Monday, January 29, 2007
Help me... Someone help... I seem to be lost in d middle of nowehere... No signs, no buildings, no landmarks... Nth at all... I dunno which direction to go... Can someone guide me??? Really... I dunno wat to do now... Not say I am very free, nth to do... I got lotsa work to do... But I juz got a very bad feeling of not doing it... How do I control it??? Where's my concentration??? How m i going for my common test??? I'm getting more n more stressed up... I dunno wat to do... Getting scared tat I'll fail my test... Arhhhh...

NONONONO~!!! Wat should I do??? I juz can't cope up... It happened when I was Sec 1... But tat ain't so bad... Y we have all d new teachers??? Dey juz can't teach us properly... So how d hell m i gonna get my A1s... Not to mention whether I could paz or nt... Seriously... I think it's time for me to have some tution le... If nt I'll break down sooner or later...

Seniors... Experts... Pls help me... Tell me wat to do... How I should face my problems??? Think I should go for counceling le... If not really cannot cope le n I'll breakdown sooner or later... Like wat happened to Nicholas during d Sec 2 camp... or is it??? Dun bother asking me what happen.... I would nvr say... Haiz... S.O.S anyone???
10:34:00 pm

Sunday, January 28, 2007
Haiz BURST camp had ended... Wth so fast? We didn't have enough time to enjoy ourselves... Right OALs??? Hehez... It's like only 1 mth for us to be together... It's like so short la... Being d IC in camps make me feel like I'm away frm all d stress of TEST, PROJECTS and HOMEWORK... It's always like tat... So thus i like camps... When I'm d IC tat is... It's like so fun wif everyone laughing... Better den at sch study n study... My claz like abit wierd de lor... Maybe becoz all d teachers so wierd... All quiet quiet de... New teachers ma... dey teach n teach... but i catch no ball leh... I dunno wat the crap dey r talking abt... Like geo oso.... CATCH NO BALL!!! How go for Common Test???

During d BURST camp, something striking happened... Shall not speak in details coz i dun even actually get wat happen??? Aft tat I begin to think n think... Now i dunno to believe who... Who's right who's wrong??? I dun care le la...
2:47:00 pm

Thursday, January 25, 2007
Ah yes... I got my marksman le... 17/20 Finally, after so long... Haiz... My zeroing rox... 6.7 cm... Ah yes... No offence to those who nvr got... Juz want to write out my happiness... Lame right? n yes... I'm lame... Kkz.. Tmr BURST camp liaoz... Last chance... den muz wait until take over le... n yea... Bringing my hw go dere do... So pitiful... : ( oso bring books dere to study... Haiz... Wat to do... 8 subjects nia~ Nvm... Gotta slp early... Byes...
11:34:00 pm

Sunday, January 21, 2007
Exams, Homework, Projects... Can anyone tell me, which part of sch is fun??? Haiz... Hav been talking about hw... Now still so much hw... Tis yr at least better... Not like last yr kanna hunt dwn by projects... Now is hw tat is bugging me... Exams coming le... See my countdown u will noe... So little days left... I think becoz of Chinese New Year, dey push our exams forward... Dun think so... Can't imagine time flies so fast... It has been d end of d 3rd wk liaoz??? Wow tat was fast...

Nth interesting on fri... Went to sch as usual... Finally brought my handbook wif me... xP Den after sch, go wif warren to tat Hwa Chong Institution for wat combine PDS training... Once we enter d sch we go WOW!!! De sch is dam freaking big la... Aiya but their student pay $200 per mth leh... Or something ard tat sum... SO many students times $200, of coz sch big la... But hor... after we reach d training place, our opinion change... Dey told us tat dey r doing some COE performance... somemore performance day is our Common Test wk leh... Make us practise n practise... frm 1530 to 1800 wif only 2 breaks... 7 mins n 5 mins... wth... adjusments oso only 2... both 20 sec... Not say we cannot take it la... Is dey make us learn so many drills... we nid time to digest ma...

After the training, we were told tat dere will be another training nxt wed n fri... wed we gt IMT... fri gt BURST camp... wan me dun go OAL again... WTH!!! Somemore ask us tell our CO to let us have a retest n we go for the performance... Den how we study??? Y muz we help dem la... So i complain to my sir... After smsing alot, finally he agreed to withdraw us out... Phew... n NVR EVER take 171 frm HCI to yishun... Dam freaking long...

