Monday, June 30, 2008
Spain 1, Germany 0. that's it Spain won Euro 2008. well i presume that when people read this, they should know the score already. Germany seems destined to get 2nd sia. world cup also like that. well it has been a gruelling match with all the trys for goals, though many ended up off target. fernando torres to thank for Spain's win. Germany lost mainly due to the defenders loving to pass the ball to spain strikers? maybe. it was a head to head battle between this two countries. i meant literally. cause 2 players really went head to head against each other.

okay. euro ended and my time of being owl SHOULD end as well. no more sleeping in the day (i would never get the chance to) and stay all the way awake through the whole night. at least not that late. i should actually start to listen to people that ask me sleep early. (:

well i should get to sleep with whatever i still can sleep. i hope i can get to sleep that is. and of course hope that i won't zombiefied later.
4:41:00 am

Saturday, June 28, 2008
zzz. yeah i know i did say i was going to sleep. well i DID try to go and sleep. roll around, yeah no pitch or yaw, but just can't seem to fall asleep. took a look at the time and realise it's 6am. so decided to wake up and find something to stop the rebelling in my stomach. wanted to find bread fast before my breakfast but to no avail. no choice but to make some milo. haha. super bland. never mind. for the sake of being healthy, no condensed milk. haha actually is i lazy go search for it la.

so try find something to do. suddenly feel like studying. oh wth. want make up on geo. then remembered the cold harsh fact that ain't cold at all, that i don't know where the hell my geo textbook went. so in the end decide on sec 3 geo textbook. refresh a bit sec 3 syllabus, then stone here and there waste time. somehow it seems to pass so fast? now 0808 already. nice time. that's fast!

still hungry. and no i don't eat like a pig. at least i don't wake up eat and then back to sleep again. remember i didn't sleep at all? knock knock. remember? anyway how can milo fill someone up? so i'm going to have my breakfast. yeah it's been sometime since i take breakfast. i usually take it with lunch together. brunch. ah yes! breakfast!!! (:
8:03:00 am

thanks for all the regards. i'm well okay already since thursday afternoon when i wake up. sorry for any worries or anything caused, IF there is. and that's a very big IF.

anyway, i seriously cannot be any more queer. my mind is like triggered to work in the night? and it is blur blur type most of the time. a combination of sotong and owl, what does it becomes? sotowl? haha. i have no idea.

i was 'researching' about aviation and learning physics at the same time? o.O LOL. yeah. i went to click on anything that seems foreign to me, or maybe when i feel like clicking. and please, crooked thoughts are strictly prohibited here. see the 'NO CROOKED THOUGHTS' sign? haha crap.

so anyway i went to click on my physics project entitled ' The Physics of Flight ' and read up on my own presentation. by the way the title was given on the instruction sheet, i didn't came up with that. no copyright on that paper so you're welcome to take it, if you want that is. felt that i seems to understand more then i did when i was doing the project, maybe due to the spamming of watching 'air crash investigation' on national geographic channel? haha. still remembered how our group was speechless with the deadly questions that jing wei asked during the Q&A session which was to be assessed on the way we answer. couldn't remember how we score though.

came to understand the derivation of Bernoulli's Principle, quite a revision on formulas for physics eh. then see the raw data and finally understand what are the dv/dt and so on. haha differentiation. math came in as well eh. physics and math do have link and somehow i seemed to have interest in both, when many call them killers. maybe not so much for math but physics is deadly. but i actually seems intrested in them? haha formula mind. don't know which version though but definitely not 1 cause my mind works too slow to match up with the speed in formula 1. okay lame. =.=

the 1 week of holidays coming to an end as well as euro 2008. haha. the finals this coming monday morning at 2.45am. i think i watching. see how i survive the first day of devastation of results. i can't expect much except for chemistry. 1st day is english, hcl and chemistry. languages have always been my weakest link so i need not elaborate any further.

stomach's growling. not a good sign cause i have been indulging in cup noodles for countless nights during euro matches most of the time. the taste is not bad of course depending on the brand you buy. and the hot water ain't hot anymore so got to cook and eat with mess tin. haha "field" cooking. lazy use pots then still must pour out. but consuming too much MSG, and i don't meant master sergeants as i'm NOT a human eater, would cause hair fall. maybe cup noodle companies can cooperate with beijing 101 and create the MSG hairfall control plan? LOL

darn it. it's going to 5am now and i hope i don't sleep too long later. why don't school starts at night? haha creativity what... oh and i began to wonder does anyone read every single post that i post up except for me? i really wonder.

