Thursday, July 31, 2008
well this post marks the commendation of the 300th post since creation!


LOL. here's a question. have you every find a 10 cent coin inside your bubble tea when you just finished drinking it? well someone certainly did! i don't exactly know how it got in there, much due to the fact that i only saw the 10 cent coin being taken out of the cup. i wasn't even there when the purchase was made.

mathematics today was a hectic job to do. considering the fact that we had a total of about 4 hours of mathematics today. by mathematics i meant both emath and amath. some questions were killer. maybe some were due to my 'fresh' mind. haha forever blur like sotong! xP

forget it. it's hard to understand the peculiar sophisticated supercomputer or maybe just a rusty old erroneous desktop inside my head. rah!

i seems to love thursdays. even though with much double periods, time seems to be just flying past so quickly. or maybe it's already flying past quickly. well in fact it is! haha ain't i fickle-minded. no no. i'm just creating an effect here. okay whatever. =.=
9:47:00 pm

Wednesday, July 30, 2008
LOL. the previous 2 post had to be in chinese for some reason that my brain came out with. haha. well the weather today is burning HOT considering i was already burning inside. duh. got the flu bug already thanks to the never ending sneezes everywhere and having not enough sleep is just like adding fuel to fire. thus i ended up burning up this morning, like an inferno in my head. i took the chance to slack off and take MC. haha easy way out, partially due to the fact that i woke up at 6+ already cause i didn't set my alarm before i KO on my sofa yet again.

was informed that the temperature was around 31.5 degrees centigrade. woah that's high enough. GLOBAL WARMING! imagine if that continues to rise, how in the world we're going to bear the heat? haha so save the Earth!

packed my computer table and tried to clear a space for doing homework. quite successful for the time being, clueless to how long it will last. the hot weather is distracting enough though, expanding all the energy inside the body and make you restless and all. rah! at night also so hot!

well i guess we all need to cool down... especially some people. so COOL DOWN and STAY HAPPY! (: don't try anything funny that is not funny at all! don't try anything silly that is definitely way too silly to do!

11:06:00 pm

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
每次都是我在猜, 这次也应当轮到你来猜了吧! xP

我不知道你会不会看到这些话, 但我只想说其实我每天都会默默地留意着, 只是不出声, 因为我真的不知说什么好. 同时, 我也害怕会打扰你, 所以一声也不吭地望着电脑银幕. 看到一些字, 我也只能猜想那是什么意思. 我承认我有时会不由自主地给自己编造一个理想的情景, 让自己陶醉在一个虚构的世界里. 但同时, 我也深深地了解如果事实和虚构世界里的完全相反, 会造成对自己多大的伤害, 但也许可以说早已习惯了. 怎么说, 我都不可能每次都对, 事情也不会每次都像理想中那么的完美. 依我看, 我只能在等那句话时, 继续的幻想了! (:

10:20:00 pm

Monday, July 28, 2008

好一个例子来说明我真的不知道要说什么好. 真奇怪. 其实我也不了解我的脑海里到底在想什么, 其实该说我太容易忘了吧. 但有些事, 还挺难忘的. 有时我会在想, 是我在控制我的脑, 还是我的脑在控制我? 其实, 我也不知道. 依我看, 我也不知何时才能知道. 奇怪吧?

不知几时老师们能一起大发慈悲, 让我们休息一阵子, 我也好赶一赶我所欠的功课. 不然, 功课只会越滚越多, 要怎么完成啊! 功课不做完, 哪来的时间复习? 忘了那么多, 不复习就是向54分迈进, 全都拿F9, 还创造新记录呢! =.=

好了. 发完牢骚, 就只能加油了! 难怪油价会升到那么高!


加油! 明天会更好!
9:26:00 pm

Sunday, July 27, 2008
and i forgot yet again and again and again. rah! my mind's getting rusty. filled up with so much iron (III) oxide. now i got to get some sulphuric acid to remove the rust away. anyway,


okay my head's spinning right now. feel like it weighs a thousand tonnes. headache! :(
11:57:00 pm

okay okay. i think at least john lau noticed that miraculously i wasn't online for a few days as i wasn't using my com. actually is i'm simply lazy to on my com, am i? haha what a reason. partially yes. another is due to the hectic remedials and so on. i just simply don't even have the motivation to even on my com, much less anything else. i've been spending my nights on the sofa AGAIN... ahhh my bed!

my stomach's rebelling again. maybe that's the reason...
8:44:00 pm

losing concentration lately. yaya becoming more diluted. just simply lost the ability to focus. is like i'm running away from something, but what i'm running away from i simply don't know! okay that's me. i'm queer enough. sianzation!

simply don't know what's getting into me! blank brain! rah! =X

and i realise that using hp de wi-fi to read blogs is so not good. omit so many words till i can simply fail to comprehend exactly what it is talking about. never mind.

i'm so so dead if i carry on like this. less then a month to prelim 3. a few more weeks to english oral. a few more months to O levels.

so in need for motivation! but where can i find it? anyone? forget it. =S
4:34:00 pm

Thursday, July 24, 2008
to help promote you zhe's blog, here's the direct link to his blog. FOC publicity.

