Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Tomorrow library would be closed. Where to go study?
10:33:00 pm

My entire body completely gave up on me yesterday. It's as though my whole immune system disappear, as if by magic, and then all the virus come attack me. From head to toe i don't feel right; ended up i was compelled to leave the library for home.

I am actually quite surprised by the fact that i managed to endure all the sneezes till now, throughout the whole school day. I shall put my work on hiatus while i rest to recover fully, if not it would be wasting time since i can't really concentrate, especially when i am about to see stars already. Hope i can get well soon! I take that back. I MUST get well soon! =X

I have a loose tap on my face - that's my nose.

Anyway, NYAA organisation gave me 2 silver certs and 2 different silver badges as well. They must have cut trees outside of Kalimatan, in places without controlled logging. Never mind. I'll keep both.

YOU are propelling me forward. Jiayou! (:

Ferrari team has so much fuel to spare, that they can allow Masa to drive off with the fuel pipe, splashing all the fuel around. Why don't they spare me some? I need to 加油.

Boundless Unlimited Revision Stamina Training
7:16:00 pm

Saturday, September 27, 2008
Allow me to start by wishing Jerrell a...

Happy Birthday!

though it's quite late already, but i have already wished him through a sms already this afternoon. Oh well.

Anyway, today and yesterday was rather normal, although i chance upon some incidents that contrast to the other mundane stuff these 2 days.

Firstly, yesterday as i was making my way to woodlands library, waiting to cross the road via the traffic light, i was wondering why the traffic light took so long to turn red. The traffic light was those kind that serve as a zebra crossing, situated not at a traffic junction those kind. So i strained my neck at look at the opposite side, and that's when i notice the light, which is supposed to lit when you pressed the button, didn't lit up. I looked back at my side, no light either. That was when i realised the people there actually stood down there, expecting the traffic light to turn red, with no one actually pressing the button for it to turn red. Within seconds after i pressed it, the traffic light turn red, and the FINALLY get to cross! Reminded me of how people expect the bus driver to stop at a bus stop when no one pressed the bell, something which happened quite constantly on buses around my area.

Secondly, i was at the library today again when i witnessed a lady complaining about the security guard, acting very dramatically. The whole incident was just because the security guard used rather different words to convey his message. Well, what i heard was he asked the lady to 'don't take your own sweet time to browse', when the lady was sitting at the shelves, while what he should say was 'can you kindly don't sit here' or something like that. The lady also mentioned she saw the security guard telling teenagers this: 'don't use handphone, later police come'. I tried not to laugh, but couldn't actually control. Such hackneyed words that some parents would use on young children when they misbehave, actually can be used to asked teenagers not to use handphones in the library... nice choice of words.

Okay, that's the end of the 2 stories. Hope it can served as insomnia pills to bore you to sleep! xD

Finding the courage to send that sms...

22 more days... 28 more days... 29 more days...
9:29:00 pm

Thursday, September 25, 2008
We got back our MODERATED results today. Most grades have been pushed up, some by a little bit, and others by a significant amount. Amazingly due to that, my L1R5 hit my target. It's like CHEATING yourself to make it look so nice, no wonder 2005 that batch would think that they can make it already. We know our own grades well, so whatever appears the result slip won't make any difference, since it's not even considered when getting into JC. Well, at least the school is trying to MOTIVATE us in trying to perform better, although it seems to be not working as well as my ACTUAL grades, but it still depends on each individual.

Everyday have to report at 7am, or else Mr Heng is going to blare at us through the mic again. It's not a good feeling ESPECIALLY i'm sitting right under the speaker, so my eardrums practically got BUSTED by him quite a few times already. =X

I shall not on my com for don't know how many days again. I wasn't able to resist comment on that MODERATED results. As for the rest, i don't exactly feel like talking about them...

I always wonder how you are doing... obsessed already. =X

24 more days...
11:58:00 pm

Monday, September 22, 2008
Subjects left to revise: 8
Time left: 4 weeks
Enough? NO!