time to protect my fragile eyes from the sun. nah i meant sleep! (:
4:45:00 am

Thursday, June 26, 2008
gravity pulled me down physically and mentally. physically down with flu + sore throat + fever and mentally down with all sorts of negative thoughts. why can't math be applied here? negative times negative = positive? or even modulus function would be fine. talking about modulus, since when modulus is in emath syllabus? never mind.

i'm like killing myself. despite having flu + sore throat + fever, i never go see doctor, never take any medicine, and never rest also. i don't even know what i'm doing. maybe i don't have a sound mind now. maybe.

sometimes i hope i'm thinking too much. sometimes i hope i don't. how come most of the time when i hope i'm not thinking too much, i am. how come most of the time when i hope i am thinking too much, i am not?

and do people really enjoy 口是心非? that's where procrastinating comes in. but that's a promise to yourself. but when you promise others, and you don't hold your promises, you're not only hurting yourself but others. who like the feeling of being cheated? oh maybe some people do. but i know i don't. that's why people's secrets are safe with me. ask me not to tell anyone and i won't. but there are people who will tell, and i know who they are.

it's not only promises. i hate people who are double faced as well. on 1 side, you tell someone that you don't like someone. how bad he or she is etc. then on the other side, you tell he or she how bad that someone is etc. that's the worse. but even by saying how bad someone is, saying how you don't like him or her, and yet on the other hand still gets along with him or her very well, that ain't very good either.

okay never mind. off com and watch how hitler can win a bird in soccer. opps. i meant Germany winning Turkey in euro match now.
3:36:00 am

Tagged by yong hwee.

Remove one question from below and add in your personal question. Tag 8 people in your list, and list them outin the end of the post. Notify them in their chatbox that he/she has been tagged. Whoever does the test has a blessing from all.

#1 Who do you think the person who tagged you is like?
nice, a good udi...

#2 What do you want the most now?
get back to myself again

#3 Do you trust people?
Yes. that's why i'm so gullible?

#4 Do you hate your friends sometimes?
Yes. at times.

#5 Are you afraid of death?
ask me again when it comes.

#6 What is your goal for this year?
L1R5 raw score of 8.

#7 Do you believe in love at first sight?

#8 Do you believe in eternal love?
Yes, and i hope there is.

#9 What are you dreading the most this year?
the downs that are unforgettable.

#10 What do you enjoy the most?

#11 Have you done anything for your admirer?
i don't even know whether there is such a person. please tell me if there is.

#12 Do you like your CCA?
Ain't it obvious? but looks like i really POPed.

#13 Do you cherish every friendship of yours?
Of course. but sometimes i do wonder whether if it's only me.

#14 Who would you probably spend the rest of your life with?
Friends and family.

#15 What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
seeing others happy, and i'll be happy as well.

#16 Do you find life meaningless?
sometimes. but no way i'm going to end it myself.

#17 What do you live for?
i don't even know. how pathetic can i get?

#18 What if you lose someone close to your heart?
i'm scared to even think how devastated i'll get.

#19 Have you ever truly loved?

#20 Do you think doing this survey is kinda a waste of time ?
Yes. cause i enjoy wasting time.

nope i'm not going to tag anyone. whoever feels like doing are welcomed to do so. (:
2:40:00 am

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
i know how to attract more people to my blog and read the posts. keep my post as short as possible and direct to the point like this one. forget it.

not in the mood again. feel like a renewable source so come replace me. nobody changed from coal and oil to renewable sources till the problem comes and they only change at the last minute, if not there won't be global warming. yup. last resort.

everything seems to link me back to the source when it's down. either it's way to coincidental or i am imagining things again.

forget it.
11:19:00 pm

Monday, June 23, 2008
randoming in a random way for the start of this week. didn't sleep a wink since i woke up yesterday. was using com and watching euro 2008 as well. haha no goals and the game is brought to extra time, but still 0-0. in the end penalty kick. spain won finally. such a nail-biting game. not bad. it save time by cutting your nails at the same time! haha. crap again.

after the game end is like 520 liao. so instead went to call my mom wake up since her alarm is ringing and yet she's not awake yet. then walk about cause suddenly don't feel like sleeping. finally after having nothing to do at around 730 then i went to sleep.