You Zhe

LOL. rah! there's still math after school later. test again. i better revive my brain enough for the test, or i'll be scolding myself again when i get back the results. it's just 85%. more would gladly be welcome, but definitely not less. i don't want frozen brain! rah! =X
2:06:00 am

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
though i may be wrong, i suppose someone is exploring my links. no no not trying to say that clicking on my links are prohibited, that would sound so outright dumb, but someone seems to use my links to get to know more people? generally a specific group of people i presume. expanding circle of friends... yeah right. but who am i to criticise his actions? just stating how i feel, it's my blog anyway. i'm not trying to pick on anyone, since i choose not to mention the name here.

and someone else, or maybe the same guy, seems to be forcing me to draw my last straw. he would be one of the successful people that gets on my nerves if this carries on, and maybe that's the end when i cannot take it anymore. why would i go and spoil my own mood? personality... i don't give a crap (that's a more civilised word to use)! it's not that i don't try. it's not that i keep silence about it. i just don't even see the effort to change. give me that face some more. 你自己保重!

oh ya. i was so close to getting injured or maybe get a electric shock etc. yesterday. some how the circuit breaker in our class tripped so desmond and i went to find the OM to on back again. only the circuit breakers for the power points tripped. OM open the locked distribution board door and then on back the power. desmond and i were told to test see whether it will work. before either one of us could touch it, it went "BOOM!" and exploded. could smell some smoke. i think the fuse blew or something. desmond was stun and he wasn't actually moving. i was stun because he wasn't moving. i thought something happened to him. well it ain't everyday u get to see something blow up right in front of you when you're about to touch it?

today nothing special. except i was really feeling droopy with the weather cold and comfortable. this kind of weather only brings a feeling of calling you to sleep, the temptation was hard to resist. had physics O levels SPA skill 3 also. hope i didn't screw it up. SPAs all over le. now it depends on the written papers. english oral coming soon. i have to practise more on my pronunciation of -th. so don't be astonished to see me practising the -th words. received O levels entry proof today. 31 more days to prelim 3!
11:07:00 pm

Monday, July 21, 2008
what a classic day today. i think many people are getting the monday blues, including the teachers. well, physics lesson mr quay said something astounding again. he was like going through the data-based question on iceberg. so he was like saying something like, "the iceberg would not melt completely into the ocean... where would it melt? into the ocean!" okay maybe that isn't as funny when you are reading it, but truly the whole class was laughing, every single one. he continued, oblivious to his mistake i suppose, "i don't get the joke!" in a serious questioning tone. then we kept laughing. as usual, weird answers came out in the period.

another example is during the chemistry period. ms qiu went through the test on saturday, nothing much about that. then she pass down the mind maps she drew, and went on to revising electrolysis. i didn't know what happened cause i was obviously doing something else, but i presume someone asked her a question and she went "eh how come like that ah? check textbook..." then she blur till left 5 minutes of the period, then she said, aiya start all over again. LOL.

then lastly was the english remedial. with siau ming hao volunteering earnestly to read the passage. then he read it with the fantastic varying of pitches that sent the whole class laughing. haha. last year also like that when mr lawrence tan asked him to read. he used high pitch for the speeches by the ladies and low pitch for the speeches by the men. then he was like reading in high pitch for one speech and then when he read the "said Mr Chang" he went like oh shit cause he assume that speech was by a mrs or ms. haha.

then after that went yz house there play basketball. some 2 malay guys challenge us. they were at least 20 i suppose. okay lor then we play. and their friends come and they keep rotating. 2v2. quite fun la. we won. 10-6. don't know whether is 10-5 or 10-6, but we won 就对了. not by scores, we play half court only. they quite tall can. if they were just more proficient in aiming properly, i suppose we will get thrashed. not bad good exercise. (:
11:28:00 pm

once again i'm so so so x a hundred times dead. hmm why a hundred? sounds so familiar. haha never mind. i'm sure most people are asleep now. quite certain that people just fall asleep on their bed while lying down. arh duh, if not standing up? o.O

rah! i want to overcome this temptation of slacking off and leaving everything to the eleventh hour. ya cause 1 hour is definitely not enough to finish everything. okay never mind. in any case, just no more last minute. it's easier said then done. but how do it do it? HOW? =X
1:10:00 am