7am everyday is tiring. Even we have to train our stamina for the exams, we can't really concentrate well when we're worn out. I'm jaded.

Oh by the way, i became even blacker darker thanks to being baked by the Sun on SUNday. Bangala Power! xP

The thought of you pushes me on.

Jiayou! xD
6:29:00 pm

Friday, September 19, 2008
Today, i got back interesting results. Perfectly 'interesting'.

For History, i screwed up both essays, not exactly, but not well done. We are still waiting for our SBQ though. The teachers seem to leave our class' scripts till the last to mark - ended up didn't finish marking them in time and thus not returning us, keeping us in suspense. No matter what though, i can only hope for the best.

Pure geography next was even a disaster. I failed human geography, though after moderation i would pass, but what's the use of passing. All i can hope for now is that i would score superbly well in the physical geography part that were not returned due to the lack of time to go through the questions. At least there's still hope of getting an A1, though a very^infinity small chance, but at least i can dream of it? Lol.

After recess was something to redeem myself partially. The release of Amath results. We got back Amath Paper 2 first, which was the easier paper of the 2, and i did very well. However, i wasn't expecting too much for fear of the incident from my Emath would happen again, that is i screwed up the other paper so i missed A1 by a bit. Thankfully, that didn't happen and i finally secured an A1, but still not up to my expectations since i screwed Paper 1 up badly which pulled me down till almost off an A1.

No matter what, i would have to force myself to start preparing for the final lap already. No time to brood over the subjects that i screwed, too many of them already. What i can do now is to run my final lap, because there's no time to walk. Confident or not, there's no way i can assure that, but the thing i must assure is that i WILL push myself for these crucial period. I hope that all the regrets would turn to motivation for me to work hard.

History went through SBQ that time, the dates 26th and 27th October resurfaced again. I hope i can work hard together with you.

11:24:00 pm

Thursday, September 18, 2008
I know i must feel the heat from the O levels and so that i can get my energy and push my way through the final lap...

but need the weather be so hot?
11:49:00 pm


Taken from John Lau's blog. Just type your name there and perhaps read about it and think whether it's true. As for me, i find most of it way true for myself.
6:09:00 pm

Scold me. It's better then i scold myself. I regretted not spending enough time revising. Now that's what i get. I deserved it.

Chemistry was the first subject to return results today. Not exactly very far from my expectations, but i was disgusted that i miss a grade by 1 mark from any part of the paper, and that i wasted more then 10 marks due to SERIOUS CARELESSNESS! =X

Physics was next. I practically knocked my head on the table when i received my Paper 2 Section A. I failed it by 1 mark. Thanks to the rest of the papers, they pulled my overall Physics grade up to a B4, missing a B3 by yet again 1 mark from any section. How lucky can i get?

1 mark can make such a big difference. I have submitted doubts to try to get back my 1 mark for both subjects, problem is whether they would be samaritans and award me that valuable 1 mark. :(

After recess was the return of the emath papers. My paper 1 wasn't so badly done, at least still got hope, but i did screwed up my Paper 2 Section A. Thanks to the moderation of the A1 mark to 85, my A1 flew away, just by a bit. IRRITATED!

My confidence was diminished today. It's like stabbing something right into my heart and i can feel the pain that everything is going like this. It's like the last chance already and most did reasonably well. There is NO reason that i should stay down like this and not retaliate. However, is 4 weeks really enough?

No matter what, i WILL have to TRY.

The definition of doing well is A1 and not doing well is A2 and below.

Will i ever make it? =X

How i wish i could work hard right beside you.

Depressed Eroded Abashed Demoralized
4:22:00 pm

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Once again it's still and hot air around my area, burning hot and stuffy. It's always like that, or else it would be raining. Can't the weather be good for once? By the way, i changed the song to This Is Me.