awaken by desmond, yes it's him again, such a good brand of alarm clock huh. haha. he ask me whether want watch movie, yz also asking. so after wasting my outgoing calls by calling them with a conference call, i decided to watch movie with them. haha. i don't even get to know clearly what movie we are watching and where. how gullible i am huh. come cheat me. i'm used to it. never mind.

so after all the mixing up and so on, we watched Get Smart at GV Bishan. quite a nice comedy taking the fact that i didn't actually know what the movie was about before i went to watch it. it's somehow related to the cold war between USA and USSR. after the thaw of the cold war that is. haha revision for history. a whole new experience of wearing casual clothes when every student around is wearing school uniform. imagine going out during curriculum time. people would think we pon school. no particular hidden meaning or offence to anyone here.

well i presume this week would be our last week of being liberated from the normal routine. maybe not even exactly. next week would be back to the normal routine and held captive in the prison labelled, "GCE O Levels Examinations Preparations"

all the best to all for the next half of the year 2008! (:
10:41:00 pm

Sunday, June 22, 2008
it was raining heavily outside at around 5am this morning when it was apparently pouring in my room as well. not that any of the pipes leaking water or there's a hole in my ceiling though it can cause a downpour in my room as i was and still is staying at the top floor, but not that reason. i was just about to turn in for the night day, when it started to rain heavily outside. my bed was situated beside the window.

well i think you can guess what happened next. my room became an animal pound or you would prefer the term SPCA. it was raining cats and dogs outside so the cats and the dogs came running into my house. the statement is apparently a figurative comment so please do not take it literally. i can't really imagine i see cats and dogs falling from the sky. could you?

and of course i close the window. my window is those sliding ones so there is absolutely no way to not close the windows thoroughly and yet prevent the water from coming in. so i had no choice but to close it thoroughly and on the fan. it was so nice with the wind at first, but oh well.

my day was short. since i spend most of the time sleeping. nothing productive again. any company would fall if i am the production manager. what would be my week like? i absolutely have no idea. =X
11:46:00 pm

Saturday, June 21, 2008
second last day of holidays. i meant for the rest. LOL. no offence. but still all the best on all the chionging of homework. i strongly stress there's no sarcasm here. just simply all the best. i ain't relaxing for a week either. it will either bore me out, or tire me out by playing games. so maybe i'll force myself to do some work? that's such a hypothetical statement that is very hard to fulfill eh. haha. try ba. another day of wasting time. =X
8:59:00 pm

Friday, June 20, 2008
what a great way to end the prelims. amath can't finish. 8 marks gone. not very happy with it cause i know how do. HCL marks were a disaster, as expected. as said, i just went to get my mood devastated first before the week start. oh by the way, next week having make up holiday, so when we are thankful that the prelim 2 are over and awaits the holidays, many people are rushing work. all the best to all of them. jiayou! (:
6:56:00 pm

haha. today no need desmond to wake me up. having amath later. will be going soon. oh yea. i would have forgotten if i didn't read john lau's blog. today is the release of HCL scores outside the HOD room. how nice to spoil our next week's make-up holiday like that. so good of them hur, to let us know our results that early.

nevertheless. i'll still go and spoil my holiday mood and take a look at my results later. after the amath paper. concentration for amath first! (:
12:18:00 pm

Thursday, June 19, 2008
haha. thanks desmond again. well, he saved me twice already. so much like a pig eh me? LOL. slept at 4 thanks to social studies essay. for the exams managed to crap out with whatever i remember. now wait for the results next next week.

second paper in the afternoon was emath. was ready for it. but i think lost around 10 marks due to carelessness. darn it. i just simply can forget some stuff and some parts damn blur. cost me my spare time trying to solve those questions then in the end no time check. bleh! =.=

yes stupid careless mistakes i made. no offence. but really aren't careless mistakes stupid enough? sian. some more to get A1 in math need 85 and above. cause the school says, no no the school can't talk. mdm ee says that because of the interquartile range, okay no math, the general marks the people get is slightly towards the high side, well maybe very high. so in O levels they will moderate till the marks to get A1 is 85. others still remains the same. causing a lot to get A2 instead. 70-84. that's why.