Saturday, July 19, 2008
before i type anything, do i really sound that funny? i don't think so. o.O haha never mind.

anyway today i pon morning hcl remedial cause i practically overslept on purpose. had to catch some sleep. sadly knocked off on the sofa yet again. bleh. i want my bed! and even almost late for chemistry in the afternoon. did homework in school with yz after that, but did we actually do? yeah maybe he did, a little bit while i wrote like only 3 paragraphs for SBQ? okay never mind. we were hesistant on whether want to go CHMA, but we went home instead.

reached home start to eat dinner. then yz called me. say his mother ask him go CHMA, say she sponsor me go some more. waa but never mind la. don't want take her money. so rush like mad, actually not really rush a lot la since i had some durians that my mother bought also. xP

went there. like see got people guard so never try to go in. finally went in openly after walking a few rounds in school, in the dark, that's fun. LOL. missed quite a bit, actually quite a huge bit of the concert. oh for people who don't know what CHMA is, it's Catholic High Music Awards, some concert + competition organised by our school. yeah. the tickets are priced at $10, but we went in for free. (:

not bad ba considering this is my last year here liao. but i'm not as high as those on the right actually. wasn't fully concentrating either. ernest won in the creative expression category, lee yang lost in the solo vocals. guess the good luck i wished him didn't helped. but i'm sure he did a fantastic job though i never actually heard his performance, but can hear so many times in class already. haha.

okay it's time for my bed. finally. 1.27am liao wor.
11:57:00 pm

Thursday, July 17, 2008
ahh today was classic. quite a slack day. mrs tang wasn't in school so no english. or rather we had a comprehension to do, but i doubt many would have the discipline to do it. carpe diem went down to do some NE survey, answered quite truthfully, don't wish to lie through my teeth, but it's still quite positive? then history go through SS the SBQ and then double HCL. 穆老师 went through with us a 报章报道 question. her lessons are so much beneficial compared to my previous teacher. haha. no offence. maybe just that i'm able to absorb more. not only me though.

recess followed and was the weird combination of math, physics and then math again. both maths is going through distinction questions again. quite easy to comprehend. then physics did a SPA skill 3 practise for the next week's Physics O Level SPA Skill 3 exam. what mr quay did was classic. he distributed the mock prelim SPA skill 3 instead. that consist of 10% of prelim 3 i think. we saw the question then he realised he given the wrong one. haha. but nothing much to prepare also actually. interesting.

two math paper as test after school. 1 emath and 1 amath. hope i didn't screw them up though. *cross fingers* until 5+ again. remedias after school dragged the time.

no choice. as the time flies away, the final one is coming close. haiz. =X

*edit: seriously, why do those idiots love to play at the playground at such a late time in the night and make a hell lots of noise? that's noise pollution!
10:54:00 pm

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
tomorrow's the much awaited O level Chemistry SPA skill test 3. next Wednesday would be for Physics. the last test for that very 20% of SPA. getting real tensed up. is a must not to screw that up cause if i want to get A1, there ain't much room for error. unless i can do fantastically well for the written papers. 95 days and counting. it ain't more till the time where it all comes. it also won't be a long time till it ends. yet waiting for the results is a tough process.
11:00:00 pm

Monday, July 14, 2008
when can i get a good sleep at the correct time? o.O
11:42:00 pm

before i go to sleep...

why do i get linked when i don't even know that the blogs existed? o.O
3:20:00 am

changed the song to reach out for the sky. yeah i think that's the theme song for last year's NDP? national day coming. adding to the national day mood? lol. and true enough now really need the motivation to reach out for the 6 points in O levels. it would be hard, definitely.

was choosing between this year's theme song, Shine for Singapore and the Reach Out for the Sky. in the end choose the latter cause the former seems to have more about Singapore. lol. i'm not that super patriotic. oh and adapted from john lau's blog, take a look at the following 2 videos. one is our NDP theme song MV and the other is a japanese advertisement. but they are similar sia amazingly. no comments.