Today is the first day of script checking. We just finish Prelim 3 yesterday and here we are checking our scripts already. Before that was hair check, and Mr Julian Teo kept to his promise and pass me! (:

Anyway, first paper was English. I was rather disappointed, demoralized and disgusted when i see my comprehension marks, when i failed by half a mark, which was the only paper we got back first. Mr Edwin Heng mentioned the highest was 24/25 by Melvin Yin, that professional robocop, and i thought i heard him said the lowest was 4/25, ended up is that i heard him wrongly.

So i was seated right at the front as we are arranged in order of register number. For some unknown weird reason, our class was situated right at the end of the hall, so i was almost directly under the speaker. Mr Heng's voice was DEAFENING,and thus almost busted my eardrums. Yet i'm oblivious to the reason why i can even almost fell asleep, and not during the times when the other papers are being gone through. I found lots of careless mistakes though.


The next subject was Higher Chinese. As we have known our results already, i doubt many paid any attention at all. I tried to, but all i did was copy down answers for Paper 2. They had to release us for recess late, leaving us to rush to swallow down our food.

Then was Social Studies. I was exhilarated by my SBQ marks and was quite satisfied with it. Finally, something better. My part (b) for SEQ did quite satisfactory as well. It's just part (a) where i fail to comprehend how in the world did i write wrongly till i deserved the mark i got. Overall was still satisfactory, though i still live in fear that my History Elective marks will pull my A1 down. I hope that there is a wrong awarding of marks in my SEQ part (a) for Social Studies.

We were supposed to be released IF no other subjects wanted us to stay back. As usual, English took it away. Our summary was returned to us. This time i did far better then my prelim 2's summary. Overall for comprehension + summary, my marks improved from Prelim 2, however not up to the standard yet. I need to push more already, at the same time push Higher Chinese to serve as a backup, just in case my English grades fail me.

Tomorrow's Physics and Chemistry. Then after recess is Amath. I hope i can smile broadly tomorrow. *cross fingers*

The longest and loudest "woooooooooah!" you can go is after you received your O levels results, and realised you got all A1s except a F9 for English, and you jumped off from the top floor of a 20th storey building and shout all the way down. - Mr Edwin Heng

This shows how significant that L1 is. No backtrack, no stopping, just push all the way!

I want to help so much, but are you willing to let me help you?
11:59:00 pm

Monday, September 15, 2008
I think i can only fall asleep on the sofa. Fell asleep after 31 hours of not sleeping. =X LOL. Hope i can get to sleep tonight before my last Chemistry Paper 1 tomorrow, on my bed that is.
12:33:00 pm

Sunday, September 14, 2008
天啊!! 要睡的时候就睡不着, 但不要睡的时候偏偏就能睡着. 怎么办?!

已经精疲力尽, 累到半死了, 但躺在床上, 翻来覆去, 就是睡不找. 这次, 真的是惨了, 真是惨无人道! =X

11:40:00 am

Crazy guy that didn't sleep a wink the whole night and ended up eating GREEN apple while staring at GREEN trees - that's me! xP

How environmental friendly i am huh. Lols. Green green stuff...
6:01:00 am

刚刚本来要去睡觉, 谁知关了灯, 却睡不找. 转来转去, 过了大概一个多小时, 起来跑去冲冷水, 然后有跑回来这里和电脑说话了...

我大概是有点儿疯了, 又不想睡觉. 其实不是不想, 是关了灯后, 睡不着. 我迟早被送去后港度假村. 想一想后港有什么与板和桥有关的, 你就了解我在说些什么.

夜深人静, 我满脑子都想着你. 只要周围安静下来, 我一定就会想起你. 过了几年了, 但我还是无法忘记你. 也许, 这也是为什么我最近睡不着的原因吧. 依我看, 我的处境大概是和某某刘先生一样吧. 我不会写他的华文名, 也不会把他的英文名放在这. 其实他的名字就在右边的第四个格子里. 总而言之, 我们都是在等待自己的某某人, 但好像我们各自的某某人都不理睬我们, 好像是在逃避这见事情. 我们也就是无法忘记各自的某某人.