After reach home, as usual bathe n eat den watch tv... Too tired to do hw... Actually wan blog, too tired to post... My father showed me d newspaper... Gt CHS dere...

Den watch a horror movie on tv at 2230, abt some big head baby ghost... Can't believe i finish it... Watch until 2am in d morning... 2 movies... hehez... den slp liaoz... I think i wrote too much... Nvm... Gd practise for d 1200 words essay tat I have to hand in nxt wk... Dunno how I'm gonna do it... Haiz... To d boring hw again...
3:58:00 pm

Thursday, January 18, 2007
PDS AI course long over le... Wat's tis??? Y nid go HCI for combine training??? Wat r dey up to??? I dunno... eager to noe soon tmr... n ah yes... finally fri le... haiz... so fast 3 wks paz le... Exams coming... So sian... tis few wks do n do hw... Do until so sian le... Y can't d teachers relax n giv us less hw??? How i wish d exams come faster... Coz during exam times at least no hw...

Haiz... becoz of tat PDS thingy... missing BURST again... until now... I've only gone b4 1 BURST session... Yes... 1 n only 1... wth... Wat kind of OAL is tat??? Sian ah... How i miz d Sec 2 camp... where all d OALs had fun... Well sort of fun la... But it's confirm much better den d life back at sch...

Lastly I juz wan to end wif, I WAN GO BURST!!!
11:09:00 pm

Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Nowadays I'm starting to hate Sec 3 life... Dunno how will i b able to stand it for a year... Haiz... Lotsa hw coming up... Dunno how I'm able to cope... Still d same word over n over again... SIANZ!!! Haiz...

Abt d issue on d chatbox... r my words too extreme??? or is it u dun understand me??? CXY... i wasn't like suaning ur CCA... when i came in to look, Kenneth Tan told me 10 names... n i mean SEC 1s... Tis year de SEC 1s... Haven't even join CCA... Holding d M16 dummy riffle is in d NCC land booth... n acting like gays is when dey go on CCA tours... I have NO OFFENCE to ur CCA... Nvm i removed it le... Happy??? About d riffles part... I juz saying i dunno y d Sec 1s like riffle so much... Not saying anything abt ur CCA...

Btw, NCC Air have real MKIV, dummy MKIV, dummy M16, AIR RIFFLE n real M16 at HQ NCC n Yishun SAFRA... Nt only u have Air Riffle... ok... now i have to say tis... I'm nt suaning ur CCA or wat... Ok... Close tis matter frm now on... Dose tat dunno wat happen, den dun ask me...

Okok... Now nth else le... Go back to my sianz life le... Bye n take carez...
8:41:00 pm

Sunday, January 14, 2007
Super sianz sia... Added a tune in d blog... C whether u all can identify d tune or not... Very easy de... Dam sian... Dunno wat song to put... Any ideas???

N my hw is stacking up... Higher and higher it goes... For d unfinished stack... Turning away to look at the hw tat's finish... n found out tat NTH WAS DERE!!! YES!!! NTH!!! Great... N now i juz remembered... Dere r still more projects to go... y are Sec 3 teachers so sick??? Dey luv giving hw n marking dem eh??? wan giv can... but y so much??? All d OALs i noe are all complaining... Sicko teachers... Only some gd teachers den understand us OALs... Dey noe we r busy catching up wif d others, n so dey help us n nt stack up more n more hw for us...

Die le... dunno whether can finish all my homework today or not... Haiz... all i can do now is to do my homework... N den pray that i can finish all my homework by today... Or I'll DIE TMR... not die another day... SIANZ ARH... Haiz what to do...

N nw dey collecting $$ n more $... Dunno how leh... Die le lah... Donation card nt enough $40... $50 for Hey Maths account... Waaaaaaa... dey $ sucker ah... No choice le lor... do my homework le... BYE BYE!!!
2:51:00 pm

Saturday, January 13, 2007
Hehez... SO SIAN!!! A pile of homework... As what you zhe said... really dunno which to start frm... C the homework den dun feel like doing liaoz... OMG lor...

