Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Today nth special... except for some Mount Ophir training tat we have to attend... well it was said to be a "PT" session... but in d end... it is... but... nvm... we were supposed to reach HQ at 3... or rather we were told to reach at 3pm... so aft sch we go eat at canteen b4 we took taxi dere... supposed to hav CIP today but suprisingly it gt cancelled... juz nice sia~ anyways, d taxi fare cost $6... shared by 3 ppl... it cost $2 ea... =( we reached HQ at ard 2.30pm... so me n edmund went to change our no. 3 pants 1st... we asked 5 times b4 we can change... guess y? we asked a person... den he say ast tis person inside d office... den we waited... no response... den we ask another 1... n d same thing happen... den we fed up go n ask office... FINALLY can le...

Changed my no. 3 pants frm size 2 become size 3... well i wear wierd wierd size de... size 2 i wear le become like tight pants... den size 3 i wear dam loose... no chioce... use belt lor... den back to d ophir training... we waited n waited... but aft 3 le still no ppl... den slowly d other schs came... =( we wait so long for dem... bloddy hell sia... Den actual training starts... did all kinds of stretches n exercise... well no kicks... dun feel a thing man... seriously... den was d 1.6km run... didn't feel it was 1.6km though... dey run so slow... i can actually walk all d way... WALK oso FASTER DEN DEM... but gt tat sir watching behind so juz act act run lor... NO CHIOCE... den aft tat did some cooling execise... arh nvm... dismissal aft tat... FINALLY...

Aft tat went northpoint eat wif john lau, edmund, warren n weishan... daniel went off b4 eating... bought chicken nasi birayni (dunno how to spell)... $5.50 leh... wa lao... spent like $7.50 today le... haiz... when eating... all 4 of us felt something shaking... thought it was a tremor... den i found out it wasn't aft i went to bus int take bus... it was d construction site nearby... dey pund d floor ma... n since northpoint foodcourt is underground... of coz can feel d vibration lor... tat's it... aft tat went home liaoz... nth special... off to slp... =P Hope i survived d last day of Feb!!!
11:55:00 pm

Monday, February 26, 2007
Yes... Juz a little bit more... To MARCH!!! Comeon... Endure... Well nth good enough as happened yet to cover all my badluck... Haiz... Wat to do... Sianz arh... Nth special today... went to sch as usual... but i juz miz my bus... wth... hav to take a cab... well muz wait so long since it's monday... almost coz me to be late... Argh... So i pon assembly again... =P

Aft tat had Math lesson... well almost fell asleep... can't seem to get anything... Den wat was aft tat?? Let me c... Ah yes... Eng... did a piece of work... well of coz gt homework again... den was physics... all abt going through tat physics spa we had b4... Den it was recess... Yea... EARLY RECESS... BY 1 min... Wth... Den tat Mr Ng told me to help carry all d files down... ok lor... How to reject sia~ Den juz help carry down... wasted some time... Den i discovered i nvr bring my stuff for his Phy SPA later... OMG... Nvm... rush to recess... Stupid stall 2... long queue... not becoz a lot of ppl wan buy... is dey slow... =( ok lor... Bought my food... but no time buy my mechanical pencil which i lost... In Feb AGAIN!!! Aww... Den rush all d way to do chin ups... well did 16... =P Den run all d way up frm 1st floor to 5th floor... on my full stomach... took my stuff n run back to d 2nd floor... Almost vomitted out la...

Physics SPA... Chiong my work... Pendulum bob... tried to tie tat stupid string to it... tie so long... keep dropping off... Arggh... Den finally done... chiong through my experiment... Juz managed to finish in time... phew... Finally can relax... went back up to claz... have chem lesson... packed file... 1st time i gt everything done n nicely filed in... WoW!!! A1 for chem... =) But aft tat came HCL... n d time comes... I'm dead... Gt back my HCL paper... wow... fantastic marks... 19/70... Dam cool... i gt like only 7/40 for comprehension... n 12/30 for MCQ... WTH!!! F*** Dam sianz sia... Other ppl frm other claz r getting like 60+ over 70... n our top is only 43.5/70... KNN sia... Wa lao... I dun wan much... i juz wan paz... Now hav to chiong her work... or i die... F9 for HCL leh... wat u think... Tis SUX!!! Hope Feb faster over... Den i can become luckier... *cross fingers*
Well now i can only pray tat i dun screw my eng... owe 60 now le... DUN WANNA OWE MORE... Although i can do.... BUT NO WAY!!!~
8:29:00 pm