我不知要怎么向你开口. 我是多么多么的想听听你的答案, 但又怕如果答案不是我一直期盼的. 因此, 我不知所措,但我还是希望你能开口和我说几句话. 我期盼那天的到来...

我很想对你说好多话, 但却不敢开口, 怕弄巧成拙. 我到底是该说出口, 还是不该说呢?

我用华文字来把这一切说出来, 是有原因的.
4:33:00 am

Friday, September 12, 2008
Woke up this morning and found my eyes damn red. Not sore eyes, they call it bloodshot eyes. LOL. Went to school looking like i cried the whole night with the sian face, cause obviously i had not enough sleep since when i had? again, and looked like i was damn emo... =X

Today's emath paper 1 and amath paper 2 felt so good, cause it was rather easy and smooth sailing. For amath paper 2, i still have like 25 minutes to check although others like desmond got 40 minutes, i slow can? before handing up. It's been so long since i can check my answers. Not to mention checking, even finishing in time will pose a problem already.

Feel so shiok now. Finally both math got hope get A1 *fingers crossed*. HCL results announced. Not bad, B3, although i aimed for A2. Prelim 1 under Mr Suah i got C5. Prelim 2 under Mdm Yu Lin i got C6. Now prelim 3 under mu jun i got B3. Can see the difference? I'm not trying to hint anything here. *ahem* Maybe just the way of teaching la.

Monday no school! xP someone else also

Now last paper is Chemistry Paper 1 on Tuesday. 40 MCQ - 1 hour. Waste of time by putting it on 2 seperate days away from Physics Paper 1.

Hope i didn't screw Prelim 3 up. *fingers crossed double tightly*

I'll continue to wait... as i continued to get daoed...
4:41:00 pm

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
I thought 7th Lunar Month ended le? How come there's still 'ge tai' downstairs making a lot of noise till don't know what time arh?

Today's morning paper was Geography Paper 1 on Physical Geography. Well, it's surprising, surprising and more surprising. Here's how it goes:

The paper commenced and everyone started chionging. After the first few minutes passed by QUIETLY, our PA system left us in hysterics. Someone shouted 'shiok arh' through the PA system. It didn't came from the SECONDARY school hall, but from the CORDLESS mike used in the PRIMARY school hall just BESIDE. Signal very zai hor.

The rest of the Secondary school cohort is having some 中秋节 celebration at the Primary school hall, and the PRC scholars are performing some 'show' on stage i presume. It continued for quite a long time, leaving everyone laughing like mad, despite teachers keep asking us to CONCENTRATE, but who can concentrate?

The thing carried on for like 7 minutes or so, till finally they switch the secondary school hall the PA system off, then we got PEACE. Thankfully the teachers are kind enough to give us back the 7 minutes. The whole thing sounded like some science fiction movie on end of world or some thing like that, crazy 'sound effects'. I have seriously never taken any examinations under these circumstances before. 经典! xP

By the way, i asked some sec 3s after school. They told me mdm yu lin is singing while mu jun and some other teacher is dancing on stage during the performance. LMAO.

Partially thanks to them, they got me fed up doing question 1(b), so i did question 4 first. Our paper is 4 question choose any 2 to do mah. Originally wanted to do 1 and 4, but wasn't sure for 1(b), plus the chaos they created, i did 4 first.

Finished question 4 then went back to decide the questions again, and chose 2 instead, which is much easier. I think so far i only find me and jing wei from our class that did question 2, cause all decided to not study natural vegetation. LOL.

Here's the weird thing. I think i didn't screw up geography, which is the only paper i originally thought that i would screw terribly! =X

Next paper was Emath Paper 2. Some setter have to set a WEIRD graph. If you seen it, you would definitely agree. I screwed up question 8 i believe, cause they put 2 radians as the angle, and drew the figure DAMN not to scale. I didn't dare to substitute 2 in as the angle for the formula, which i find out in the end i SHOULD put it in. WASTED. Must pia the rest of the half papers liao. =X

*By the way, now it's 11pm and they are still making noise at the 'ge tai'. Thankfully, tomorrow i only got Physics Paper 1, 40 MCQs tomorrow at 11am, which meant that i can arrive at school late. xP

最近,晚上睡也睡不好, 晚餐吃也吃不下.