Anyway, yesterday was d CCA tour... Manage to get a whole bunch of ppl to listen to me and join NCC Air... Hahaz... 47 ppl sign on the list that dey want to join NCC Air... as I last seen. Mayber there is more. But based on d experiences we had, only half will join... But 20+ ppl join not bad le mah... Juz dun quit can le... But we nid 30 ppl leh...

I juz found out a fact yesterday... from the NPCC's booth... Y does so many Sec 1s got fascinated about riffles??? When dey c the air riffle at the NPCC booth, dey very enthu all wan shoot... Wait till dey join NCC Air... Den dey noe y riffles are so sian... Especially aft their Sec 2 leadership camp... =P

Sadly to say, one batch aft another gets weaker and weaker... I rmb yesterday, I saw a Sec 1 holding a dummy M16 riffle made of wood n he goes like " Waaa... So heavy" I go like WTF... I really muz use d word... WTF!!! D riffle i can use my little finger and pick it up lor... Heavy??? Den i go and dai biao Singapore go weight-lifting competition le lor... Not only dey become weaker, dey oso get more n more wen rou... I saw d Sec 1s when dey r going for d CCA tour, biting handkerchiefs, nails, act gay... OMG... Somemore dey are in Catholic High... ALL BOYS SCHOOL!!! OMG... Wat if all of dem become GAYS???

Enough of yesterdays experience... Today I spent my day finding people to link up... All d way since i woke up till now... SO ppl... Dun let me go find u... Do me a favour... Tag me on my tag board wif d URL or ur blog... Den i go link u... Easier... ^^ GTG do hw liaoz... Or i really DIE...
2:15:00 pm

Thursday, January 11, 2007
Haiz... Got my blog done... Tis time I'm gonna keep it... Aft wasting so long... Very scared leh... Tmr going back to sch le... Been scared by tyz say got a lot of hw... Die la... Nvm... Got weekends to fall back on... Tmr CCA tour le... Heard frm tyz tat a lot of ppl wan join NCC Air... Tat's good... Hehez... Wait till dey all quit den u c wat happen... Haiz... C how ba... As d title says... prepare for the worst tmr... n guys, pls tag me... Tell me 1st hor...
10:21:00 pm

Due to the influence from others, i have decided to launch my new blog yet again to test my web skills... Hehez... Still in the midst of making...
6:40:00 pm

Samuel Wong SP

the rest is for me to know and for you to find out! =D


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Aik Loong
Astra! 10/09

Benedict Chan
Beng Heng
Brian Wong
Bryan Koh

Cheryl Thian
Cindy Ho
Clarence Chia
Clarence Jean
Clarissa Chiang
Clifton Tan

Damian Wong
Daniel Chua
De Zhan
Dennis Ngian
Dong Hong

Edmund Loo
Edmund Loo's New Blog


Hao Quan
Heng Ling
Huai Yue
Hui Min
Hui Min 10/09
Hui Yang
Hui Yi

Ivan Yak

Jacob Chin
Janice (RV NCC)
Jerrell Seah
Jesmond my di (:
Jia Han
Jia Hao
Jing Hui
John Lau
Jonathan Cheung
Jonathan Chew
Jun Kai
Jun Li
Jun Wei

Kah Koon
Kai Rong
Ken Seah
Kenneth Chua
Kenneth Lim
Kian Hee
Kian How


Ma'am Cheryl
Ma'am Jocelyn
Marcus Tan
Mei Hui
Mei Lin
Mr Soon Zheng Fei
Ms Chow Bick Yan
Munchy Donuts

Nicholas Wee


Qing Chang

Richie Yu
Rong Yang
Rui Min

Seng Yew
Senior Jian Fan
Senior Nicholas Quake
Senior Sheng Kang
Senior Si Chuan
Senior Qian Sheng
Senior Yi Liang
Shawn Woo
Shi Jie
Shu Jie
Shu Zhen
Sin Yee
Sin Ying
Sir Anthony
Sir Fahmy
Sir Hariz
Sir Hsyen Li
Sir Jia Hui
Sir Lester
Sir Xian Hui
Springsfield Ong

Terence Szeto
Timothy Lim


Wai Yinn
Wei Jian
Wei Jie
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Wei Kit
Wei Xuan
Wei Ting
Wei Yeat
Wen Xuan

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You Zhe
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Zi Kang