i have high expectations for my math. yes extraordinary high expectations. cause i simply hate the careless mistakes i made. like how i make a fool out of myself. screw it. anyway tomorrow's amath at 2pm. just hope no more of these careless mistakes or blur. i'm a blur blur sotong that i forgot where my 6 other legs are?!
10:17:00 pm

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
got the shock of my life today when i woke up. i should, yes i meant i SHOULD get rid of the habit of sleeping at 4am nowadays. take note. i wasn't really revising. just simply wasting time. yeah. don't ask me how, don't ask me why. i just simply don't know how i can waste time so efficiently.

back to the shock. i woke up when Desmond called me. thanks a lot to him. why? cause when i take a look at the time it was like 1.11pm? and i have a paper that i need to reach by around latest 1.40pm? gosh. rushed like some mad dog and then managed to reach school. rushed to the hall immediately and saw people walking in. i rushed in as well, only to realise that my class hasn't got into the hall! =.=

so try to act a bit. slowly took my time to take out my stationary and so on then my class came. finally got to calm down and went to the table. the exam started. wasted a lot of time on the darn 30 MCQs. took like 45 minutes? then at the end of paper rushed for a bit. forgot what's Lenz's law. i never revised not to mention memorise definitions. in total lost around 4 or 5 marks again? haha. don't know how many marks deducted till the result comes out.

okay so now 2 more days. Social Studies tomorrow morning. so not prepared for it. got to do it now. then follow by emath. must remember to bring the stuff, if not gone case. then friday left amath cause i don't take bio. time for social studies. oh and whoever is feeling down, cheer up and stay happy! haha. if not feeling down, just stay happy! (:
9:13:00 pm

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
how i hope there are more then twelve hours on the clock? why? cause i always gets the motivation to study only at the eleventh hour. for those who don't exactly get it, eleventh hour is an idiom in this case which meant last minute. if you still don't exactly get it, never mind. it's just all crap. haha.

today's pure chemistry at 10am, a slightly later time then yesterday as today only has two papers. wasted a lot of time as usual when getting up. foresee that so gave myself much ample time to drag. chemistry was more or less prepared, but not exactly revised. much thanks to the lesson in class that i manage to finish most of the questions, leaving only 4-5 marks blank. the paper is over 100 so i'm quite okay with this unless it's math or amath.

next was pure geography. went frantic over it. why? cause i'm real weak in geography, and as usual didn't had the motivation to touch it till last minute yesterday, or should i say this morning. but to my horror, i couldn't exactly locate my textbook. how dead can i get? LOL. so was busy stuffing my mind with the details, and i manage to crap the answers out for the geography paper. well hope my crap are accepted. *cross fingers*

haha i don't really know how many fingers i still can cross. sooner or later they get permantly stuck. hope not. tomorrow no paper in the morning, cause it's geography elective and the rest of the electives. pure physics tomorrow only start at 2pm. YES! (:
11:49:00 pm

Monday, June 16, 2008
start of the long awaited prelim 2 today. total madness. 3 papers in a day. you tell me whether it's madness or not. adding to our misery, it's Higher Chinese Paper 1, Higher Chinese Paper 2 and History Elective today. i suppose by putting it like that, a lot decide to give up hope of HCL and instead focus a 101% on history essays instead. no. maybe not a lot. some don't even bother.

HCL is more or less no comments. just simply like waiting for my 'fantastic' results to come. as if it would be anything good. just hope for a pass. no. a pass in the standard that mdm yu would allow me to take the HCL O Levels at the end of the year. PLEASE! -2 bonus points, who wouldn't want that?

history is way chionging. decided to give up on world war 2 when studying, really cannot remember everything else. memory full for last minute storage. in the end both questions from the choice has 1 part on world war 2. at first when i saw the questions, i was like, "waaa die liao! gone case!" but i managed to crap something up in the end? i just hope that whatever i wrote can be considered as an essay? *cross fingers*

now up next is pure chemistry and then pure geography. i just hope that i don't screw them up. hope so. *cross fingers*
11:49:00 pm

Saturday, June 14, 2008
Damn it. Just damn it. i dunno is it just me or is it because of the Prelim 2 nearing that i am that sensitive. but yea. i seriously can't take it. i tried, and i shall not try again. at least not now. waste my time getting all worked up over it. nothing seems to have got back to normal. well it's not up to me to choose, i have no right to choose. but i have the right to choose what i can accept and what i can't. and wth. i just can't accept the way some things are being portrayed to me.