2 storms brewed just now. they just come and go. and it became hot after that. what on earth is happening to our climate? duh. maybe it's what in the sky. never mind. 3am again. gosh i hope i don't end up sleeping on the sofa for the next few days again.

2:47:00 am

Sunday, July 13, 2008
wa seh. i can't believe i don't feel like turning on my com. lay down slack slack until i sooner later become a full time slacker. nah cannot. i can even lazy to on com la. getting lazier and lazier. must change direction liao. stop going on negative velocity. must change to positive velocity!

oh yea. i not bai ka liao since a long time. is it that long? i don't really remember. getting more and more sotong liao. must exercise more! both physically and mentally. if not later get iron (III) oxide then still must use don't know what to remove. see. forget again. my chemistry arh.

oh and i felt so good after sleeping on my bed last night. i mean since morning 3am i think. shiok. cause before that i didn't touch my bed for 3 days. yeah never touch. not to mention sleep on it. spend the nights on the sofa instead. sit and fell asleep. bleh.

there's a rising amount of people bai ka around me. 小心哦大家. 5 cases including mine and counting. let's hope it stop here. duh.
9:20:00 pm

Thursday, July 10, 2008
my bed's lamenting at why i only just laid on the bed for a extremely short period of time before getting up.

gosh am i deprived of my sleep! rah!
1:21:00 am

Monday, July 07, 2008
no one has been forgotten. no one has been ignored. at least till this very moment, i have not managed to ignore anyone. is not that i don't want to say, is just that i don't know what to say.

2:48:00 am

Sunday, July 06, 2008
lazy lazy lazy lazy. not that i don't like sleeping. but it seems that my eyelids feel so heavy all the time. there's like a sound echoing in my mind telling me to sleep. not that i don't have enough sleep, but it's just too much. 2 days gone just like that. where's all the motivation to push myself? i'm not even doing what i'm suppose to do! rah!

oh and to whoever tagged as 'enthu kia' at 21.47 and 'sadist' at 21.48, well do you actually love to impersonate others? well maybe you have something against me, based on the 'wongsuipengsux.com' link u provided to what you claim to be 'your website', which brought us to no page at all. well i don't know. maybe your actions are suppose to aggravate me or something. well maybe to a certain success at times. times when i don't know it's you, times when i don't actually know how you are not happy with me. or maybe i'm just a 'lucky winner'? forget it. if you wish to continue, just don't impersonate others. (:
11:58:00 pm

watching the recorded version of Friday's ghost whisperer, cause i didn't catch it on Friday night itself, at this time alone ain't very much spooky.

maybe just because i'm used to being alone. but it's a nice show indeed! (:
4:49:00 am

快乐就好. 但是, 要快乐真的有那么容易吗?

好安静哦. 真的变成了猫头鹰了. 那种晚上夜深人静的时候才飞出来的猫头鹰, 天亮时就变得无影无踪, 我倒是想知道, 我和它们究竟有什么分别呢? 可能只是我是这个 '他' , 而猫头鹰是这个 '它' 吧. 就只有这个吧, 那也是如果我还配的上那个人字旁.

终于了解为何人家说要埋头苦干了. 真的是要把自己埋在书堆里, 才能什么都不管, 什么都不想. 老是做白日梦, 晚上也做梦, 醒着也做梦, 睡着也做梦, 那还得了? 算了. 不如把精神完完全全集中在书上, 做个书呆子, 好过给人耍, 那就不是变成了猴子吗?

算了. 废话连篇, 浪费了大家的宝贵时间, 真抱歉.

3:30:00 am

Friday, July 04, 2008
dumb dumb blur sotong me have forgotten to congratulate all CHS NCC Air Part Bs '08 on promoting to CPL! oh and congratulations again to those who made it into PDS team. would be expecting the performance since it's my first chance finally been able to see one performance from our unit as a 100% audience. is it fully 100%? at least on that day bah. (:

today's mostly spamming of homework lor. especially hcl. headache sia. long time no chiong so much liao. don't know how to force myself to do. pia arh! rah!

lessons were quite okay lor. time seems to pass real fast though. very very fast. another week gone liao leh. up next is the skill 3 SPA O level test for physics and chemistry. last chance to save that 20%. hope don't screw it up lor. then the rest all depending on the actual papers liao. prelim 2 slightly boosted my confidence and my motivation lor. as usual after every exam will try hiong de. but the thing is i'm oblivious to how long i can sustain it. haha. oh by the way, math anyone? (:

gong gong me has just reminded i supposed i should talk about my results. well here they are. no particular intention on anything. can come suan me. but please don't kao bei me if u got lower.