Saturday, February 24, 2007
Yesterday (23/2), cat high held it's annual cross country at turf city... I was called again to b de road marshal... hahaz... frm sec 1 till now nvr run... Sec 1 rain on tat day... postpone until cancel... Sec 2 road marshal... Now Sec 3 road marshal again... I wan Sec 4 oso b road marshal... Clean record of nt running... Ah yes... Anyway, i was situated at a place where only comeptitors run paz...
Tan Jia Jin run paz... Lolz... Competitor nia!~
So aft dey finish we nth to do le... den mass run... so we walk in d opposite direction of where dey running n cheer every ppl we noe... or rather suan some of dem... =P We walked 1 big round... ppl run we walk... fair le right?

Took some photos aft d whole run...

Well aft tat, we went to GIANT to buy drinks... Den i went to take shuttle bus to amk MRT... Didn't bother to eat wif d rest of d air guys coz i dun feel like eating...

Jesmond tio jack in d bus he oso dunno... Hahaz... =P

Reach AMK MRT... went in d gate... heard something very familiar... Ah yes 精舞门... u noe MRT now gt put speakers de right... den ppl can listen... wat's wierd is aft i reach yishun... i hear 精舞门 again... All MRT stations same song de meh?? Who cares... Anyway, as promised, i made a video out of boredem... Bored video... Enjoy...

Tmr is 初七人日... It's everyone's birthday... so i wish to say HAPPY BIRTHday TO ALL OF YOU OUT THERE...

2:47:00 am

Thursday, February 22, 2007
I'm tired n sleepy... I'm such a nocturnal animal... u c my post mostly is aft 10pm de... nvm... Today is supposed to b a half day... well released frm sch at 0940... went to find mr ng to take back my physics file... wait so long but he not dare... :( den went to my grandma house near dere play bball wif yz... a while only... so sianz... almost fell asleep... den i juz took MRT back to yishun... yea i'm lame... met bh at yishun mrt... asked him how to go in d end kenna suan by him say nid to reach turf city tmr by 7am coz i'm road marshal for tmr's cross country... 3 years all i nvr run... sec 1 ran until cancel... sec 2 road marshal... sec 3 road marshal again... lolz... i wan b oso nxt year... since we will b d 1 choosing... i wan clean record of nt running for any cross country... hahaz... run ba ppl... i stand dere watch u all run... =P
Reached home... dam sian... nth to do, take out my laptop n on it again... while walking wif my laptop, i trip over my home's coffee table... wth... like tat oso can... heng my laptop nvr drop... but my leg pain sia... started browsing through internet... finding ppls blog... linkng ppl... adding ppl on MSN... well wat could i do?? den juz nw... aft walking back to my laptop aft going to d toilet... i kenna scratch by d sharp end of my coffee table... YES... AGAIN!!! now gt 1 line at my left leg dere... wtf!!! today not my day sia!~ dam sianz now... dun wish to talk anymore... Prepare for tmr saikang during cross country at turf city... Picture time...
Siau Ming Hao interacting wif d sculpture... during d learning journey lolz... tat sounds wrong... hahaz... he looks dam... forget it... better dun say...

Jonathan's blog ss... hmm... I can't seem to c his claz photo... dunno y... c d x dere... but now can le... wierd wierd...

Hmm... my laptop d letter I drop off... AGAIN for no reason... tat time drop off den my father fix back... now again... I juz fix it back... Hope it doesn't drop off again....

NYAA PDS schedule... hahaz... might as well post here so other ppl can refer to it... My handwriting sux right? YEA...

Tat's all folks... Mamiiii it's over!!! Hahaz... follo tat variety show on TV mobile...

5:13:00 pm

Sunday, February 18, 2007
Wishing all of you out dere a HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR....

May all of you be blessed with good fortune... 恭喜发财, 万事如意... 发财发到手软脚软...
1:31:00 am

Friday, February 16, 2007
Actually i thought yesterday (Feb 16) will be my "death" day... Cool... I had so much fun instead... went sch dam early... had a sudden change of character... reach sch at 6.35am... OMG... I couldn't belive it myself oso... we were allowed to wear our home clothes... Chiong my physics file... got all d worksheets inside... but hor... all nvr do... but i juz heck care n handed up... gonna get an E8 or D7 for my physics... SHIT... Haiz... But anyway, had assembly... Boring... Den went up to claz... had "math" lesson... turn out to b playing games den aft tat watch dam funny videos of advertisement... Laugh n laugh... hahaz...