I don't want to be a hindrance to you, but can you at least tell me what you are thinking?
10:23:00 pm

Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Actually wanted to study yesterday, but fell asleep on the sofa, only to be awaken by the pee from the sky rain, for like 5 minutes or so. Note that my sofa is actually like around 2 metres away from the window and it was chaotic outside with huge winds howling the night sky - i thought i was dreaming, but i am not, cause Desmond encountered the same situation.

Today's morning paper is Physics Paper 2. I think i screwed it up did not perform up to my expectations. Next paper was Additional Mathematics Paper 1. Laugh at me. I can't even see cos pi/3 = 0.5 and sin pi/3 = 0.8660, when i have already substitute in the formula for sin (a-b). I realised i got so many stupid careless mistakes that i made after checking with others for SOME questions, SOME only, so there may be more.

Look on the bright side...

*stares directly at the Sun. Ouch!*

At least i still have Physics Paper 1 and Additional Mathematics Paper 2 to savage the situation. Tomorrow is Geography Paper 1 so how look on the bright side in the morning, then follow by Elementary Mathematics Paper 2. I screw both up i really need to buy that whatever 'light guide' mentioned in that Physics data response question the one that screw me up then i can look on the bright side. =.=

**makes no sense to MOST again**


For once, i remembered my dream after i woke up. For once, i love my dream even though i was really tired in the morning as usual when i dreamt. Whole night i dreamt about you. I saw you all along the way. Even though i woke up several times in the night, i went back to the same dream, about you. It's been so long since i really met you in real. I clearly remembered how elated i was in my dream to see you. Maybe that's why i didn't feel like getting up in the morning although my back is like stiffened already. Maybe...


I didn't tried for such a long time cause i'm afraid i would make things worse, but now it seems that i have to try again, even though that may meant that i would get daoed.

Can't you just talk to me?
3:13:00 pm

Monday, September 08, 2008
Hoho. Chemistry Paper 2 still can manage, though like around 6 marks gone, but at least still got MCQ in Paper 1 to savage. As for History, I got a strong feeling that SBQ GONE CASE! Strong feeling cause i don't want it to happen, but most likely it would.

Aiya heck care. What's done cannot be undone. Now for tomorrow's Physics and Amath Paper 1, I shall...


sleep first. Zzz... =.=

By the way, History SBQ seems to remind me of somethings. What's with all the sources huh. October 26th, October 27th keep appearing. Cuban Missile Crisis happened then huh. Nice SBQ, though it's damn hard. If i never remember wrongly then, it happened 30 years before someone and i was born. 26th, 27th October, and end at 28th October. Somehow this year our History Elective O levels examinations is on the 28th October. Will it come out again? LOL.

*****makes no sense to MOST again*****

The dates remind me of the days when i was in charge of PA with the group, including you. How can i ever forget? Maybe that's the reason why i'm still plucking in RGB cables and fixing visualisers for teachers after all this years. I'm still the AVA rep. Just maybe i would like to remember the times... =X

***** continued to get daoed...
2:08:00 pm

Let's see how i die survive tomorrow.

Should I sleep or not?
2:46:00 am

Sunday, September 07, 2008
As the majority strives to complete or even copy finish their homework, i strive to not complete my homework remember the essays for History exam tomorrow, as well as how to answer questions for Chemistry Paper 2 tomorrow.

Be it for what purpose tomorrow, i wish everyone all the best! (:

***** *******

The hardest thing to do is to forgive and forget. It is when we do not do that then we are blinded and would tend to act in anyway that we would never do in a clear mind. It ain't easy to just forgive; it's always easier said then done. The best method is to have each side take and give a bit - just don't demand too much. Forgiving is the key. No offence, but i still think that forgiving could only be done by the affected party himself or herself, no one else.

