Friday, June 29, 2007
Today fri... so got to report to sch at 7.45am... so woke up at 7... anyway... dam sianz today... HCL talk abt oral n read 1 by 1 nia... den chem copy n fill in de blanks.... zzz... den eng c ppl present portfolio... den was phy spa n recess... den 1 lesson on Amath copy ans again... when paul lee going thru... den early dismissal n go home le... it's like wth... hav to find sir goh... den he told me hav to come up wif 1 performance for sch NDP parade... rush rush rush... den went wif yz to his house take basketball to play... den when we camp dwn... we saw 2 cats doing AHEM... well... it's a 3 letter word... 1 cat above another cat... den de ass of de top can going up n dwn... ahem ahem... it's like wtf... we wanted to take video... but too bad upon seeing us... dey zao inside de drain n continue... but too dark can't take video... lolz... dam wat la... 1st time seeing man... cool... hahaz... too bad no video if nt can share... haiz... so yea tmr NCC day parade rehearsal again... zzz
10:01:00 pm

Monday, June 25, 2007
Back to sch... dam bloody sianz... was dam heng today not to get caught for nt doing any hw... dat's y i say my teachers OWNs... hehez... n guess y i nvr post abt spec course? coz it's dam bloody screwed up n nt deserve mentioning... so might as well i keep my mouth shut... or rather my hand SHUT... or wateva... so yea dats all... a dam random post... hehe...
7:56:00 pm

Friday, June 22, 2007
Going for spec course in like less den 3 hours time i hav to wake up n meet de rest at 6.45am at yishun int... hope i wun b late... hehe... den go for 2D1N spec course... come back sianz diaoz mass chiong hw... die le... muz chiong awards... haiz... so wun b blogging as often... sobx...
3:01:00 am

Saturday, June 16, 2007
Sianz arh... tis June holidays has been de most sianz june holidays... 1st it was sec 3 camp.. den came back i had fever... until annual camp... den came back i gt kayaking... den aft kayaking i gt diarrhea n vomiting... den aft recover frm dat le... a while later i gt PDS Basic course... n dere i m left wif only 8 days of holidays left nt counting today... coz later i still hav to go for de NCC Day GOH rehearsal... like wth... i still hav dinner aft dat... how to make it in time??? sianz la... it's like all de free time i hav is i fall sick... like wth la... n u think 8 days more is a lot??? NO... how do my whole stack of hw??? n whole stack of projects??? somemore gt rehearsal... like wth... can't dey juz hav 1 stupid full dress rehearsal??? easy wat... march n march... like we cannot march properly like dat... but i dunno abt de rest... sianz... den aft de projects n hw... where gt time to rest??? 1 whole mth HOLIDAY sia... y call it holiday??? call it HOMEWORK DAY how abt dat??? No... hw mth... yea dat's better... de only time i enjoy is only de sec 3 camp n annual camp dat's all... i rather go for full day training in our OWN sch better den tis stuff... is waste time de... rather b under our fav fig 12... now our fitness decreasing le... nt as gd as last time... i'm really bored... life hav no colours for me... SIANZ...
11:51:00 am

Friday, June 15, 2007
ok... tis post is to make things clear to everyone... especially dose who read de post i deleted... dun ask me wat happen if u dunno... n if dat passerby still wans to hide his or her identity... suit him or her... so back to de point... as many will noe me... i dun like to hao lian or wateva... even u dun agree den i'm srry if i made u feel dat i'm too arrogant... but seriously i dun like... so ytd dat post was in a midst of being pissed by someone who actually push all de blame to me... when she is slacking off n nt practising... so passerby... u like when someone pushes de blame to u when it is obvious dat is his or her fault??? n yea i noe frm de video my drills sux... 1st thing was i wasn't even doing properly... it juz for show to easier rmb de sequence... coz some ppl c de drill abit rmb how do le... n if i think dat my drills r dam zai.. wat for i go dat basic course??? so i actually removed de video... since i already sent dem de video... abt de AI thingy... HQ passed my selection test... let me go AI course... i completed it... paz de test... gt de badge n cert... so dun ask me y... if u think i dun deserve den ask HQ den... so yea... passerby if ur drills r dam zai... den add me on msn... my msn is on my profile for ppl who dunno YET... den mayb u can teach me how become zai or wat? i'm open to comments... so show ur name... but if u prefer to hide somewhere... suit u... so dats all... any more comments plz tag on my tagboard... JUZ DUN SPAM...
4:54:00 pm