Den geo lesson... Mr Danny Tan, our form teacher, went into our claz... we were told Mr Talib, our geo teacher, was told by Mr Tan not to come up... So Mr Tan started supervising de claz to "decorate" Cody as a rat... =P Dam funny... too bad nvr take picture of him... if not u all will laugh like shit... so cool... i spent d period walking ard finding stuff to do n laugh abt... talk n talk... arh talk somemore... knock it down... juz joking... i nt as sadist as John Lau... Speaking of him, alot of ppl say dey saw d other side of john today... dey say he's caring to kenneth tan who has injured his finger... well dey really dunno him well... haiz... forget it ba... Dun feel like commenting on others...

Aft tat went to hall for celebration... Quite nice actually... Better den d previous 2 years... Taken some pics... Srry due to d poor quality of my hp camera...

Warren n jonathan searching for bluetooth... hahaz... we bo liao keep searching for other blue tooth devices c who hav more den pair n pair...

found tis piece of bus ticket... cool... me n jonathan both took picture of it... bus 88... pay 1 cent... nice 1 sia...

Den aft celebration, went back pri sch... Haiz... our teacher on course... wun b back till May... waa... y always when we go find her she nt dere de... Aww... Den went boon lay arcade play n play... den aft tat go courts play burnout revenge for free a while till 8pm den went home... I had a great day today... Hope my luck can change for d better aft chinese new year!!!

P.S. I promised a video SOON... on a funny incident tat happened today...

10:51:00 pm

Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Wat is d definition of friends? Based on dictionary.com, d meaning of friends is : A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts. Different ppl had different definition of friends... Yesterday (13/2/07) since it's aready past 12... i was irritated by 2 particular person... well should i say mainly 1 particular guy... Wat r frienz for anyway? Base on d meaning provided, i dun think dey can count as my frienz... under d word "knows", of coz i know dem... Under d word "likes", it's like moderately... sometimes yes, sometimes no... how abt "trust" den? Usually, NO... I dun trust dem coz dey dun deserve my trust... Dey joke ard wif me... yea n often lie to me... on wat ground should i trust dem??

Everyone has different tolerance lvl... Be it tolerance of pain or wat... I tried tolerating dem... I did for sometime, but yesterday i really could not take it anymore... Dere's always a phrase tat was told to me a lot of times tat i luv best... If u wan ppl to respect u, u must 1st respect dem... Do dey giv me any respect? Well, not exactly... Futhermore, no matter wat dey do to others, dey think dey are always right, but if another person does d exact same thing to dem, no way would dey allow it... well sometimes... but rarely... So tell me, how m i gonna treat dem as my close frienz? or juz normal frienz? I always ponder over tis question... If u 2 r reading tis, well do ponder who m i refering to... is it u?

Well... Later dere will be a learning journey... Bleh... on Valentine's Day... I rather stay in sch n sleep through d whole day... dun think i luv sleeping... is i juz hate going on tis boring tours... or rather... i hav no mood for it... Still hav to pack my things tat i nid to bring dere though... NO CHIOCE... had to go... since i'm already forced to pay or it... D only thing i'm looking forward to is d MacDonald's meal de gonna provide... well... i forsee juz a burger... It's getting late... or should i use d word early?? I better go slp now or else I'll b sleeping on d bus for d whole journey later... *Cross my fingers* Hope I dun fail anymore common tests... OR worse still, OVERALL...

Well, I juz by saying...
HapPy VaLeNtinEs DaY To alL mY LoYal SupPoRtErs tHat aRe ReAdiNg tHis!!!
1:39:00 am

Monday, February 12, 2007
Argh... Got back my physics result today... not good news... i failed my physics common test which consist of 60%... 18/40 is d score... haiz... den i gt 20/40 for claz test which is 30%... Calculate n u will noe... I got 42/90 nw... I nid 8/10 for my daily work for me to paz... which is very hard coz i hardly hand in any work... muz chiong my physics hw le... or I'll really fail... at least D7 better den E8... I pity yz... even he gets full marks for tat 10% he can nvr get a paz... dam sad for him... I feel tat i suffer almost d same plight wif him, juz a little better... tat yuan lao shi told us tat we both fail very badly for Higher Chinese Common Test... FAIL AGAIN??? OMG... I'm seriously dead... Hope is she blur rmb wrongly or wat... If not really die...