Problems are created by not anyone else, but ourselves.

*some words brought sense into me.
10:32:00 pm

The Sun did not rise from the West and sets in the East - it conitnued it's normal routine.

As usual, 1 whole week wasted.

I wonder when then i'll be fully charged...
5:34:00 pm

Friday, September 05, 2008
31 hours of no sleep and counting, much due to some chain of events happening and my fear of losing another slipper don't know who cause me to ALMOST lose my slipper and ended up going to my grandma's house.

Well my return home was rather dramatic. Shall not elaborate much; actually it's because i'm lazy to do so. yawn~

Percentage of Owl: 60%
11:46:00 pm

That's the result of sleeping too much - whole night never sleep. Wasted one and a half hours turning around on the bed; can't sleep. =X

Percentage of Owl:100%
5:23:00 am

Tuesday, September 02, 2008
I think i'm really used to sleeping the most 5 hours a day during school time. For the fifth consecutive time, i woke up today morning after sleeping 5 hours again. As usual, i see no point in getting up, and fell back to sleep only to not get a good sleep and wake up. The process carries on every morning; wake up then sleep and wake up again and sleep again... and then a *insert a geographical feature* is formed till the point i felt even tired of sleeping already, then i get out of bed.

In search of that drive to get out of my bed to start doing something productive, as these 4 days have been spent lazing around and slacking all the way; simply doing nothing much except for breathing.

Never felt so loss and empty. It's like there's no point in waking up already when i'm in bed, and like there's no point in going to sleep when i'm awake. Everything seems no point. Nothing to perk my spirit and leaves me to be interested in. Seems like some vampire drained off all my vigour and no thanks, i no need ecstasy. i know how to shake my head already. I seems to not even bother about my plans for the week and i'm clueless why either.

It's all to quiet, though i can't hear the sounds of mosquitoes flying, as i have none flying at the moment in my airspace house. Perhaps they didn't want to be shot down by any F16s or Surface to Air Missiles (SAM)pesticides, just like the advertisement, or maybe they're just too lazy to fly up so high although got lift, but can they press the button?, after all i stayed at the top floor of my block. Back to the point.

It's not that i don't like the quiet and calm air around i'm a mosquito breeder, except the thunderstorms and sounds of door slamming some times, or i would much prefer noises just like those IDIOTS making noise now downstairs at 1am; used to it already all day long. It's just that i feel quite alone cause it's after the 7th month; means no more ghost. BOOHOO. Perhaps that may be the reason why in the topic Calculus for Additional Mathematics, my Differentiation is far superior than Integration. Most of the time, i would need differentiate my answer to check that i have integrate correctly. It doesn't matter if you don't know Calculus. Take the meaning of the words literally.

Two ways to look at it. Either my camouflage skills are that good that it blends me into the surroundings and made me invisible till no one can spot my presence, or my camouflage skills are that bad that it refuse me to blend into any particular group, always left standing out as an individual most of the time. Either ways is to the negative no modulus side i presume, cause that makes me extra bored.

Can anyone provide me with the formula list for integration? Please don't give me the amath one. =X
11:57:00 pm

Monday, September 01, 2008
Today's the official Teachers' Day. So to all teachers...

Happy Teachers' Day

Let's retrace our memories...

If you read my 28th August post, i originally wanted to post about the exams, as i usually did. So i shall talk about them now. Wednesday had Higher Chinese Paper 1 in the morning which i spammed 报章报道 up to a 4.5 pages long essay with no time left for my 公函 which i would be glad to even obtain 3 marks just like last time. =X

Afternoon paper was Social Studies; another last minute rush again. Mr Tan is so going to strangle me if he sees this, though i managed to crap my way through. Phew. Let's see how the results will turn out then. *cross fingers*

Thursday morning paper was Higher Chinese Paper 2. I don't understand why i always don't know how to answer something and only till the last minute, after the sentence 'pens down' then i realise the answer. wth.