Sunday, June 10, 2007
went lunch today at nearby my house de coffeeshop... den when caming back... saw tis 2 cars at de carpark dere... like their design... xD but dun come flame me or on my tagboard if u dun... juz sharing de pics...

well dat's all for de dam short n random post... xD

2:49:00 pm

Saturday, June 09, 2007
today went for aero... ended up doing nth much n playing com... but i did wat i went dere for... TCS... had certain views frm sec 2s dat i agree... had certain which i did nt... yea let warren settle... had a pizza treat frm rx foo... haha thx... didn't noe gt pizza again... juz so tyco... ah yes n jerrell left early so no pizza... but jerrell going eat jap food so no diff... but ah yes i dunno lor... seriously john should change his face... SMILE MORE john... ok so aft dat went home aft a long talking... den now... my hp juz die out on me... everything is functioning... but de screen is blank... can call me... i can ans call... but juz can't c anything... blank screen... like u on ur CPU wif ur monitor off... sianz... is it time to get a new phone??? HAIZ... i hav a bad feeling abt tis days... 1st is fever aft sec 3 camp... den it's vomiting n diarrhea aft annual camp... nw dere's a spec course left... wat's nxt??? i dun wanna imagine...
6:26:00 pm

Friday, June 08, 2007

okok... i noe u guys gonna say i'm dam lag or wateva... but everytime i wanna post abt de camps... something "NICE" will crop up... i juz recovered frm servere vomiting... n diarrhea... try vomiting over 20+ times in like 5-6 hours... means on de avg every 15 mins I'll visit de toilet once... wat goes in will all come out... until i've hav to go KK hospital... believe it or nt it's ur chioce... i dun hav to force u to believe... u wan call me a liar so b it... or u prefer leaving me to die den plz do click on de red button on top wif de white cross n shoo... i dun nid such ppl ard...

so yea so back to annual camp... well it went on quite nicely... my part As totally prove me wrong sia... when dey 1st came... dat's b4 we took over... wat i saw is their drills totally sux... dat time i still wan my ASM... den i keep praying... say NO ASM better part C UDI... better no part B UDI... or i die... but dis camp proves me otherwise... so my part As total str is 31... but only 23 turned up for de camp... so i dunno is whether de 8 ppl r de 害群之马 (black sheep) or nt... coz during dis camp... dey gave me dam gd attitude... drills dam zai... can giv solid bangs... although sometimes gt ppl blur... but overall still nt bad... nw i prefer my sec 1s more den de sec 2s... but de sec 2s seems to wait for my PDS leh... xD coz dat's de only time dey no nid c JOHN LAU?? hmm... dey mistaken le lor... it's nt john lau... it's some other ppl... hmm... same age but post bigger... WHO ARH?? ok... i dun wan start flaming... so my routine for annual camp is as follo...