you can't say i have prejudice against somethings. that was the reason maybe i use to cheat myself. but to hell with it, it's not. social studies mass lecture that day taught a new skill about how to prove that the source is extra reliable, enhanced reliability.

briefly say what it is. it's a situation when a source deliberately speaks against his own group. so where i get my sources from? him. and he is trying to portray the image of something. of course in that case it make it even extra reliable. so on what grounds this is a prejudiced judgement? whether or not it is to spite me on purpose, i don't really care now, at least not now. if he wants to do that, then let it be. i should concentrate now on the prelims.

yeah right. FOCUS! =X
11:29:00 pm

if you hear two different instructions from totally different people, which one would you follow? what were you do when you were stuck in a situation that you don't know who or what to listen to? hmm. nothing much. just something related to the air crash investigations that i watch on national geographic channel at 12 midnight just now. shall not talk much about the show anyway.

now i'm loss. starting of prelim 2 next monday. with HCL paper 1 and 2 in the morning, and history elective in the afternoon. gosh. i seriously don't like humanities, as in the way they are tested. need write so much in so little time...

oh and i strongly stress again. the 'results' on the right are just my TARGETS! not my actual results YET! haha. quite a significant amount of people mistook them as my actual results liao. the only reason why i place my targets there cause i visit my blog often. i want that to remind me to work towards it. looks like that hasn't induced any significant effect. just can't take my time, cause i seriously have not much time left. 4 more months. gosh! =X
3:26:00 am

Thursday, June 12, 2008
okay. i know is not the best time to blog now. wonder why did i stay up so late. well, who knows? maybe some will draw some conclusions, some will simply just don't bother. i don't know.

sidetrack a bit. just want to say that today (11th june) when i took my house the feeder bus to interchange, i saw one girl wearing this year's cat high sec 3 camp shirt?! o.O since when our sec 3 have girls ah? well maybe... some may know, just another councillor. he's so famous. okay never mind.

well, just finished reading john lau's latest blog post on our 4 years of CHS NCC Air. well in fact when he told me he was typing all that, i was waiting for it actually. i just still remember how i wish i had not came into cat high at all. how i used to say, if not for NCC Air, i would have ask to be transferred long ago. yes. till now, that very sentence still applies. but as it goes on, there are other pull factors as well that made me remained in cat high. maybe one reason was that i was too lazy to transfer? xP as for other reasons maybe i left till the day i graduate then say.

okay back to the point. i guess i'm one of the few (or i may be the only one, being real optimistic here) that actually selected NCC Air as my CCA, not randomly. i was looking for a UG to join and choose NCC Air since the uniform looks nicer. Haha.

still remember vaguely i was posted into alpha platoon along with then IC Guilbert. well i only actually remember him vividly. why? cause he was damn funny during the platoon ice-breakers (i suppose), doing all the pole dancing and stuff. then we really got to interact. that's the reason why i suggested to have a platoon cohesion for this year's annual camp. how well it worked? i am absolutely oblivious cause i was having my SS mass lecture when the even took place.

back to senior Guilbert. we had games like soccer then, and scouts had their towers up on the track. he was the one who ran right into a collision with the poles. scouts' towers are strong. why? the tower didn't even move but he ended up with a big blue black. LOL.

another incident mentioned by john lau which i wish to correct a little. he said, " Then just a few trainings before POP, Senior Joseph did not know what to do during a section of one training. Thus, he recommended games. Yet, Sir Qin Xue disapproved. He just pumped Senior. 50. At that time, it was a lot in our opinions. We could barely do 5, much less 50. "

well. i had a vivid memory on that. it was actually Sir Qin Xue wanted us to improve on our drills. he didn't told us. so he let us sit at the grandstand there to slack. then came Sir Qin Xue out from the fall in area and straight to him. he blasted off at him for letting us to slack and left him waiting so long at the fall in area. he just knocked senior joseph down 50. and we went in to fall in area. drills, of course.

senior came in with a smile and said no kicks. we were all like waa. now for me 50 of course is no kicks, but then, 50 was an astronomical amount. i think by that, he had all, or maybe most of kept in awe for him. he didn't need to let us slack, but he did, and he got pumped instead.