English 63 B4 (w/o oral) 61 B4(with oral)
HCL 53 C6 (my parents got a letter, thankfully my ears are still intact)
Emath 88 A1 (paper score, they put 85 as A1 so moderate until what i forgot)
Amath 81 A2 (same goes for amath)
Physics 76 A1 (must maintain or get better)
Chemistry 68 B3 (w/o SPA, may get higher if SPA is included)
Geography 53 C6 (at least i pass, many didn't)
Combine Humanities 77 A1 (same as physics)

well so my L1R5 at this moment should be 12. well it ain't fantastic, but at least i did improve generally from prelim 1. a great boost of confidence for geography especially. starting to pia it liao. but where's my geo textbook and mr talib? arh!

oh and i forgot to talk about how i wake myself up from the daydreams. the wounds aren't touchable but the blue black at the elbow is a great alarm clock. you get what i mean.

tomorrow's CHS homecoming day. anyone want to come? o.O a little too late to ask this question ain't it? aww.
10:40:00 pm

Thursday, July 03, 2008
well i suppose i have forgotten what i want to blog about yesterday. sotong la me. nothing much to talk about. my wounds are healing, i hope. ah. yesterday when removing the cotton wool i use to cover the wound, i felt like i was peeling my skin off! wth. like i'm making my wounds worse. well maybe i'm to blame for it. wth was i thinking arh? i thought the thing that should be covering the wound is the pieces of cotton wool, and i ended up peeling my skin. outstanding! -.-

until someone reminded me to use gauze. haha. i still want to leave it open. then i was wondering how could i get to sleep that way. gauze works fine. thanks a lot. (: well at least it didn't peel off the whole part of the skin when removing. haha.

my wounds don't actually seems to hurt at all, until washing it that is. need expose it to shower. then when the water runs over it. woah. what a 'nice feeling' of the 'prickling sensation'! it's like 10 million ants crawling over the wounds and biting them. the worse thing is the pain can last for up to a minute. with the small water flowing. today is much better. the pain is still manageable.

yesterday also get back the few final papers. calculated myself the scores. whether i hit my targets or not, they are on the right >>> take note that the grades are my targets. the grey words will tell if i got them or slightly miss them. shall put up a table of results soon.

oh and i'm oblivious to why i keep daydreaming nowadays. like i'm drifting off or something like that. and it's like the same dream most of the time. hmm i wonder why...

oh great. now it's like 0226 and i haven't packed my combine humanities file that is like due later. off to pack before i go to sleep. hope i have everything. *fingers crossed*
12:59:00 pm

created with QuizFarm.com
You scored as Mathematics/Statistics

You should strongly consider majoring (or minoring) in Mathematics, Statistics, or related majors (e.g., Accounting, Actuarial Science, Astronomy, Computer Engineering, Computer Information Systems (CIS), Computer Science, Economics, Engineering, Finance, Management Information Systems (MIS), Operations Management, Physics, Risk Management).

It is possible that the best major for you is your 2nd, 3rd, or even 5th listed category, so be sure to consider ALL majors in your OTHER high scoring categories (below). You may score high in a category you didnt think you would--it is possible that a great major for you is something you once dismissed as not for you. The right major for you will be something 1) you love and enjoy and 2) are really great at it.

Consider adding a minor or double majoring to make yourself standout and to combine your interests.





























2:25:00 am

Tuesday, July 01, 2008
thanks a lot. help you save money still scold me. thanks a lot la. felt so devastated then. well of course. this morning i was on the way to school. was crossing the road but had to run as the green man is flashing and the red man is going to come out any moment. well i did successfully make it cross the road. but as i was turning to the pavement to the side gate of the school, i slipped at the metal thing that covered the drain i presume, those that you would commonly see on pavements. everything happened so fast and i 'glided' for about a metre on the rough pavement. well it was not a new one so it's almost as rough as the road.

somehow i managed to got up and even head to the plaza at the 3rd floor in the school for assembly. sat there until mr danny tan saw me. so brought me to outside general office where i was asked to sit down and rest as he goes in to fetch the first aid kid. well i sat there. then a china student from the group that came over to visit our school since yesterday came over and like vomited out at the steps there. bleh. i'm already wounded and that guy's making me nauseous. turned away then felt okay.

mr tan helped me clean the wound and then put antiseptic. well when he said will sting a little i was getting prepared for the pain, but no pain came. so i was quite relax then? then went back to plaza and continued the rest of the day with 2 plasters and scratches. i look like i got knock down by a car. LOL.