Day 1: went sch early in de morning... heard dat dey were lock out of sch... due to wat public holiday den de gate lock... wth... den ms tan came n open de door... some ppl say when de door open 7+ le... where gt... i reach sch at zun zun 7 am leh... somemore i reach air store only 7..01am... den i put down my bag n decided go fall in area 1st... n nt eat my breakfast... only to regret it later... den walked to fall in area... i c ppl pumping liaoz... coz dey say gt ppl late... den whole lot was pumping... arh... i rmb... when we were sec 1s... our beloved SIR QING XUE... ah yes... 见面礼.. directly 50... wa piang eh... so dey keep dun wanna shout... start frm 0... so i oso dunno how much dey pump... i only did de welfare part... keep asking... at tis point of time is anybody nt feeling well... den aft a while... decided my sec 1s has done enough... so recovered my sec 1s... den didn't gave dem adjustments as de sec 2s still pumping... den de sec 2s recovered le... whole lot give adjustments... den was morning PT... let yz lead PT... i dun seem to lyk PT so yea... decided to ask dem to do circuit... den aft circuit run 1 round... couldn't rmb wat dey did... only to rmb it was supposed to b xiong... since someone says it's no kicks... den ask dem do de steps... twice ea... say skip step do again... den i do oso... purposely skip my last step den i do again... up n down is once... i did like 3 or 4 times... den after PT was briefing by warren at de fall in area... allocate dem to their platoons n bunks... pick up platoon n bunk ics... den was intro to their platoon ics... den SOMEONE heard a F word frm someone... so dere it was a whole lot K.I.D... den i think dey did a lot so i told someone dat i gonna recover my sec 1s aft dey did until 10 ( dey keep restarting frm 0 or neg...) n he daoed me... so i recover de sec 1s... den someone said... i gt say recover meh... thankfully warren diam dem... yea my sec 1s were saved... imagined someone was de CSM... den aft all de K.I.D finish... was de sec 1s air riffle... wait for mam to walk up n down coz she forgot to bring keys... den gave dem targets n started to pump air into de air riffles... pump until 6 riffles... our zai kia Jun Kiat stuck de air pressure container to de pump... waa... so only 6 riffles can shoot... n dey all shot 2 targets... 3 pellets ea... until dey shoot finish den gordon manage to take out de thing frm de pump... so kept everything... n de sec 1s went for a short session on drills... which we taught dem sizing drill... den we had to repeat de long command for dem long... den waited for warren to come n den it was lunch... den discovered we NCOs gt no lunch... so we ordered ****... erm i noe a lot of ppl noe but yea... still nt supposed to say... den aft lunch heard dey gt K.I.D coz dey threw maggi mee into de sink n it gt choked... den aft lunch i kinda slack ard n went for IFC theory wif my sec 1s... kinda fall asleep dere... n left halfway to PDS... wif de long awaited PDS for de sec 2s... dey were like saved frm john lau... den did de warm up... 1 count of 8 n dey r dying le... nw u all noe mk IV very "light" eh... so taughtdem only vertical slope arm n vertical order arm... didn't even go to diagonal which i planned to... so anyway... aft PDS was dinner... it was a lot better den last year lor... den de treasure hunt... de sec 1s seems to enjoy it n de sec 2s seems to only care abt de prize leh... well didn't noe dat my riddle n some of de pics i came up wif killed their brain cells... my riddle was:

Looking down at the dark hole, 10 seconds and you will fly. Up Up and away up the colourless light slope. On this slope will you find a valuable tool you need.

n now for de ans... it's only de black colour slope on de 2nd floor frm de art room to de road... y? coz looking down at de dark hole... or fall in area is oso called de hole... 10 sec n u will fly... john lau always goes... 10 sec... fall in above de fall in area... move... up up n away is a bit xtra... up de colourless light slope... colourless light... it's black... slope... u get it? black slope... it's so obvious? ok den was showering time n debrief... so dey slept... n de NCOs patrol until dey all fall asleep n we started watching de grudge 2... watch it b4... no wonder it's nt scary... den me, yz n jon went to shower along wif gordon who went to shit... gordon was like go go la... who scared... den he himself freaked out n jumped back into de bunk... hahaz... so i was leading in front... wif de usual excuse me... den came back n slept...