talking about sir qin xue reminded me about the time he came when we were testing out the sizes of no. 4; boots, top, bottom and so on. the noise we created were as if we were in a wet market. so sir qin xue shouted company diam! well, at the time i obviously had absolutely zero knowledge of what diam is. so i choose to put down the no. 4 boots i'm holding and i got scolded by him, "diam can put down boots arh!" oh yea. not forgetting the 50 pumpings we had as 见面礼 from him in our 1st annual camp.

i think i briefly talked about sir qin xue in the post after this year's POP, 11th april's post. our first annual camp. i could only remember the PT part of it. totally tough. with our 1st ever hell night that was really hell compared to the hell night we gave as NCOs, and PT the last morning even after the hell night. that was the first time i fall out i think. it was raining still. 20 men flight became 6 men i think. my stomach empty. i sound so like a pig. =X

oh yea. senior Benjamin. our Part Bs'06 UDI. he was a great UDI. somehow my fellow NCOs '07-'08 said i'm some sort like him. he's just great. his studies were well. he got into RJC right? yet his ability to take us as a UDI was simply marvelous. i think most of us totally respect him. it would be great if i can be like him. studies should be no way yet. Haha.

he selected me for school's NDP'06. being how short i was then, it seems rather weird marching in the contingent with the other tall NCOs then. i couldn't remember who else was selected as well. at that time our school basically had no tennis court yet. had no band as well, cause they went for some competition. but no 1 cock up, not like last year when i wasn't in. =P that was when i learnt all the chim drills.

that's more or less in sec 1 only. seriously, there's just too many to type. too many memories. great ones. our part was not bonded very well as 1. but communication was well, that's why the camps we held were smooth sailing. we complained together, suffer together, and walk through all the times together. i just hope that standards can be maintained. every parade, none of us fall out at all. what's so hard about standing there? try NCC Day Parade. thanks to that Guest of Honour's speech, my M16 became my only support to sleep. Haha. that's sidetracking a bit.

after thinking so much, how i miss the days where after every training we would stick at student lounge. yea. me, you zhe and jonathan. then it was a more or less straight KO as soon as we reach home. seriously i prefer to get tired that way. find it more fulfilling then studying till damn tired. what's with all the 'results most important' mindset anyway? will it ever be the same? =X
4:59:00 am

did the quiz to give the person who tagged me face? Haha.

If your lover betrayed you,what would your reaction be?
I don't know. I'll be devastated of course.

If you can have a dream to come true,what would it be?
Back to the good old days.

What will your dream wedding to be like?
walking down the aisle with the one you love deeply is already good enough.

Are you confused of what lies ahead of you?
it's just me to take 1 step at a time, so of course i am.

Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
being loved by someone.

How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
i don't know.

If the person you secretly liked is already attached, what would you do?
nothing. what else can i do? kill the guy or what?

Is there anything that made you unhappy these days?
yes. but since it's unhappy stuff, i prefer not talking about them.

Is being tagged fun?

How do you see yourself in ten years time?
of course i wish to be a pilot. (:

Who are currently most important people to you?
i prefer not to rank them out here. xP

What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
quite a nice person, but must be more happy!

Would you rather to be single & rich or married & poor?
that would depend on the situation.

What's the first thing you do every morning?
what's your definition of morning? for those who know me, you will know what time i sleep! xP

Would you give all in a relationship?
not exactly. but it all depends.

If you fall in love with two person simultaneously, who would you pick?
the one who treasures me the most.

What type of friends do you like?
great friends that are really willing to share problems, yet not take me for granted.

If given the chance to turn back time, will you?
yes. back to the old times, it seems recently i have more problems.

What is the last thing you'd do before you die?
i would make sure everyone that knows me get informed. by hook or by crook.

What would you do with a billion dollars?
make all my designs come true.

What's your ideal lover like?
someone that doesn't takes things for granted. other stuff may be included when the time comes.