okay back to the point why i was devastated. nope not because of the wounds or my results today. i reach home and was quite tired already and decided to take a nap on the sofa. only successful for about 1h then i was woken up by my wounds. couldn't sleep back as the sticky liquid keeps flowing out of my wounds from the plasters. i was having a splitting headache. of course my mood ain't very good already.

then my father came home. he asked what happened so i told him and i got railed at for having not enough sleep that's why i will fall. so it became my fault. wth! at that speed, not trying to say i run very fast but i was running, and i ain't some matrix character or kungfu guy. how i recover if i slipped? and i got retaliated by my father, insisting that i got not enough sleep and that's why my reaction speed is slow. wth!

okay never mind. took dinner then called my mother cause i called her earlier to drop by at the pharmacy and get me some antiseptic and cleaning lotion or something. i could walk but it would be easier if my mom bought for me on the way as the shop is a distance away. she said she could leave office at 6 so i thought she would come back at 7. never ever intended to hurry her at all. then all the way till 8 she's still at office. my father heard the call and railed at me again for hasting my mother to help me buy antiseptic. say what later i cause her leg pain. so now it becomes all my fault? so i'm the ultimate bad guy that got what i deserved? wth did i do?

freaking devastated. wasn't even expecting him to be worried about me or anything, yet i got railed at twice when i was having a splitting headache already. moreover i got all the blame. really thanks a lot. well i cooled down a while after that then took the money my father gave me and followed his instruction to go see doctor on my own. like he will care two hoots. just let the doctor settle.

argh never mind. warning. click here and here to see my wounds. that is if you dare to do so. it may be gory or disgusting so yeah please don't blame me if you actually do click the button. and i'm not trying to make it sound like my injuries are damn serious or anything.

anyway today got back physics first. knew my results before le. then follow by higher chinese, also knew my results beforehand. and then SS. weren't up to my expectations, but near. hope history can pull me up. then after school need stay back for english paper 1. was happy with my situational writing score. shall not elaborate much since i'm still having a splitting headache. i should seriously get some sleep.
11:59:00 pm

o.O didn't sleep for 30+ straight. wonder whether i did that before in any camps or what. maybe i broke my own record? haha. and i managed to survive through it with only feeling tired for very short periods of time. maybe it's because i slept too much last week. haha.

anyway i slept late cause i was watching tv before euro yesterday then follow by euro. euro end at around 5am. tried to sleep till about 6am, but rolled around the bed to no avail. so woke up at around 5.45am then started slowly preparing go school.

in the end reach school at 0645. one of my very earliest? haha. then headed to class. nothing much better to do there. while away time till it's time for assembly. after morning assembly is first script check, english. comprehension was a bit glad that i got not bad for it provided that i never got that high before for comprehension. but i had to screw my summary up partially due to the lack of time to complete. never mind.

next was chemistry. was hoping for just an A1 would do. yet i only got a B3. ain't very happy cause i drop from my prelim 1 marks, and i didn't hit my target of course. duh. found out i was really careless at the paper. shall not talk much about it. then was given the much awaited recess, mostly due to my stomach complaining as of course i didn't sleep i would need to eat for energy right?

then after recess was emath. scared as our A1 is 85 and above. don't want explain why anymore. but i got 88. (: that's the one and only result to be happy about. but not totally. i have very high expectations on math. i want 90+. but never mind. an A1 would be just enough, but never totally enough.

then they go through quite fast, so returned amath. devastating. i got like 79 at first. much thanks to the marks i lost when i didn't complete the paper. and many due to really careless mistakes that i didn't make for a long time already. wth. prelim 1 97 drop to 79? then found out 1 part of the question not marked. so added 2 more marks. 81. sounds nicer. so? still A2. sianzation. i seriously should do very fast next time. then check. rah! never forget how i stare at the last part of the question but can't do cause pens down already. this is the question.

Find the values of y where 0 degrees < y < 360 degrees.

sin 2y = sin y
2 sin y cos y = sin y
2 sin y cos y - sin y = 0
sin y (2 cos y - 1) = 0
sin y = 0 or 2 cos y = 1
cos y = 1/2

then press calculator for values of y. wth. it's a giveaway and i actually gave them back the marks. haiz.

now finally i should listen and go to sleep. after 30+ gruelling hours, my bed!!!
1:49:00 am

Samuel Wong SP

the rest is for me to know and for you to find out! =D


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Astra! 10/09

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Edmund Loo's New Blog


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Hui Min 10/09
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