Day 2: had briefing by mam early in de morning... den she brief until dam late... cut into morning PT... so aft her briefing we rushed dwn... changed into half four... since daniel n john lau taking combined morning PT... so i decided to go n find my NOKIA charger for my hp... couldn't find any... den it was breakfast... again discovered dat NCOs no breakfast n i sat dere n stone... n i zone ard... den saw Mr Paul Lee... den i rushed to him... asked him whether gt NOKIA charger... den he hav... phew... went to charge in de staff rm... after de sec 1s n 2s hav their breakfast... de NCOs had some biscuits... i took like 2-3 slices... den i went to de sec 1s IFC... i sat behind again... den aft looking at Jun kiat teach target indication until so cham... decided to go n help... since my IFC mutual did target indication so i decided to go teach lor... den aft dat i went off for CNC test... waited for sometime on de opp track for de sec 2s to come... but dey haven't come... i rmb i left my hp in staff rm... so ran all de way to staff rm n back to opp of de track... so started de test... nth much... i failed some ppl... ok... to make it clear... de test is upon 50 so nt all of u all fail CNC ok? heard frm warren is SOMEONE dun wanna say it's 50 n cheated dem dat is 100... waa... n some of dem kenna cheated until nw leh... lolz... dat SOMEONE play cheat confirm OWN ppl de lor... den dam funny... de rain came only on 1 side of de track... den i was like... huh... y dat part rain here nvr rain de... den i saw some ppl running towards me... hahaz... rain chasing us... it was really a PASSING RAIN... dam fun sia... so it was lunch... dey dam heng la.. field cooking twice both rain... den aft THEIR lunch... i supposed to mark CNC again... but i left ah yes to mark... so i went to sec 1s dere n let dem revised for first aid... while talking to warren n waiting for jonathan to come back... n when he came back de test started... den aft de test... we too ahead of time... we had TCS wif de sec 1s... warren n me told dem cold jokes... dey dun seem to hav jokes to share de leh... den at ard 3+... it was their drills... den asked dem go area outside canteen since it looks like it's still raining... den i met sir hsyen li in de air store... so intro him to de sec 1s... den had a water parade wif de sec 1s... den asked dem go outside track dere... den did marching wif dem again... dis time wif de help of sir hsyen li n me... their marching improved a lot... tis may seem abit 自夸... hahaz... but really lor... so kept gaving dem long breaks as their drills showed very gd standard... den at ard 5... my LUNCH finally came... so yz n ah yes took over for their IFC prac... i ate my lunch dam fast... it was only a dam small packet... den went back to look at dem hav IFC prac... den mam came... she was like greneade or wateva... come ji xiao... look at her i wan LMAO la... den taught dem range card n it was dinner... i ate only half a packet... no appetite... de NPCC gt food i oso dun go take... their POP mah... i only noe ken foo gt chairman... lolz... gratz... he still tell me no post... wan fake me arh... den i went for de sentry duty for de sec 1s... dam nice la... played wif dem... 180 deg turn de riffle... haha... den taught dem cheers... purple light... down by de river... n so on... wif de dey say in de army cheer n carpenter song... wif de exception of ahem... de chapter song... later gt ppl complain... xD den let dem go shower n was supper... den it was lights off... den de NCOs went back to watch de grudge again... n chiong NYAA... wif senior jun kai n ben neo... den halfway dey went off to buy prata...

Day 3: de long awaited hell night is here... though dis yr wasn't of much hell... dunno who came up of de idea... of changing de time on de clock... n most of time tio jacked... thought 6+ le... so was changing parade... n sent down to warren for de final touch up... dey were given so long la... ours last year only 5 mins to no. 4... n 4 mins to PT kit... theirs 7 mins to no. 4 n 6 mins to pt kit leh... somemore our bunk 4th floor... theirs 3rd floor... but dem some sec 1s dam pro... run past me gt wind de... gt 1 sec 1 guy change dam fast... run to toilet... den run back... de rest only juz change finish... woah... den aft warren's turn... it was my turn to take dem for drills... took dem for marching drill... hentakaki... prove to senior ben dat my sec 1s r gd... n den let dem adjust as their reward... den released dem back oto their bunks n rest at ard 5pm... when dey r supposed to fall in at 6.30am for morning PT... so dey gt like 1 hour to rest... but ended up no 1 wans to rest... so i walked ard... den when i returned to NCO bunk... saw everyone knocked out... so i decided to lie down... but didn't expect dat i was so tired dat de moment i touch de ground... i fall asleep in juz 1 sec... so in de morning... heard no 1 took dem for PT... den came 1 sec 2 up to wake min ron... haha... so he sent 1 sec 1 to lead PT... yea so woke up to pack our stuff... n chionged NYAA wif SOMEONE irritating me... n i ignore him... say wat y we cannot do during de camp... juz becoz he was free dosen't meant dat i m... den was reflection wif de sec 1s... talk until nth to talk mam still talking to sec 2s... so i continue write my NYAA lor... den finally she talked finish... n dey were finally sent off... but we still hav NCC DAY briefing + rehearsal in de afternoon... so we went out hav lunch n went back to sch... slept a while... didn't even slept at all... only lie down to someone throwing pillows at me n ah yes asking us to wake up... how can i get up wif ah yes on me... den he was like dam pissed... den i sat up... n change to no. 3... well we arrived at HQ... only to do abit of rehearsal... n den went off... decided to walk wif melvin n nt wif de rest as dey still wan change... dunno for wat... so i juz wear my no. 3 n went home... change into home clothes n knock off...

so dats all for my 1 wk of camps finally... it's dam long sia... confirm beat my previous records... mon n tue went for 2 star kayaking... had to miz my expedition ytd coz i was vomiting wateva goes into my stomach... so frm ah yes blog... i hav to wait until dec den i go expedition wif de 1 star ppl in bedok... xD wif sec 1s den dam gd... so here r some pics... b sure to read my part 1 of sec 3 camp oso if u haven't read...