My sir told us tat for every paper we fail tis common test we owe 30... So physics fail le... 30... if HCL fail again... 60... is not abt d pumping... 60 is no kicks... but i juz dun wanna FAIL!!! FAILING SUX!!! Who would wan to fail thier test n retain... ppl may heck care... but dey wun wan to purposely fail right... Haiz...

I hate tis man... Since Feb start, d amt of bad luck i get is equals to 1 million times of d good luck i get... haiz... take today as example, i dunno y tis morning suddenly i lost my mind n went in d sch getting caught for late... Wat happened to me??? m i possessed??? nvm... thought it would b a gd thing as i can miz hair check... i did... not for long... Aft sch went to find Mr Jeffry Goh to paz something to him... went paz Mr Teo but he nvr c my hair... Heng? no wait... Y m i so blur to like knock on d door ask Mr Teo whether he could help me put tat piece of paper on Mr Goh's table? Den i kenna caught by him... he took away my name tag... Argh!!! Sianz arh...

D reason why i dun wanna cut my hair is becoz nw so ex... CNY all increase price like shit... Can't dey wait until aft CNY... Sianz... Now hav to cut myself... hope i dun look like some retard tmr... muz go ard during new year in my own hair style... tis SUX SUX SUX BIG TIME MAN!!!
10:44:00 pm

Sunday, February 11, 2007
Ah yes... I really sux at IT u noe... I'm such a coder... DUN EVER ASK ME TO DO DESIGN... I juz can't design... Argggggh... Haiz...

Ppl ard me getting agitated... I dunno y... maybe due to d stress... ppl all stressed up le... tat's y i keep saying Sec 3 sux... Dunno how to cope wif Sec 4 man... Hmm... me, stressed up?? No... Doesn't seems like it... Or rather... I'm getting more n more emo... I dunno y m i so emo lately... Still can't forget wat happened yesterday... some parents of some guy actually suspect tat I'm GAY??? OMG... WHICH PART OF ME DO I LOOK LIKE GAY??? Unless some particular person is a male... Hmm... which is hardly possible...

Dam sianz... I was thrown d work of representing d claz to design some E-card thingy for some competition held by d sch... I n desmond r a total noob in IT... or rather... designing... I only can do coding and other stuff... but designing is definitely out of d question... NONO designing for me... I'm too robotic... No imagination, no creation... I dun think out of d box... I'm in a box... Rather, I'm such a perfectionist tat I always thought of my work as not gd enough... even when ppl says it's nice, i still dun belive them...

My nucleus (brain) is getting bigger n bigger to fill up d spaces in d atom (head)... crushing d electrons (blood cells) by destroying thier orbit passageway (blood vessels)... tat's y oxygen dun get to my brain... n thus i m deoxygenated... Why d hell m i linking chem to bio??? Hmm... Anyway, ppl wonder y m i saying all tis crap... For all teachers, pls do read my theory below...

Having too many things to do or rmb will cause the brains to grow bigger n bigger, thus crushing all d blood vessels, creating d phrase "make my blood vessels burst". This would in turn prevent blood frm flowing to d brain, thus causing d brain to be deoxygenated and a stroke may occur. Even if a stroke doesn't occurs, the brain will be less active due to d lag of oxygen. Therefore, I conclude that this is the reason why many students underperform thier capabilities during examinations. This is further proven by many ITE students becoming sucessful entrepreneurs in Singapore.

Didn't bother to use d PEEL method since it will end up a long boring essay... But ppl, agree wif me?
6:09:00 pm

Saturday, February 10, 2007
Ah yes... Finally updated my blog... Exams over le... well sort of ba... Still gt 1 more elective history paper... aiya tat one... no kicks la... Mr Danny Tan gave us 3 essays questions to study... den sure come up frm tis 3 de... Got model ans le scared wat... Confirm easy de lor... Now i regret choosing pure geo elec history le lor... should hav chosen pure hist elec geo... but like tat no d teacher like Mr Danny Tan le lor... But oso wun get all dose not gd teachers tat dunno how to teach ma... Haiz... My life in Sec 3 is all messed up...

Frm todays training, I found out again tat looks like some particular Sec 2 or some grp dun like us a lot... Keep like to sabotage us eh... Come on la... Sabotage us den we kenna pump n u happy??? Den u better go c doc? We kenna pump so wat? Big deal? U(all) happy i oso dunno y de lor... So stop saboing us... Den i wun slp listening to all tis... But nvr kenna pump though today... except tat warm-up... which was like meant to wake us up? i think so ba... coz i'm almost asleep... Nvr got thier purpose though... wat's 20(is it?) standard pushups n 10 diamond pushups man? No kicks... Drills n drills today... Learn dose thing tat we learnt b4... Again... Y can't u guys rmb things??? N tat fig 12 is like so blur? Since when i lost my socks? IS BELT LA PLS...