Afternoon paper was Geography Paper 2 on Human Geography. Another case of 'i always don't know how to answer something and only till the last minute, after the sentence 'pens down' then i realise the answer'. That misled me into choosing the wrong question due to 1 LDQ that i forgot the answer and i chose the harder question instead.

What's gone is gone, including the 3 days i wasted up to today. I think i'm so used to sleeping 5 hours that i will auto wake up automatically after 5 hours; i did that today for the 4th consecutive time. Despite opening my eyes at 8am, i didn't get out of bed till 5pm i'm such a pig, with many 'wake ups and fall back asleep again'. No choice. I don't see any reason for me to get up.

The following last paragraph(s) of the post will make absolute no sense to you. So if you have time, why don't take a look at the post below and provide me with some suggestions? Please?

**No sense from here. I doubt most would understand**

How i miss the days. How i miss the cycling at road safety park. How i miss the 1.6km run although i don't really like running. How i miss the science fair or whatever it is at united square. Bleh. I didn't actually walked away because i enjoyed doing so. I just don't know how to say, felt so 自卑 then. How i tried ways and means to know though i'm not going to say how i did it, but i was amazed myself 不要脸 Really don't know, but i just can't forget. Maybe that's peculiar to you, but i can vividly remember every detail; zoomed in details to only particularly about some things.

I don't know what you meant by all this - ignoring me and so on. Do i look like some ferocious beast that will eat anyone up? At least give me an answer, or tell me what you want me to do. My ultimate principle is that i won't force anyone, much less you. Just tell me. The most we can stay as friends, better then guessing. =X

Having courage does not meant that fear does not exist, it's knowing what is more important then our own fears.

Why is 1+1=2? Because 1+1=2. Simple as that.
11:41:00 pm

Samuel Wong SP

the rest is for me to know and for you to find out! =D


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Aik Loong
Astra! 10/09

Benedict Chan
Beng Heng
Brian Wong
Bryan Koh

Cheryl Thian
Cindy Ho
Clarence Chia
Clarence Jean
Clarissa Chiang
Clifton Tan

Damian Wong
Daniel Chua
De Zhan
Dennis Ngian
Dong Hong

Edmund Loo
Edmund Loo's New Blog


Hao Quan
Heng Ling
Huai Yue
Hui Min
Hui Min 10/09
Hui Yang
Hui Yi

Ivan Yak

Jacob Chin
Janice (RV NCC)
Jerrell Seah
Jesmond my di (:
Jia Han
Jia Hao
Jing Hui
John Lau
Jonathan Cheung
Jonathan Chew
Jun Kai
Jun Li
Jun Wei

Kah Koon
Kai Rong
Ken Seah
Kenneth Chua
Kenneth Lim
Kian Hee
Kian How


Ma'am Cheryl
Ma'am Jocelyn
Marcus Tan
Mei Hui
Mei Lin
Mr Soon Zheng Fei
Ms Chow Bick Yan
Munchy Donuts

Nicholas Wee


Qing Chang

Richie Yu
Rong Yang
Rui Min

Seng Yew
Senior Jian Fan
Senior Nicholas Quake
Senior Sheng Kang
Senior Si Chuan
Senior Qian Sheng
Senior Yi Liang
Shawn Woo
Shi Jie
Shu Jie
Shu Zhen
Sin Yee
Sin Ying
Sir Anthony
Sir Fahmy
Sir Hariz
Sir Hsyen Li
Sir Jia Hui
Sir Lester
Sir Xian Hui
Springsfield Ong

Terence Szeto
Timothy Lim


Wai Yinn
Wei Jian
Wei Jie
Wei Juan
Wei Kit
Wei Xuan
Wei Ting
Wei Yeat
Wen Xuan

Xing Yu
Xue Feng

Yan Ting
Yang Ru
Yann Yih
Yap Chien
Yi Bin
Yi Tong
Yong Hwee
Yong Liang
Yong Yuan
You Zhe
Yu Cheng
Yu Feng
Yu Qian
Yuk Tim

Zi Kang