Our target wif every NCOs shoot 1 bullet... wif mam... haha... de spanner she drew on top... seems de riffle is zeroed to de left abit hor...

Pics taken in de train aft de 1st day of kayaking... miz my last day... sianz...

yea... aft all de camps... i've lost like 10 kg... look at dese...

You Are Destined to Be Thin

Even if you aren't thin right now, you have great habits that will ensure you're thin for most of your life.
You have a great relationship with food and eating. Don't change a thing.
Are You Destined To Be Overweight?

Your Weight is Ideal

Your BMI is 18.9 - a healthy BMI falls between 18.5 and 25

Congratulations, you are the perfect weight for your height.

Even though you may not be entirely happy with your weight, you are healthy.

So gain or lose a few pounds if you want, but don't go too crazy!

Don't agree? Blame the government standards we based this test on!

Do You Need to Lose Weight?
My BMI seriously alot sia... my mass frm 64kg become 54kg nw... really lor... ok... 2614 words le... dat's all... bye...
11:12:00 am

Wednesday, June 06, 2007
if u haven't notice... i juz change my blogskin n it's finally done... hate de tags filter... nvm...

I noe de camps are long over... but i nid rest oso... n i dun feel like typing... i rather go slp... so i nvr update lor... but u c... i so lag until even ppl like john lau update le... how can i dun??? so here i m updating abt de camps...

Sec 3 camp:
dam tiring... it can b a hell lot of fun... but all thx to de wonderful HOT sun... n by saying hot... i mean REAL HOT... dat's of coz how i "enjoyed" de company of my sunburns n cramps...

Day 1: we went to sch dam early... n yea... i wasn't late... den we took attendance... n our bus is de 1st few to set off... let my ms leong n huang lao shi... dey were quite nice... xD den boarded de bus... reached tuas custom... enjoyed our last look at de big custom n de air con... n went to de nice toilet for de last time... den we went to Malaysia... it's de 2nd time i'm going malaysia w/o family... 1st time is ophir... so like everything was like de same as ophir dat time... juz dat no girl guides... haha... den sat on de bus for such a dam bloody long time... wif de air con spoil... de air con "dam" cold sia... until i can feel hot wif de air con blowing... zzz... entertained ourselves wif music n cold jokes... n we finnally arrived... went into a meeting rm... AIRCON... finally... den we had our dinner... i dunno y i ate very little... den was some night activity... n we pitch our tent n thus we slept... in de dam hot n stuffy tents...

Day 2: Woke up in de morning... had breakfast... den we started out rafting... dam fun la... de rapid jump n so on... dam cool... when we went rafting... i fell into de water when we went paz of de rapid... coz i sat in front... n my part de raft dere totally submurged in water n came up... wif de water pulling me down... jon was sitting behind me... he oso almost fell... is i in de water push him up den he nvr fall... wonder y i save him... should let him come join me... help him get into de water... lolz... oso nt 英雄救美... hahaz... den de guide was blur blur de... he was suppose to pull me up... den he dunno i drop... he turn back n he was wondering where me... until yz dey all told him... lolz... den like everyone came help pull me up... brandon chan oso fell into de water... lolz... den no 1 save him... xD ok den aft our lunch we went for flying fox... alot of ppl shouted NY sux as dey go down... as for me n yz... he shouted knock it down n den i shouted 窍下去... den it was a long way down so we shouted NY sux too... lolz... den while waiting for river crossing... let de pics tell de story...

We burried john lau in de sand... haha... while waiting for river crossing... den wan take pic... can't find camera... all thx to Mr Hussain who has de camera... he took it n sent it to us by email... thank god... no buddha dat he nvr sent wrong email... xD

Mr Hussain told us to stand in 1 circle n put all our legs on john lau... hahaz...