O yes... b4 i forget... we had some kind of mock interview today... Scary nia~ Now keep on thinking how to ans for my interview le... Haiz... Can't expect wat question dey will ask... Except d usual 1s like wat post u wan? Duh... D things i say, dey all gt reason to counter... like debate? den shoot me wif questions back... which i was stun n dunno how to ans for a moment... tat's d reason y i hate interviews... so many ppl to u 1 only... unless i'm interviewing tat is... den tat's another story... ending tis here... going back to seeing how mnay ppl voted abt post stuff... nvm... dun bother explaining... wonder y i'm doing tis at tis time... 1.15 am? Hmm...
12:43:00 am

Sunday, February 04, 2007
Exams coming in 8 hours time... OMG... I hope i gt time to do d 2 essays tmr... Can't imagine screwing up my common test... n the pressure is added by Mr. Julian Teo... fail 1 common test paper n u kenna 30... wat is 30 man??? chicken sia~ but come to think of it... 1 paper 30... 8 subjects gt 8 paper... 8 x 30 = 240??? gd luck to dose in tripple science liaoz lor... anyway, who would wan to fail??? I wan A1s... A2s oso can... Dam sianz arh... Mug Mug Mug... Suddenly tis year i started mugging le arh... All my life i nvr once mug... ppl during PSLE mug like shit n i slp n slp?? =) now really nid go slp le... Tmr muz use a lot of brain power... better rest my brain... o btw, i change layout back liaoz since so many ppl say it looks better tis way... n i change d song... to 精武门... better right??? if not always 听妈妈的话 very sian... muz rebel a bit? jkjk nia~

Yea right... Forget to say... POP coming le... It's like a few more trainings n saikang to go... Sec 1s came in le... Initiation Camp will b coming soon... Den d CSM n ASM will b promoted to Master Sergeant... but who cares... all i care abt is our interview on tat particular day nia~ I still wan my ASM de u noe... No ASM at least a Part C UDI... I dun dare get Part B UDI le lor... Looking at d standard of d Sec 1s now... Scared i scare dem all... AH YES... Watch out Sec 2s... u will enjoy ur PDS training tis year... I dun like to pump ppl during my PDS training n i wun unless u all force me to... but let's c... abt d riffle warm-up?? AH YES...
11:31:00 pm

It's now already 3am plus... I dunno y i juz dun feel like sleeping... OMG... Feb sux... Lotsa unlucky things happened to me... 1/2/07 I miz marksman by 1 shot... wanted to blog at night but aft typing a lot, windows auto close... and many other suay things... 2/2/07 Discover tat I lost my no. 3 belt... Try to find it in d morning... Late for sch... but nvr got caught... phew... den gt punished during training... 3/2/07 Virus starts to attack... No chioce gotta reformat com... Aft reformatting, internet wun work... try until very long... den can work... wif d same method i use when it can't work... wth... Install files till now... Kenna scolded by my father... 4/2/07 ??? wat will happened later??? I have no idea... wat did i do to deserve tis???
3:31:00 am

Samuel Wong SP

the rest is for me to know and for you to find out! =D


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Aik Loong
Astra! 10/09

Benedict Chan
Beng Heng
Brian Wong
Bryan Koh

Cheryl Thian
Cindy Ho
Clarence Chia
Clarence Jean
Clarissa Chiang
Clifton Tan

Damian Wong
Daniel Chua
De Zhan
Dennis Ngian
Dong Hong

Edmund Loo
Edmund Loo's New Blog


Hao Quan
Heng Ling
Huai Yue
Hui Min
Hui Min 10/09
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Hui Yi

Ivan Yak

Jacob Chin
Janice (RV NCC)
Jerrell Seah
Jesmond my di (:
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Jia Hao
Jing Hui
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Jonathan Cheung
Jonathan Chew
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Jun Li
Jun Wei

Kah Koon
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Ken Seah
Kenneth Chua
Kenneth Lim
Kian Hee
Kian How


Ma'am Cheryl
Ma'am Jocelyn
Marcus Tan
Mei Hui
Mei Lin
Mr Soon Zheng Fei
Ms Chow Bick Yan
Munchy Donuts

Nicholas Wee


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Springsfield Ong

Terence Szeto
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