What is the worst you've ever felt these days?
being taken for granted. and i serious HATE that.

and nope, sorry. but i don't think i would tag anyone. it would somehow end here.
4:21:00 am

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
对人不对事 or 对事不对人? i have been pondering over this question. what exactly are they thinking? or maybe it's just 口是心非 for some of them. is that the case? what actually happen? i don't even have the slightest idea. maybe i do. some teeny weeny bit of idea only. it's all the guessing part from me. that's why i say i hate guesses. i need answers!

after a specific event that took place last year. somehow there is a change in standard. and after a specific even this year, there's a change in attitude. oh wait. is there? i'm not sure. that's why i need answers!

well after this small bit of 引言, it seems time to hit the point. changes. slight changes are easily adaptable. but what i have been encountering are drastic changes! for that, i'm sure it is not easily adaptable. it's not just me, people around can't adapt too. it's just simply because of one particular event, then everything change. and please, i'm definitely not talking about global warming here.

how do i respond to the changes? a change in attitude towards him of course. call me petty or whatever. if whatever drastic changes is good, why not? but it's not only me that feels it's all worse from before. don't come with me all the crap that majority is not always right or whatever. i don't want an argumentative essay here. but yea, i just can't stand being taken for granted.

is not that there isn't a chance that i'm wrong. in fact, i have been deluding myself that i am wrong. but the facts presented right to me shows otherwise. i'm a moron to continue deluding myself. i work with my principle. 人不犯我, 我不犯人. 人若犯我, 我将双倍奉还. that is of course when i seriously cannot take it anymore.

how i feel like just walking up and say, "screw you. what's with all this change in you? you are never the same anymore. all because of _____." i can't. i just simply can't. =X

notice i have been rather protective of the personnels involved. please do not jump to conclusions as who they are. that's all i have to say. maybe the group in the 引言 part may know and tell me the answer. maybe the guy who is mentioned may happen to know. oh wait, i take that back. he doesn't cares anymore. =.=
6:06:00 pm

Monday, June 09, 2008
okay. this bugger here, which is me, still doesn't understand exactly the meaning of sleeping early. ain't 0429 early enough? o.O

a leopard can't change it's spots.
i'm no leopard.
maybe sotong with owl brains.
wonder where my other legs gone to huh?

ahaha. ajisen's cuttlefish? maybe. that is so gonna wreck their reputation. don't meant to do that!

hmm. i foresee my next post will be something to do about change, and i would blog later today.

duh! i decide what i want to blog. that depends on whether i remember what i want to blog about, and whether i feel like blogging.

oh and my plans smashed again. never mind. it's my own choice. (:
4:29:00 am

Saturday, June 07, 2008
here's a blog for yesterday. went to watch kungfu panda at plaza sing. a very good show. strongly recommended. came to love the quotes.

yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery. today is a gift, that's why it's called the present.

you must believe.

well, i strongly stressed that i did not like the quote cause of it's lameness. if it's for the lameness, i would have many more to choose from. i understood the quotes in my own way. shall leave it here for others to decipher it the way they want.

what you believe will be what you think something is. how true.
7:08:00 pm

Friday, June 06, 2008
wanted to blog, but decided not to, after clicking this and leaving this open for like 3+ hours. i did not stone at it. juz simply left it blank, that's all. shall type later in the afternoon, since it's like 3+ am now. (:
11:59:00 pm

Thursday, June 05, 2008

take note video is not done by me. brian asked me to see it, and i found it nice. truly the editing skills are up to a certain standard. the song is well chosen from what i think. added the song.
1:48:00 am

Wednesday, June 04, 2008
argh damn it. where's all the motivation to work? all i can think of is to sleep and slack. i'm such a pig. LOL. the feeling of a pro^2crastinator is back. by the way, pro^2crastinator is pro procrastinator, do math and u will get what i mean. if not never mind. anyway it ain't good news since i don't have much time left, not that i'm dying, but maybe i will, not literally, cause prelim 2 is like less then 2 weeks later. where's my motivation? rah!

like that how to score my target on my right? mind you. that's my target. i don't know why there's a bunch of people thinking that is my results. well of course i hope that is, if not it won't be my target, but it's not at the moment. sad. at this rate, i'm so not going to get that.

just got to stop building sandcastles in the sky, that's daydreaming. in other words, stoning. i don't want to waste my time anymore. must force myself! rah!
3:22:00 pm

Tuesday, June 03, 2008
finally settled the chickens. mind you. not that i took so long. the time on the last post is when i click create post. when i actually published it was like 5 minutes ago. so how did i settle it so quickly? i threw them away. felt so guilty of wasting food. no choice. i don't really like sharing my food with ants. one or two i won't actually mind. but not one or two colonies of them! so parts of the chicken literally turned black! that's how bad it is. expected the ants to come, but didn't expect so much. my home would turn into an insect kingdom at this rate!

sigh. still felt so guilty of throwing them away. why do things come when you least wanted them to? =X
12:22:00 am