Our dear friend shi jie being throw into de water... xP

N now aft shi jie... it's meng long aka muthu's (as wat keith chia calls him) turn to get into de water...

den it was di xian aka lao di aka prata man to get thrown into de water... lolz...

so den we did river crossing... dam fun let de water current push u ard... haha... TAN JIA JIN HUM again... xP HUM JI la... he still dun admit... den we went to shower... n we r transported to taman negara... our cycling campsite... dere we had dinner... gt a spoilt tent which dey claim to b in "good condition"... how can it b in "good condition" when de thing dat is supposed to raise de tent broke??? so aft much pleading... dey finally gave us a new metal thing... waste our time... den had dinner... on de sand... den 加料 until i dun wan eat le... u noe wat 料 la... SAND lor... duh... den went to slp... wasn't dat stuffy... until at night when it rain... our tent gt flooded...

Day 3: here comes hell... woke up in de morning... unpitch our tents... ate breakfast... TJJ took a lot... say can finish... den in d end say wat bee hoon like rubber wateva... all kinds of excuse den throw dem away... food waster... he took so many... heng dere is enough... or dose ppl nvr get food gonna giv him hell... den aft breakfast... still gt time so we play cards... den mr danny tan came n ask wat we r playing... de convo was like...

Mr Danny Tan: hey hey wat u all playing?
Us: we playing tai di...
Mr Danny Tan: chey... bridge call me... bridge call me...
Us: orh orh...

den mr tan walked away... den mr GKY came...

Mr GKY: hey... who say u all can play 1?
Us: uhuh...
Mr GKY: u all dun stretch now... later cycling u all noe... since u all so gd i dun wan c anyone nvr finish de journey...
Mr Danny Tan: actually u al should go n stretch... stretching is gd...

waa... mr danny tan dam fast leh... he was going like bridge call me bridge call me... den when mr gky came... he say go stretch... lolz... den start of hell... my bicycle dunno y gt de noise when cycle... but who cares... so de 1st stretch was like no kicks... den aft dat de 2nd stretch dam xiong... de weather dam hot... tio sun burnt like shit... den was lunch... waa dam hot sia de sun... keep pouring water on my body... den set off for 3rd part... chiong wif de sport claz ppl n mr gky in front... reach in de top 20 ppl out of 160... manage to catch up even aft i drop my water bottle n turn back to take halfway... den last stretch... some idiot go take my helmet... den i nid go find... bloody hell... found a dam small helmet... dun care... coz de rest dunn go until where le... left me n TJJ... he oso finding helmet... so i chiong all de way... manage to reach ard 40+... woah... haiz... i wan stay in front de leh... idiotic... SCREW DAT IDIOT... den we r transported to a place where all de sec 3s gather... some resort... ah yes... woah... xD finally can hav a gd shower... met warren n jerrell n others... den shower finish had dinner... spam de food... was dem hungry... den had some mini prize presentation... aft mr GKY talked for a long time as usual... den we were transported to de Jeranut train station...

Day 4: we arrived at de train station at ard 12+am... den we waited... de train was supposed to arrive at 2.30am den kenna postponed to 3am... wa lao... so finally de train came... n we board... found a sit... sat down... aft de conductor check de ticket den i fall asleep... until ard 8+ am... although keep waking up n sleeping back in between... den went wif sin ying to de cafe to buy food... dam hard to buy la... muz walk so long... wif de shaky train... den queue so long oso... almost fainted... den had a dam nt full breakfast... den went to find something to do... walked to warren dey all de cabin aft failing to slp... we played dai ti... n marcus kept losing... so john lau took his place... dere was dam cold... n we finally reached JB... so i nid went back to my hot cabin... aft checking de passport by de custom officer... i discovered dat i gt fever.. i go like die la... still gt annual camp leh... den asked frm teacher panadol... den nth to do oso cannot slp try searching for singtel network... waa can find leh... den sent sms to my mom tell her i coming back to sg le... reach woodlands checkpoint.. aft checking... warren's father fetch me n abh home... but b4 dat.. he treated us go eat... thx uncle... den on de way we saw mr jeffry goh walking in de rain to de bus stop... den we c 856 we noe y le... he stay so near me... yishun la... no nid guess... so reach home at last n discovered dat my fever was 39.8 deg celcius... took medicine n slp...

yea so dats all abt sec 3 camp... annual camp i tmr den post... tired le... wan slp... gd nitez...

