui
John Lau
Jonathan Cheung
Jonathan Chew
Jun Kai
Jun Li
Jun Wei

Kah Koon
Kai Rong
Ken Seah
Kenneth Chua
Kenneth Lim
Kian Hee
Kian How


Ma'am Cheryl
Ma'am Jocelyn
Marcus Tan
Mei Hui
Mei Lin
Mr Soon Zheng Fei
Ms Chow Bick Yan
Munchy Donuts

Nicholas Wee


Qing Chang

Richie Yu
Rong Yang
Rui Min

Seng Yew
Senior Jian Fan
Senior Nicholas Quake
Senior Sheng Kang
Senior Si Chuan
Senior Qian Sheng
Senior Yi Liang
Shawn Woo
Shi Jie
Shu Jie
Shu Zhen
Sin Yee
Sin Ying
Sir Anthony
Sir Fahmy
Sir Hariz
Sir Hsyen Li
Sir Jia Hui
Sir Lester
Sir Xian Hui
Springsfield Ong

Terence Szeto
Timothy Lim


Wai Yinn
Wei Jian
Wei Jie
Wei Juan
Wei Kit
Wei Xuan
Wei Ting
Wei Yeat
Wen Xuan

Xing Yu
Xue Feng

Yan Ting
Yang Ru
Yann Yih
Yap Chien
Yi Bin
Yi Tong
Yong Hwee
Yong Liang
Yong Yuan
You Zhe
Yu Cheng
Yu Feng
Yu Qian
Yuk Tim

Zi Kang