Monday, June 02, 2008
okay i'm eccentric. yup. oh and the queer guy is okay already. now i'm beginning to ponder maybe really some things does affect my mood. that's for me to know and for you to find out! maybe some who read this don't even bother to know, so why say? oh and by things i can mean absolutely anything. people, actions, in fact anything under the Sun!

so today's as usual. experience the drag force again this morning when getting up, since when i don't? my house is haunted, and whatever it is loves to stalk me around. why? cause i keep hearing a voice that provides me a hundred and one reasons not to turn up for the HCL remedial today. it's not that i really count, it's just how it's normally used, so yea.

anyway don't be scared. i'm not possessed or anything. i'm still me, just a change in the way i blog that's all. shall not comment on how big or small the change is, since different people have different ways of deciphering the big size and the small size - my spec course shirt, a classic example. why? cause i clearly remembered the first day of the camp i was asked which size i want, big or small. i DID ask how big is big and how small is small. the MSG just asked me to say big or small. so naturally i did take big since it's natural to think that big means L and small means S. who knows? their big means XXL (maybe there's 1 more X, lazy check), and their small is L. i got the big size. shall not go on describing what happen.

and that shows how good i am at changing the topic. so never try to abet me into taking drugs. i'll just change the topic. another way of saying NO to drugs. a fresh recap from SANA course that came back to my mind as i chanced upon something. once again proven how can i change topics. that's crapping!

after crapping so much, i realise i haven't hit the point. so i felt like i was fed like a pig today. first thing in the morning i had some light breakfast, followed by a plate of rice and a burger at 1030 during the break. the reason why i ate that much cause i initially didn't plan to eat lunch at all. who knows in the end after the HCL remedial, i went with yz to the pek kio market to eat! okay never mind. was quite full already. so went to my grandparent's house, with the thought of staying for only a while.

here comes the hard part. my grandmother asked me whether want to eat pizza or not. she said they seen the advertisement on the TV and somehow felt like eating since they had not ate pizza since a long time ago, but there wasn't anyone free to help them call for delivery. so i was like stunned. of all days today, when i was so full already and adding to the fact that i went to eat pizza at the pizza hut in J8 yesterday, with bryan, elmo, xk, kr and wk. decided to give elmo face then go. originally thought of going home. so back to the point. i told my grandparents that maybe tomorrow after my lessons i would drop by and then we eat. but my grandfather was kept insisting that tomorrow can eat also, today eat first.

in the end no choice. i ordered KFC - family feast A, 8 piece chicken. ended up with 4 piece when i took 1 already. was damn full. my grandmother keep asking me to bring back home to eat. woah! i finally managed to escape with 2 piece, at least not all 4, and gosh! i just remembered that they are still lying on the table!

someone save me! people are dying of famine and i'm here dying of my bloated stomach! why everything must be today?! it's coincidence again! it's never here when you want it to be, and it's always here when you don't want to be. =.= and i still have no solution of how to deal with the 2 piece chicken! rah!
11:49:00 pm

Sunday, June 01, 2008
it's way to coincidental. it's always like that. somehow things just appear and it appears to be linked, not that i link them up, but it's obvious it's related since it's talking about the same topic. why is it always like this?

search me. =S
2:44:00 pm

it's good to be able to control your emotions.
but it's cruel and simply pathetic if all the controlling is done within a minute.

finally back at home.

invisibility. i don't control my opacity, others control for me.
thanks for all who ask what's wrong.
i'm not possessed, i hope.
at least my mind is clear, is it?
in a way.

alien language. never mind. i'm never good with words. =X
1:59:00 pm

yes. i am still in school at the moment. 1st june 2008, 2.42am. May is officially gone now. i shall hope for june to be much better, at least better then May. feeling much better than the creepy feeling just now:

when a happy-go-lucky guy stops smiling suddenly,
you know something is wrong.
when a guy who normally talks a lot suddenly stop talking,
you know something is wrong.
when a guy don't laugh at jokes that made everyone else laugh,
you know something is wrong.
when a guy stares into blank space all the time,
you know something is wrong.
when a guy suddenly whacks a bamboo pole into many pieces,
you know something is wrong.
when a guy does not sleep but types all this,
you know something is wrong.

OR at least, i HOPE someone realise something is wrong.
2:42:00 am

Samuel Wong SP

the rest is for me to know and for you to find out! =D


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