10:53:00 pm

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

1. Grab the book nearest to you and turn to Page 18, Line 4.
"Given on the left and right foot respectively. The second movement is done in..." i dun read much bks... tis came frm my spec course foot drill manual... lolz...

2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can.
touching my room door...

3. What was the last thing you watched on TV?
channel 8 10 o'clock news...

4. Without looking, guess what the time is.

5. Now look at the clock. What is the actual time?

6. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?
de fan moving behind me...

7.When did you last step outside?
tis morning... for 2 star kayaking course...

8. Before you started this survey, what did you look at?
the comp screen la duh...

9. What are you wearing?
wateva i'm supposed to b wearing... xP

10. Did you dream last night?
Did i or did i nt? i only woke up to find dat i slept on de floor and skipped dinner...

11. When did you last laugh?
erm dunno leh...

12. What is on the walls of the room you are in?
paint?? -_-

13. Seen anything weird lately?
does problems count?

14. What do you think of this quiz?
gd for dose who hav a lot of time to waste...

15. What is the last film you've watched?
erm... some chinese movie on tv lor...

16. If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?
hmm... how abt i'll buy ppl to settle my problems 1st??

17. Tell me something about you I don't know.
wat u noe den? hmm... how abt i do care wat ppl thinks abt me? even sometimes when i say i dun care?

18. If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?
ppl's mindset...

19. Do you like to dance?
dancing? i juz like doing wierd dance to make ppl laugh when de mood is tense up or nth to do dats all...

20. George W Bush...
America's President la... duh...

21. Imagine your first child is a girl. What would you call her?
hmm... sandy? anyhow think of a name de...

22. Imagine your first child is a boy. What would you call him?
haha... tis i noe... richie... some ppl will noe y...

23. Would you ever consider living abroad?
erm yes... but may change to NO...

24. What would you want God to say to you when you reach the pearly gates?"
erm... wateva he says... will it makes a difference?

25. 4 people who must do this in their blogs.
- jerrell
- kenneth
- jonathan (giv u a chance to update)
- beng heng (stop nagging at me n do dis)

abt de sec 3 camp n annual camp... stay tuned...

10:34:00 pm

Samuel Wong SP

the rest is for me to know and for you to find out! =D


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Aik Loong
Astra! 10/09

Benedict Chan
Beng Heng
Brian Wong
Bryan Koh

Cheryl Thian
Cindy Ho
Clarence Chia
Clarence Jean
Clarissa Chiang
Clifton Tan

Damian Wong
Daniel Chua
De Zhan
Dennis Ngian
Dong Hong

Edmund Loo
Edmund Loo's New Blog


Hao Quan
Heng Ling
Huai Yue
Hui Min
Hui Min 10/09
Hui Yang
Hui Yi

Ivan Yak

Jacob Chin
Janice (RV NCC)
Jerrell Seah
Jesmond my di (:
Jia Han
Jia Hao
Jing Hui
John Lau
Jonathan Cheung
Jonathan Chew
Jun Kai
Jun Li
Jun Wei

Kah Koon
Kai Rong
Ken Seah
Kenneth Chua
Kenneth Lim
Kian Hee
Kian How


Ma'am Cheryl
Ma'am Jocelyn
Marcus Tan
Mei Hui
Mei Lin
Mr Soon Zheng Fei
Ms Chow Bick Yan
Munchy Donuts

Nicholas Wee


Qing Chang

Richie Yu
Rong Yang
Rui Min

Seng Yew
Senior Jian Fan
Senior Nicholas Quake
Senior Sheng Kang
Senior Si Chuan
Senior Qian Sheng
Senior Yi Liang
Shawn Woo
Shi Jie
Shu Jie
Shu Zhen
Sin Yee
Sin Ying
Sir Anthony
Sir Fahmy
Sir Hariz
Sir Hsyen Li
Sir Jia Hui
Sir Lester
Sir Xian Hui
Springsfield Ong

Terence Szeto
Timothy Lim


Wai Yinn
Wei Jian
Wei Jie
Wei Juan
Wei Kit
Wei Xuan
Wei Ting
Wei Yeat
Wen Xuan

Xing Yu
Xue Feng

Yan Ting
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Yap Chien
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Yong Liang
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You Zhe
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Yu Feng
Yu Qian
Yuk Tim

Zi Kang